True Love Is Endless Love. It Lasts Forever. You Too Can Find It

@agusfebi (813)
March 21, 2007 9:05am CST
Many relationships that start so well with love, excitement and enthusiasm crash so fast that you begin to wonder whether all the euphoria was worth it.Divorce rate is high . . . yes. But I still believe that there is such thing as true love and that true love is endless. Why?
3 responses
@diannebcrs (1549)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
yep i still believe that there's a kind of love that lasts a lifetime, amidst all the divorces, bitter breakups and all that. it's just that we've become all confused about what it's supposed to be all about. we're into "forever" but ironically we're not one to wait. we want a relationship right now, we can't wait for it to flourish in time. it ends up being like a fruit that was picked before it's time. also we built the wrong foundations. we act on impulse and easily confuse that with love. we want something lasting but we're not willing to commit and place things in the right order. we end up listening more to love songs than listening to what the bible speaks about love. we end up dissociating romance with commitment, love with friendship. we end up filling up what we don't know with wishful thinkings. and when we are stuck in not-so-perfect circumstances we give up. this just isn't the way to go. i still believe in a love that lasts, we just gotta find it and preserve it and work at keeping it alive.
@agusfebi (813)
• Indonesia
26 Mar 07
I did not know must answer the reply on the response that you replied, because of so many responses that entered the box discussions I. I could only say thank you very much and thank you before him and thank you for all of his responses.
@NiKe_bOi (165)
• Singapore
21 Mar 07
I use to believe love last forever.. but now.. i tink there love onli able to last a life time.. but if there is realli love that last forever.. could it be true love??
@agusfebi (813)
• Indonesia
26 Mar 07
I did not know must answer the reply on the response that you replied, because of so many responses that entered the box discussions I. I could only say thank you very much and thank you before him and thank you for all of his responses.
@paulsy (1263)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
"love is patient, love is kind. it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not rude, it is not self-seeking. it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. love never fails.." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Even the Bible will tell us what true love is all about. when the excitement and enthusiasm crash so fast, then one cannot consider it love at all.. simply because love perseveres. when you can forgive and forget, when you can trust and hope that things will become better on those times when everything seems complicated, they you surely know that it is true love...
@agusfebi (813)
• Indonesia
26 Mar 07
I did not know must answer the reply on the response that you replied, because of so many responses that entered the box discussions I. I could only say thank you very much and thank you before him and thank you for all of his responses.