Do you HATE receiving BILLS each month?

Are the bills stressing you out? - A picture of a frustrated man clucking his hair. He has bills to pay yet does not have the money. He is angry yet the anger is impotent. He can't do anything and has no one to turn to.
March 21, 2007 4:38am CST
Wife: Is it time? Husband: Time for? Wife: It's the end of the month already... Husband: What about? C'mon old girl, speak clearly! Wife: Well, have you paid the utilities bill or do we have to light candles again?!! And so, it is *that* time of the month again. Phone bill, utilities bill, credit card bill, what have you. Every time when you receive your bills in your letterbox, do you HATE seeing them? Do you try to ignore their presence, and not open the envelopes till you really have to? As long as we continue to exist in this mundane world, it seems that we always owe somebody something. Other than the polluted air around you, pretty much everything costs money. Unless you can find an unclaimed forest somewhere, you probably cannot even survive on wild berries. And if you have children, there are even more expenses to cringe about. Any thoughts on this issue? I was thinking (I mean, have decided) of leaving the discussion open-ended this time, with no questions in particular (well, except for the topic question :P). Do share, my friends. ;-)
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105 responses
@perugu (5279)
• India
21 Mar 07
hi,friend,in india we don't have much bills pressure,by god grace.We used to pay water bill,house tax,school fees yearly once...Telephone bill,electricity bill and rent if it is rented,we will pay monthly.We use credit cards very less,majority of the transactions are with cash. Here in india...we will spend the money on different heads from month salary-- 1]20%-house rent. 2]20%-groceries including food items [rice,grams,oil...] 3]10%-children education. 4]10%-clothes,interior 5]15%-all bills 6]25%-on savings like bank deposits,insurances,gold,plots etc..
7 people like this
• Singapore
21 Mar 07
Wow, you are the first person I came across who use percentages to clear outline your expenditure. :P
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@sherinek (3320)
• United States
22 Mar 07
Yes. Thats PERUGU. The planning Wizaard! Keep up the good work perugu.
2 people like this
• United States
21 Mar 07
I am really surprised my neighbors don't think I am crazy. Though I would assume they now know when I get my bills, cause I usually say out loud, "Dang it, not another one these dang things!" And maybe sometimes a few not so savory words are said about the company that is billing me. Although can't complain to much the only thing I pay on is the electric, cable,internet, and car insurance bill since those are under my name. Usually I pay them a few months ahead just so I don't have to worry about them to much. The cell phone bill and my husband's car insurance he pays himself. I don't drive his car and I don't really use any sort of phone, so he gets those for himself. I don't use credit cards so don't have to worry about any of that. Probably wouldn't be a good idea for either myself or my husband to have one of those. We like to spend money to much, and would most likely get into trouble with I generally don't go around creating bills, so basically on a monthly basis I only have the cable, electric, internet, and car insurance to pay. It's really not all that much, but sometimes just wish I could do away with them as well.
@AmbiePam (96311)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Credit cards are things of the devil! I use mine for gas only, unless an emergency comes about. So far, the only emergency I've had is getting a soda - because I was really really thirsty! : )
4 people like this
• Singapore
21 Mar 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
eweledbluerose: A few months ahead? I don't know anyone who does this... and I didn't even know I can - unless you mean you overpay deliberately... AmbiePam: Not really - if you don't need to pay for the card, and if you can use the reward points, and if you make sure you don't overdraft, it actually is a very good financial tool.:P
3 people like this
• United States
21 Mar 07
I agree. My credit card in a 2.5 year time period saved me $1200 on my new car (after my previous was totalled by someone in an auto accident.) Therefore I love credit cards and if I'm going ot pay in cash, why can't I pay with a credit card and earn some rewards as well? The problem is, most people pay with the credit card but forget about it till the big bill comes. The key is to put that money aside each month that you buy something. Or you can even buy something on the credit card and then send the credit card company a payment immediately to be added on your account. Then you get free bonuses.
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@rainbow (6761)
21 Mar 07
a lot of our bills are paid direct out of the bank and so we get quarterly update, which I hate. I really do not like comapines like my anaimal DVDs who sned me a reminder but never a bill, taht really annoys me and their letter tends to get forgotten now as it makesd me so cross, but I willpay them wehn I get round to it.
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@dana234 (2114)
• Spain
21 Mar 07
Absolutely right. The problem is that a lot of institutions donĀ“t accept any other form of payment anymore.
• Singapore
21 Mar 07
It's dangerous, imo, to have them directly take the money from your bank account. They may charge you wrongly and it would be harder to get back the money then if you had not paid them in the first place. Sometimes, you might run into overdraft problems if you have forgotten to leave enough money in that account.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Mar 07
I hate bills more than most people because I really don't have the money to pay them. It is awful. Sometimes I can't sleep at night worrying about the bills.
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• Singapore
21 Mar 07
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I hate bills. Especially when you are trying to save money for something special, and then the phone bill or electric bill comes in & it's a whopper. I open everything the day it comes in, write how much is due on the calendar on the appropriate due date, and then file them in my bill file. I check the calendar every day to see what is coming up with which paycheck. Yuck.. bills are soooo tedious.
