By finlander60
@finlander60 (1804)
United States
March 20, 2007 11:36pm CST
When you go out to eat, how well do you tip? The standard used to be about ten percent. I believe that the standard has now been raised to around fifteen percent. As a former short-order cook in a good restaurant, I was used to seeing the waitresses go home with more tips on a good evening than the manager made. The waitresses would give some of their tip money to the cook that was on duty, before they left for the evening. The first time it happened to me I asked why they did this? The response was "We want to make sure you keep on doing a great job for us." How do you feel about tipping? Do you tip well? Why, or why not?
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40 responses
@mikesgal4ever1999 (732)
• United States
21 Mar 07
When we go out to eat as a family, there are 5 of us and so long as the service is acceptable (keeps drinks filled, brings condiments, keeps dirty plates from piling up, etc) then that server deserves something and we usually leave 10-15% of the total bill. If that server went above and beyond the normal call of duty, we have bee known to leave more. If the service is less than acceptable, we have left less of a tip to nothing at all. I do not simply tip just because its the proper thing to do. Servers do make an hourly wage (I know its not much, I used to waitress as did my husband) and the tips are an extra added to the basic. That extra is deserved when the job is well done.
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@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I have no idea what the standard of pay is now. When I worked in the food service business, waitresses DID NOT MAKE MINIMUM WAGE. The taxes were taken out as if they did, their tips were EXPECTED TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE. If they didn't, oh well. By the way, YOU ARE TIPPING FOR THE SERVICE, NOT THE QUALITY OF THE FOOD. IT'S NOT THE WAITRESSES FAULT IF YOUR FOOD DID NOT COME OUT THE WAY YOU EXPECTED IT, IT IS THE COOKS FAULT. I apologize for the rant, but many folks don't know this. How many realize that TIPS is an acronym, which means: To Insure Prompt Service.
@tweakpotter (745)
• United States
21 Mar 07
OK. First you all need to know that i ama HUGE soda and coffee drinker, especially when I go out to eat. With that being said, let me say I base my tips mostly on how soon I get my drink refilled than almost anything else.
I understand wait-staff is busy and ahs many things to do on busy nights, but I don't ask for a lot of things, I am not rude, I don't even make my order that difficult. The only thing I reall ask is that i have my drink filled when I need it to be. And I'm not saying instantly or anything, but within reasonable time after being set on the edge of the table (the universal sign for 'More Soda').
I do factor in things such as politeness and speed elsewhere, but since my only real demand is drink refills, and it only takes two seconds to to do usually, that is what i look at the most.
@twistedvanilla (244)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Tipping is supposed to be 15% I think. On the few occasions we do go out, if the service is good, we will leave a tip. Anymore though, service has not been good. If the restaurant is busy, I could understand a little better, take that into consideration...but when I can see the waitress behind the counter, chatting with someone while I've been waiting for her to come by so I can ask for a refill for the last 20 minutes, then no way am I leaving a tip.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Yes I do around 15%. Although I have been known to leave a 1 cent tip (much to my friends' embarassment) when the service has been lousy I figure if I don't leave anything thing they will just think I have forgotten. Some waiters have asked if I made a mistake I them no and why. Of course I don't go back there in case they try and poison me! LOL
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
21 Mar 07
The percentage that I tip is in direct proportion to the type of service I receive. If the server brings the meal and never returns to fill drinks, ask if we need anything or whatnot, then there is no tip left! (yes, I have had this to happen on numerous occassions) If the service is exceptional then I leave 15-20%. There are varying degrees between the 0 and 20%! Nothing irks me more than to sit through a meal with no drink and have to get up and go find my server or flag down another server. Another pet peeve is to get a meal and not get the condiments that are needed i.e, ketchup, steak sauce, jelly, syrup.
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
21 Mar 07
I always give 10% , nothing more, nothing less, and someplaces where I live usually charge for it, as a service so I don't even have to worry about how much I must tip.
I like to give tips, have nothing against it. It is a kind of extra reward for those who did the work.
@matlgal (1686)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Here in California the average is 15-20%. However; I am a stickler for good service. My Mom was a waitress for 30 years and she ran her tail off for her tips. Back then they didn't have to share or pool their tips. She always took care of her Bus boys and her cook from her pockets. So I demand good service for a good tip. I will not feel guilty about tipping 5% or less for terrible rude or botched service. I expect them to keep my tea filled, my food prepared the way I asked, and delivered in a timely manner hot! and I expect them to offer the condiments that compliment my meal (ie) Horse radish, Tobasco, more dressing, lemon, or whatever.
But at any rate if they don't want to "Service me" then I don't feel the need to support them? it's that simple.
As with any occupation "Do your best or don't do it at all". I work with people that should feel really guilty about taking a paycheck home every week. In the food service industry it's real obvious at the end of the day if you did a good job or not isn't it? If you have $100 in tips you should be very proud, on the other hand if you have $20 you may have to ask yourself if you really did your best and deserved better?
