Are You Close With Your Family Or Do You Fight With Them???

@cabergren (1181)
United States
March 19, 2007 10:24pm CST
I come from a big Italian family and we just love to fight with someone in the family. We always have someone we are having a fight with. That was until my sister got cancer and passed away. It just made me realize that life is too short to fight with people. I now try to get along with everyone in my family. I don't want to leave this life with any regrets. How do you get along with family?????
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10 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 07
Yes I am close to my Family we have had fall outs like all Families do but never anything drastic.
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
21 Mar 07
I had to laugh when I read your thread. When I was still going to school my folks were friends with an Italian family. They were the best friends in the world and they really were good to us kids too, but oh my lord could they fight and just over nothing. They'd get at it and half was in english and half in Italian...Memories... I get along real well with my daughter and her hubby. I have two brothers who are both over the age of 40 and act very imature. If they get mad about something they just quit talking and won't answer the phone, so I've just let it go. You're right life is far to short. By rights we need to treat each day as if it was our last because maybe it will be...
@rainbow (6761)
20 Mar 07
My dad and step-mum are ok other than that I don't really have a lot to do with my family, a lot of them are a bit rough and are always srcounging something so I'd rather keep oout of the way, but I'm nice if I see them. My cousin owes Shrek a lot of money for some work he did before christmas and is now not talking to us and telling the family we are unreasonable - we lost a months wages just before christmas with 2 kids - we just want some money that is rightly Shreks to live on, it's caused a lot of trouble in the family and several of them are now not talking to us, it's ok really, I don't miss them, lol.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
21 Mar 07
am on talk ing terms with my family and hubbys family we live to far away from each other to fight
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
21 Mar 07
My husband and I always fuss. But! that is our passion in us. I never fight with any of my family. We are very close. We lost a close friend. He was only 21 and he was in a boating accident. Our whole town was in shock. Now we make it a point that we never go to bed mad or leave someone mad. When someone in my family does leave, I will always tell them that I love them and to please come back home.
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@babynanan (133)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
I am close to my family but not that much. We do have a lot of fights and misunderstanding but we manage to resolve it and compensate with each other. We try to have open communication with each other. Yup, you are totally right. Life is too short so we must live our lives to the fullest. :)
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• United States
20 Mar 07
We're close..we're not 'my big fat greek wedding' close, but we're there for eachother when someone needs something.
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@sumi123 (129)
• India
20 Mar 07
I love my family.... Everyone has problem and difficulties but all of as always join back for dinner and slove the issues. Family means to me is love, understanding. Forgive and forget is the mantra i live on.
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@ma_lorena (178)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
i love my family very much and as much as possible i want us to be intact with each other, love each other, help each other.
@karen_24 (320)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
i am close to my family...sometimes they are some misunderstanding....but always to be solved....god bless
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