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• Singapore
21 Mar 07
You just have to make allowance.. :/
2 people like this
• Singapore
21 Mar 07
I know what you mean... :/
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• United States
21 Mar 07
I do and we have savings. I just hate getting paid and then watching the balance in the checking account dwindle away due to bills.
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• Philippines
21 Mar 07
Yes...All of us do(especially my parents!).Well that's life we are all in business and we should always pay our bills the same thougth as we love to receive money. Actually, there are always some ways so we couldn't be so stressed out when receiving bills.On time when I watched Oprah, they were discussing about how to get over debts by cutting out credit cards, well that a wise thougth. So if we want lower bills then I think it's time to change our overspending routines:-)
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
21 Mar 07
I have always considered bills to be a simple fact of life and do not allow them to distress me unduly. I keep a planner for the year which I created in microsoft Excel,which shows all bills for the year and their approximate amount, so I am never caught unawares with an unexpected demand for something that I had forgotten.
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• Singapore
21 Mar 07
Incredibly organised...
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 07
Whoever said life was free LOL! It's the taxes I hate the most, we are taxed on EVERYTHING! Pretty soon they're will be a tax to breath, for every lungful of clean air we will be charged for! I am currently unemployed but I need my car to be able to drive to interviews etc and the amount of money I spend through petrol and VAT, car tax, insurance, MOT, repairs! Then there's the household bills coming in and the electricity and gas bills are always going up and up! The government are just another Sherwood of Nottingham robbing the poor and feeding the rich, or in today's case, robbing the poor to make bombs. Rant over! Least I can recycle the bills afterwards that's all they are good for the shredder! (once paid naturally) although there's only so much money they can squeeze out of my stone!
3 people like this
• Singapore
21 Mar 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
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• United States
21 Mar 07
Yes I do and if anyone says they don't mind then they are either senile, wacko, lying or all three.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
21 Mar 07
I tend get bi8lls on a regular basis, rather than the end of the month. Although I do get two lots of rates almost at the same time. I hate it! Here is a list of the bills I receive, if I can remember them all: Council Rates (2 lots, every 3 months) electricity (monthly) phone & internet (monthly Water (monthly) Water (2nd property) Emergency Services Levy (2 per year) Ambulance (once per year) Health Insurance (once per month) House & contents insurance (once per month) Car insurance (2 bills, once per month) I also get the "Save the River Murray" levy, but they just add that onto the Water bill. I'm sure I have left something out here, but it's hard to remember them all.
• Singapore
21 Mar 07
*cringe" "Save the River Murray"? Goodness, what ??? thing is that? :P
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@alen0224 (527)
• China
21 Mar 07
Of course, it is always the hardest day of a month when phone bills, gas bills, electricity bills etc, all these bills are sent to me. I think no one would be happy by receiving these bills, but you have to pay for them, or you would live a hard life in the next month, whether you are willing to pay for or not.
@NatureBoy (493)
• Singapore
21 Mar 07
Sigh talking about bills, my phone bill just came. And it isnt even payday. ARGH!! That explains it all, why I hate bills. They notify you before you get pay day, so that once you get your pay, you will pay them first.
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• United States
21 Mar 07
Do I hate bills? Yes....but I realize each one I get is a comfort item. Remember 100 years ago they didn't have gas bills. They didn't have cell phone bills or cable tv bills. And definitely not an internet bill. The world (mainly the US) is becoming a comfort country. We are obsessed with having our comfort items and don't enjoy nature in it's own anymore. I bet if everyone on here was thrown onto a deserted island (with no way to get off) with no technological items, at least 50% would kill themselves within a week from going insane. It's sad, but many would probably agree.
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@jencai (3412)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
you had a perfect timing, my head and back neck is aching. i feel pressured whenever bills come one by one. Now i have received my phone bill, the next electric bill will come late this march and lastly my internet connection will soon be due. it really makes me feel sick, i am now jobless. i started a small store which is P 15,000.00 in philippine peso, i don't earn that much with it. in this regard, i take all the responsibility in our house, my parents don't work anymore. i hope i could earn more so i can provide the needs of my family.
• Singapore
21 Mar 07
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@babyreyn (934)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
To lessen the bill? Don't get married. hahaha... dont use electricity, dont use phone, and everything that will requires you to pay your bill! hahahha... good day lordwarwizard.
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@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I hate them, I hate them, I hate them..... As soon as I pay them, they seem to just appear again, a never ending cycle. But without them, I guess I'd be living in a cardboard box, in a dark alley somewhere begging for change to buy food. So I guess I'll just paying them, I'm not happy about it, but I'll do it.
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@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
21 Mar 07
Hey you are right pal! It is bills all the drains my purse ..making me wanting to earn more to meet the growing expenses. After all life is like this!!!!!!
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
21 Mar 07
Bills received are chucked aside. I do not open them. Afterall, my monthly bills are pretty standard and they are automatically paid from the bank account. I only checked my bank statement to ensure there is enough funds to pay. So receiving bills is no big deal for me.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
21 Mar 07
yes, I absolutely hate bill time! Not to mention my bill time is twice a month. Although I have to say that when I have paid them I feel a sense of accomplishment! Then the sadness sets in....LOL
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@juskoday (183)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
I don't hate receiving bills as much as I hate PAYING for them!
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