That's my $.02 worth. Thanks
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@greengal (4286)
• United States
22 Mar 07
That is very thoughtful of the waitresses:) My hubby usually tips around more than 10% of the bill..since its just the two of us our bill comes anywhere between $25-$40..he leaves a tip of atleast $8-$10. He believes in giving them atleast an hourly wage..if they are paid hourly or whatever. I always tell my hubby that he is a good tipper and the one who serves us is lucky that day..hehe
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@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
23 Mar 07
I would be willing to bet you two get VERY GOOD SERVICE, TOO.
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I do believe in tipping...I tip up to 25% for great service and especially if there were special reuqiests that got taken care of!!! I don't ever feel it is imperative to tip if the service is bad...I used to always think I had to tip no matter what...but some really bad food and service has taught me differently!! My average tip is probably 20%...as I know the server usually splits with others... I left 15 % recently because although most things were in good order, the server never brought the milk that was ordered and she was reminded about 3 times...the rest of the night was great ..so it varies with the service!!!
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@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I tip at least 15% when I go out to eat. IF they have taken care of us while we were there. If we had a great evening and didn't run out of drinks or spend a half an hour waiting for our check. By the way, hello from a fellow (former) Kansan! I am from Leavenworth, Kansas. I have requested you for a friend if you are interested :)
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
21 Mar 07
We already have a 10% service charged added by law to our bills. Though it arguably goes to the restaurant instead of the staff, we are a non-tipping nation. We do not really encourage tipping here and people are not that willing to tip because service generally s*cks.
@DeaXyza (577)
• United States
21 Mar 07
We tip anywhere fron 12% - 18% depending on the food served and also the waitress's attention and timely deliverance. Like water, service etc. I have personally never left without tipping 'cos they make most of their money from the tips only and not by the job they are doing standing all day which pays a pitifull $7 an hour!
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
22 Mar 07
I believe that as stated before the standard is now 15-20%.
I belive in tipping well, if I get decent service I pay for it. If the waitress is new or having a bad day, I lay down a huge tip to try and turn things around for him/her.
If the service is really, really bad then I just won't tip.
A good website to check out is http://www.cocktaildoll.com/ which is run by a las vegas cocktrail waitress. She talks about how to tip and has lots of useful and funny info on vegas.
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@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
22 Mar 07
Thank you for the website information. I will check it out when I have more time available.
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@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
23 Mar 07
Several years ago I was working at a restaurant as a short-order cook. I had a few regular customers, but not many. The price for a cup of coffee was 9 cents, with no tax on it. Refills were free. A customer came in, sat down at the counter, and ordered a cup of coffee, when asked for his order. I went and got him his coffee. He drank it and I gave him a refill. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a quarter and left it on the counter, as he was leaving. He got almost to the door, stopped, turned around, pulled out his wallet, walked back up to the counter, and put another dollar down on the counter. Then he actually left. That amounted to $1.16 tip for a 9 cent cup of coffee. If my math skills have not left me I believe that would be a 1,288.88% tip. Not bad for a 9 cent cup of coffee, huh?

@jojopuff (520)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Whenver my husband and I go out to eat at a sit-down restaurant, we tip 10%. It's easy and we feel it's a fair amount. Sometimes I feel bad because I feel like we should be tipping more, but I think 10% is a good amount nonetheless.
That's cool that you got a share of the tips! I think tipping is a good thing, because it gives the waitresses a little extra cash and it is just a nice thing to do.
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@kattghoti (106)
• United States
22 Mar 07
I almost always tip 15% (rounded up). If the service is terrible, I'll tip less. I don't believe in not tipping except one very extreme circumstance, because I don't think it helps the waiter/waitress. I don't know what's going on in their life, and a really bad tip (or no tip) could just make things worse for someone else later in the day. Service has to be exceptional in order to get 20% or more. Of course, everyone has their own version of exceptional, and I generally don't like all the little tricks waitstaff uses to get better tips. For me, the one thing that will completely blow a person's chance of getting a good tip is sitting at my table to take my order. I HATE it when someone sits at my table!
I feel as if tipping is pretty on par with commission. It's a bit sad to make people jump through hoops to get paid, but those who excel are definitely rewarded.
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@hanumanthrao8 (2)
• India
21 Mar 07
Tipping to waiters is help for them, because the salaries for them is very low.They most of them Based on the tips only.If tip them their service will nice when we go next time to thev resturant.when go to any restuasrant i will give tips to them.
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@ElisMa (7)
• United States
21 Mar 07
If I receive average service I tip the average 10-15%. However, if I receive superb service, I have been known to throw out up to 30% for excellent service... Ive been in that position before, so I know what it takes on a busy night to give the best service possible.... and I know how little they make w/out the tips.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
22 Mar 07
My standard is 15% unless I have had really really bad service. If I have really good service I will tip more then 15%. I worked as a server up until I had my daughter and I know it's really hard work and you have to kiss a lot of butt to make good money. And on the nights when the restaurant would be totally slammed and the kitchen did an awesome job with our orders we would always tip them out. A lot of people just don't realize that most servers only get paid 2.13 an hour. Their income is solely based on tips. The way I feel if you can't afford to leave a descent tip go to McDonalds.
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