Why do farts follow people around rooms?

March 22, 2007 6:19am CST
I was thinking about this the other day as my bf mentioned his farts had followed him. Then I thought of how that always happens to my dad when he farts, the smell can follow him wherever he goes around the house. I think its must be something to do with when you walk you create a kind of vacuum of air or something behind you and the fart follows that route. What do you think?
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2 responses
@silverlou (372)
22 Mar 07
I think it so funny but true. But also why do some people fart and it dosen't smell and yet others are real fainters. Maybe its to do with the type of clothing they wear or maybe they think they have finished farting but in actual fact the fart is escaping like a faulty gas valve because it so gaseous and huge it cannot be contained.
22 Mar 07
Ha ha. I laughed out loud to myself for ages when I read your response. I dont know why soem peoples farts smell more than others. It proabbly got something to do with what they eat and how quickly they eat it. Ye, maybe the gas is till escaping for longet than they think haha.
22 Mar 07
It is just a guess but as the smell has to penetrate the clothing to get in to the air... I'm guessing it stays in the clothes for a while! I have never thought about that before; but it really is a gross thought! When you fart it sticks to your clothes! Yuck!
22 Mar 07
Eugh. Maybe your right. I heard once that the smell is actually small particles of poo so perhaps you're right! Just think, ever time you smell a fart you're actuallly inhaling partices of poo! Im not sure if thats right or not but I could be.