How do you deal with someone like this?
@sirensanssmile (3764)
March 20, 2007 9:00pm CST
How do you deal with someone who is overly touchy at random times and never lets an incident (or supposed incident) go? Do you know anyone who makes things up in their heads that never happened and gets mad at you for it? How do you talk to them?
My boyfriend does this. He will make stuff up in his head, that never happened then get mad at me about it. He won't say anything about it until much later.
Even if I talk with him about it and try to reason with him about it, he may agree on the spot and be talked out of it, but he keeps it in his head to bring out later.
He claims that it gives him bad thoughts. I tell him it is all made up so he shouldn't be mad at me over things that never happened!
How should I deal with this?
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15 responses
@obang1483 (250)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
Made some stories of your own too, and be mad at him....
just look how he feels about it.
Do to him what he usually does to you. I'm not sure if this will work to you but it works for me. I have a friend doing this everytime we are having a good time partying...after few shots she would always bragged about certain incidents that never really happened, moment like she said we left her or blah, blah... but we all know what truly happened and It was never intended.
I Don't know if this will work to you because we have a different situation... but there is no harm on trying... do what he does.. and ask him how he feels because surely he would feel so bad.... then tell him this is how you always always felt when you are having this confrontation.
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
21 Mar 07
I like the idea and I wonder if that would work. It may if I can come up with one that would make him upset that I would think that way.
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@obang1483 (250)
• Philippines
22 Mar 07
take it easy though......... it could either result to good or bad. However, whatever happens just think that you tried your best to give this a solution... you could always come up to a good decision, I mean, I can say you are smart. Compromising with somebody like this takes an intellectual and stable thinking. LOL
@melissacus (441)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Well, your boyfriend is...different, shall I say. I guess I can say I know a person who does something slighty along these lines;shamefully, it's me. I don't make things up in my head that aren't true, but sometimes I do assume things too quickly and get angry before thinking. I think everybody does this. I don't really know how you can deal with him. You're pretty much doing everything you can by talking to him. That's all you can do. Talk to him and be honest with him. I wish you luck:)
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
23 Mar 07
Siren - is that why you are sans smile?
I am a bit like that sometimes, and years ago I was more so than I am now. A lot of it had to do with my sense of self. The brunt of this was of course borne by Coffeemate! lol. I wonder as to how serious this is in the case of your boyfriend, but there is usually a number of reasons for this.
Coffeemate attended a seminar at the Landmark Forum and then sponsored me to attend. While it is not intended as a cure for anything - the weekend seminar helped me focus on "Who I am" and became very alive to "What I am being" in most situations.
This is available in the Netherlands - both in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. Just ring them and attend an introduction.
Landmark Forum
Date(s): Apr 13, 14, 15, 17, 2007
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Phone: 31-20-422-1188
If you are closer to Rotterdam, they would give you the details.
At the end of the day the solution lies within a person. And that is within the power of most people. I am sure you love him and hence this frustration. Try to investigate this and all you need is a week-end. Join him if you can.
I assure you it will be a transforming experience.
Cheers to a more powerful life!
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
28 Mar 07
Oh that is awesome! Thanks for that information I will certainly call them. You are so sweet. I know he did some work sponcered seminar last summer that dealt primarily with work strengths and "Who you are as an employee" stuff but he had mentioned that there was a psychologist there that made them delve into their past relationships. However how deep they went into that is unknown. I think maybe I could convince him to go to this. I will probably have to be vague about what it is or he may get stubborn. heh
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
28 Mar 07
Siren - this is not about fixing.
This is about celebrating all that is good in oneself and being great for people around you.
He is who he is, and you obviously love him. Sometimes people need to find the magic in themselves to be powerful in love, care, friendship and responsibility.
This may be worth doing together even as a self discovery trip. Do let us know by PM.
Coffemate & I will be rooting for you.
@adela56 (183)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
your boyfriend is crazy. eh? why he's putting words in your mouth. people like your bf is quite hard to deal with.if you two gets married someday, am telling you there aint a day that you two wont argue, such a sour relationship.if i wre you, go tell your bf that maybe he needs to think things over, maybe ne needs some space for him to realize he is being quite unreasonable
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
21 Mar 07
Yeah I told him that I wouldn't consider marriage with him. Especially because he won't admit that he is the one with a problem.
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@bluesynshine (14)
• Indonesia
22 Mar 07
I know what kind of person your bf is... it's called paranoid!!
He's too afraid of something that is irational.
if you married him, it won't be an easy married.... like maybe he'll accused you about cheating on him... when you didn't do that...
maybe he'd been hurt too much from the previous relationship or he just being a paranoid...
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
28 Mar 07
Thankfully he has never started on the cheating on him thing. It is usually more along the lines of something he imagined I said. Everytime it was totally false and had no basis at all since whatever he thinks I said was not even implied. I could understand a misunderstanding.... but there was nothing said like he makes up. heh He never lets it go either. We can discuss it but he jus brings it up again later as if we never discussed it. He stays mad about it and thinks of these imaginary things too much. Yes I agree it is paranoid.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
22 Mar 07
Hello new...just decided to jump in and
found this one. It sounds to me like your boyfriend has a serious psychological problem.If he's inventing these
things in his head based on nothing in the realm of reality
and not based on any sort of circumstance then he needs to
get help. He may react quite unfavorably to this suggestion
but it sounds to me like there is a real problem developing
here. How long will it be before things escalate? Is this
something you can afford to let go? Perhaps do a bit of
research, talk to a psychologist yourself and get a professional opinion but this sounds to me like a most urgent problem.
