Update on the DORE programme for kids with ADHD and other Disorders

@14missy (3183)
March 20, 2007 6:20pm CST
My daughter is 12 and has ADHD.My other discussion asked about the DORE programme. Well, I have since found out that it costs $5000 (Aus) to do the course and that sort of money is out of our reach. So, I did some searching and have found another programme that sounds similar in the USA called the Learning Breakthrough Programme. Has anyone tried this or done it? The cost is less than $1000 and includes videos and all equipment. Here is the web site if anyone else wants to check it out.http://www.learningbreakthrough.com/index.php Let me know your thoughts....
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3 responses
@rainbow (6761)
21 Mar 07
hi Missy, I thought it was expensive too at over £3000 Enlish money esspecially as there is no guarantees of it helping. I will go and have a look at this website and I hope you are getting on well with trying to find ways to help your daughter.
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
21 Mar 07
Definately check out the site. They seem to have all the same equipment as DORE but just don't have the one on one individualised programmes. Its worth a try when it is about $700 (Aus) instead of $5000
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@BELMCstar (1341)
• Australia
20 Apr 07
How goes this now? I had not noticed an update, so was wondering the story now.
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
20 Apr 07
I have spoken to my daughter's specialist and he seems to think that this programme worked best for those children with poor reading skills included in their diagnosis. My daughter has quite a high reading age and always has so, he thinks the money is best spent in other ways. He also gave me a heap of info that specialists had put out showing sats on and off the treatment with not much difference, so it appears to be another 'miracle cure' that doesn't help much at all.
@BELMCstar (1341)
• Australia
21 Mar 07
I hope that you can find something that will help you with it. I understand how frustrating it can be to have a child with a problem. Good luck.
@14missy (3183)
• Australia
21 Mar 07
Thanks Bel. Will keep everyone posted...
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