what do u think about meditation?

meditation - I think it is great
you can know everything from it
like bhudda
@bcc23488 (883)
March 20, 2007 9:36pm CST
I think it is great you can know everything from it like bhudda
2 people like this
7 responses
@brckoba (795)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I think meditation is a good way to be in touch with yourself and also to make peace with all the "demons" that live within you. What the world needs now is peace! It would be awesome if people started meditating more and arguing less. It's also amazing what it can do for your stress level. :)
@bcc23488 (883)
• Thailand
21 Mar 07
meditation is not do for training but it do for enlightment you can know everything in the world and it make you have happy all the time it make you don't have angry and greedy
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
23 Mar 07
I use to meditate almost everyday. It helped me calm my mind but I didn't know anymore than I did.
@perugu (5279)
• India
21 Mar 07
hi,friend,it is one of the best stress reliever available.It is safe and good to health.We will get good thoughts and brain will be sharp.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
21 Mar 07
well I do get into a deep study alot I think it is relaxing
@lpetges (3036)
• United States
21 Mar 07
i have a friend who is really into this., and she loves it, she starts her day off with it., and said she never felt better.. its like she is addicted to the feeling fromi it.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I could never do the meditation thing. My mind is so busy that I just can't stop it long enough to meditate. Some say that it keeps the body healthy and helps you sleep better. I just can't stop the voices in my head long enough.
@moreinfo (3865)
• China
21 Mar 07
yeah, meditation is a way to make you yourself, with perfect thinking and characteristics.