Van Halen Returns . . . and Bass changes . . .

March 21, 2007 10:20am CST
Talk about the Van Halen return and Wolfgang replaces M. A. position .
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4 responses
• United States
21 Mar 07
Well it's off now. Eddie is in rehab. I was looking forward to the tour. I would have been more into it, if Michael Anthony was still with them. Nothing against Eddie's son, but come on ... Michael Anthony was the bass for the entirety of the history of Van Halen. I was sad to see the Van Halens not show up to their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I can understand if Eddie was in rehab ... but Alex not showing up? Come on. I've always liked Van Halen ... but in their later years the Van Halens are showing their true colors.
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• Brazil
22 Mar 07
Its True . . . Thanks for enfort !!!
• United States
21 May 07
Saw Eddie on NASCAR a couple weeks back .. talk about Britney Spears dumping her rehab too quick???? C'mon Ed, gimme a break ... I would love nothing more than to see VH tour with DLR one more time, then maybe with Sam again ... but only if Ed is 'user friendly'. I paid good money to see him drunk and stumbling thru his riffs in 2004, I will definitely take better note of fan reviews before I waste that kind of money again. The Other Half? Damn right .... more like the Better Half. Vic Johnson can play all except the best of Eddie's solos, and his riffs sound much cleaner. I like David Lauser, but I would LOVE to see Deen Castronovo do Alex's parts ... he is about the most powerful drummer I have ever seen live. Dave
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
26 Mar 07
I've never understood why Dave, Eddie and Alex ever let a no talent, no rhythm, nothing of a Bass Player like Michael Anthony in the band in the first place. I have "Live Without A Net" on DVD, there are several times they show MA with both hands off his bass, but the bass line keeps on going. His worthless bass solo only showed he is a better Jack Daniels drinker than player. I figure someone else has been playing that bass line all along anyway (or he was just burned out by 1986). I say let Michael Anthony go ruin the Wabos and Bring on Wolfgang! Let's just hope Eddie can get himself together long enough for us to actually see what we've been missing.
• United States
25 Apr 07
Do you know those ultra high-pitched background vocals that are such a part of the Van Halen sound? Those are Michael Anthony. So is the amazingly powerful bass punch of their songs and, of course, the adolescent party-loving attitude of the band. If Mike was a bad bass player, Sammy Hagar wouldn't have anything to do with him. And neither would Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Yet, they play together? Long live The Other Half!