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
22 Mar 07
He is completely stubborn and I have mentioned that he needs help but he is convinced there is nothing at all wrong with him. I would really like for him to see someone about it though.
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
21 Mar 07
It would be nice if it were easy to tell ahead of time for me to choose more carefully, however this behaviour is rather recent it never happened inthe beginning for me to think that he had issues. :)
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@GuateMom (1411)
• Canada
21 Mar 07
My father is like this. He invents things as well and then gets furious at everyone else for stuff that just didnĀ“t happen. He also forgets that he says things, and then gets angry that you remember. For example, he will forget that he got angry about some stupid thing and then say, "Oh, but I never do that." If you say, "yes, you did it yesterday" he will fly off the handle and accuse you of being a liar and of trying to tear him down. It gets old very fast. I no longer speak to my father because of this.
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
22 Mar 07
It is hard when the person is close to you, like family and all. I wonder how this sort of stuff comes about with people.
@catcai (1056)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
Have you done something in the past that made him sort of doubt you? Maybe he's under a lot of stress lately and is having a hard time coping up with it? If you havent done something that made him lose his trust in you in the past, then i dont think that there is a reason for you to argue with him. If all that he;s saying is senseless and he is becomming too paranoid- then just ignore him and give him the silent treatment. If he asks why you have become like that- u tell him what you feel- that you are offended because of the way he thinks about you...
Talk to him why he thinks like that, does he trust you at all? maybe he's had a traumatic experience before or something...
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
21 Mar 07
No we have never had a break in trust. He pretty much just started doing this not too long ago. Out of nowhere it would seem. We actually had a great relationship and rarely a fight at that point.
He seriously makes stuff up. Stuff that have no factual basis in the least. He just pulls it out of the air! Like for example:
I like his family fine and have always said nice things about them and everything. Never have I said anything negative at all.... Then he tells me, out of the blue that he can't stand me telling him not to hang around them.
There was NEVER any sort of comment like that. I always said I love his family.
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@chenvstony (365)
• China
22 Mar 07
I think you'd better be pational with him.When he involved in his own bad thoughts,you need a lot of time to explain to him until he understand completely.Once he thinks of that things again you need to explain to him again because you have no choice.
@bluemestizo (429)
• United States
21 Mar 07
For a person that makes up bad things in their head and blames it on others has a serious mental problem. If it is constant he needs to see someone for help like a psychiatrist. You ought to tell him he needs to see someone about that. If I were you don't give in to his craziness and counter react to it.
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
22 Mar 07
You are probably right. I will try not reacting to him to see how it goes.
I did suggest to him before that he needs to see a councellor but he believes that he is perfectally fine. Unfortunatly he really is convinced that there is nothing wrong with him. I think he is crazy.
@Robyn28 (384)
• Canada
21 Mar 07
Hi Sirensansmile
I went out with someone who was kind of like that they'd remember things differntly then I would I felt like they were making things up. I'd be like it happened this way or that never happened and they remembered something that never happened I gave up on arguing with them so I let alot of stuff slide. In terms of the guy randomly I had another ex like that he'd grab randomly and it made me uncomfortable. We'd go places and he'd make out with me it annoyed me there's a couple reasons he's my ex the fact I found out he'd grab other girls and he also cheated on me I kicked to the curb when I found out we didn't last much longer I was done. In terms for you talk to him about how you feel, myabe he'll understand? I mean there's place, I hope he doesn't continue to make up stuff that's just odd I don't understand when people do that.
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
22 Mar 07
He is quite difficult to talk to. He doesn't like to have talks and when he does it takes an hour to get one answer out of him. He will only talk wen he feels like it which is only when he has somehting made up to say or rarely at all. I have asked him how he felt and if there was something bothering him but he will just ignore the question or say no.
@gleznov (391)
• United States
21 Mar 07
In psychology this is called projection. The problem is, you can learn a lot about what's going on in his mind by what he's projecting out on you. If he thinks you're cheating on him, you might be very cautious - he may have it in mind to cheat on you, or may have already... If he thinks you're being a big liar, he could be being a big liar to you. Whatever he feels guilty about, he projects onto his mental image of you and thinks you're guilty of it. So be careful with this one... Unless of course you are cheating or a big liar (lol)
Of course, he could always just be a plum crazy paranoid - who knows?
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
21 Mar 07
He doesn't go on about me cheating or lying. His deal is that he has pretend conversations in his head and acts as if they really happened.
I think that is partly right though about some of the things he makes up. I think he projects his own feelings about himself on me. Like once he told me he is tired of me critisizing his drinking.... However he doesn't drink that much and I NEVER had a conversation with him about drinking nor have I ever commented on it....
Maybe that was his own thoughts. Who knows right?
Other things though he seems to pull from the air like he was tired of me telling him not to talk to his family.... wtf right? Sheesh
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@shalinimathur (11)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Ya one of cousin brother also behaves in the same manner.He also talks about all things which never exist or is of no use.What I do is simply sit and listen to him neither try to make him understand nor try to cross question him,this way he feels satisfied that what he said was heard and was accepted.If I'll sit and make him understand he will never understand so I just listen and then ignore and pretend as if nothing happened.