Mother tried to bury her child alive!
By steney
@steney (1418)
March 22, 2007 10:49pm CST
I was watching the news yesterday when they ran a story about a mother who went to a cemetery and asked a grave undertaker to bury the child she is carrying in a bag. The mother was asked for a death certificate but she wasn't able to produce any. When the undertaker opened the bag, she was shocked because the child was still breathing! She told the mother to bring the child to the hospital, but the mother refused because she thinks the child doesn't have a chance of surviving, and will have her buried anyways. The former offered to take the child herself and to adopt him as she is childless. The mother agreed and fled in an instant. The child is still in the hospital and authorities are looking for the irresponsible parent so they can file criminal charges against her. How can people be so heartless? I can't imagine a mother doing it to her own flesh and blood.
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57 responses
@JerzeBch (50)
• United States
23 Mar 07
Stories like this just make my blood boil! I don't understand how a parent can act like that to their own child. I just want to have one minute alone with that mother and smack the crap out of her! Thank Heavens that the undertaker opened the bag and that he was a caring person! I'm so glad that there was still a chance for that baby. I hope they catch the mother and make her pay for what she has done.
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@maverickden (274)
• India
24 Mar 07
well i agree with you on that one..
i get really very disturbed when i hear something like this..
talk about economic growth of the country..
@adrenalyne_rush (126)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
yeah, i also watched that news in T.V. patrol here in Phils. Poor child, good thing the undertaker found out that it was still alive. i believe in karma, one day, that mother who abandoned that baby will regret that. it was a good thing that the undertaker would adopt the child. it has no difference in abortion, it's so happened that she already gave birth to the child then she's gonna throw it away. may God have mercy on her soul. the question is, why bury it? why not just gave it away if she can't take care of the baby herself? why didn't she let someone raise the baby for her.
• Russian Federation
23 Mar 07
that is really pathetic! i cant believe that a mother can do anything like this. i am shocked! it's really a sad scene. may GOD protect that child
@gsnarayanan (1704)
• India
23 Mar 07
It is really a sad case. Is the child a male or female? I suppose that the mother is helpless! If she wanted she could have killed the child and brought. But she did not do that. Either she has no means to rear the child or has been deserted by her husband. It may be an illegal child also. Any way by the grace of GOd the child got a loving mother. I wish and pray for speedy recovery of the child and have a happy life with the new kind hearted mother!
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@steney (1418)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
I'm not sure of the child's gender. As of last night he/she is still fighting to survive. If the mother is really helpless, she could have just brought the child to an orphanage rather than the cemetery. What angers me the most is that she is aware that the child is still alive and would still like to proceed with the burial! I forgot to mention that the boyfriend/husband is with her that time. I pray that he/she be given the chance to live. I really feel for the child.
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@tarheelnancy (1317)
• United States
23 Mar 07
I can't believe a mother would do this! You see it on tv and you hear about parents hurting their own, all the time. It's completely horrible! What kind of person could do this to their children? I would never even spank mine. Children are gifts from God. They should be loved and cherished, appreciated and respected. Never mistreated in any way.I hope they find her, I really do because if she could do this to her own child whos knows what she might do to someone else!
@gwenmari1029 (1481)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
i was able to watch this also. i feel so sad about this news... and so angry to the child's mother. she is so heartless and she doesn't deserve to be a mother in the first place. there are a lot of women out there who would do anything just to have a child while she treats her child like a kitten which she can just leave anywhere she likes... its so inhuman, i think this mother should be punished and jailed.
an update on this is that the news people were able to locate the child's mother. and she said that she was just afraid of what had happened and she is willing to take her child back...
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@steney (1418)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
Maybe she's just afraid of being punished that's why she's willing to take the child now. Make her look like she has a conscience after all. But oes she really think she would be given custody of the child after what she has done? She deserves to be imprisoned for this.
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@crickethear (1417)
• United States
23 Mar 07
That is awful. Oh my gosh, that poor child. You can imagine anyone doing that? Oh that just makes me cry.
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@mjsdls (1840)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I'm a mother I for one can not understand why mothers can do this. I know that depression and this messed up world has alot to do with it, but she would have had to be completely out of her mind to even consider doing her child this way. Maybe she did not realize what she was doing, I hope this was the case because I can't see that if she did know and still could do something like this.
Well here I am babbling again. I'm probably not making much since. I agree with Thowell I personally do not see a difference in this and abortion. Especially those who get an abortion willing because they do not want the child. It is different in the cases as far as the mother going to die and the child. No since in both dying. Well I hope some of what I said was understandable, LOL. Have a good evening.
@GuateMom (1411)
• Canada
23 Mar 07
That is truly awful. I can´t believe a woman would think her baby would not survive, therefore kill it! What kind of a twisted mind is that?
Now, in many parts of the world, there are special, warmed boxes at certain areas where you can leave your baby if you don´t want it. You just stick it in this incubator box and push a button so someone can come and get the baby. The child is automatically filed as abandoned, so it can be adopted right away. We need more services like this, I think, to prevent such horrible things from happening. Thank God that undertaker was smart enough to look at the child first.
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
27 Mar 07
I too have never heard of warmed boxes and I live in Canada. Those should be available everywhere! :)
This is truly awful and I sincerely hope that the little baby survives and can go home to live and grow up with it's new loving mother.
I too am thankful for that undertaker...My prayers are with this baby. Please keep us posted if you hear anything about its recovery!
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@fatragu (677)
• United States
25 Mar 07
It still amazes me that people kill their babies. I wonder if she is in the USA or if this happened in another country. I know that you can take a baby or child to any hospital, police station, or fire house and they will take them for you no questions asked. I had even considered doing it a couple times when I was overwhelmed with my girls and no family around.
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@chaime (1152)
• Philippines
26 Mar 07
Sad, sad, sad.
No, this 'thing' did not occur in the US, it occured, unfortunately here in the Philippines. Here in the Philippines there are also institutions who will take your child if you are not able to take care of him/her. I think it would have been better if she gave away her child, there are many couples without children here who would love to take a child as their own. At least give the kid a chance..
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
23 Mar 07
Where in the world did this happen???? There are some heartless and cruel people out there in this world of ours. I can not believe some of the things parents will do just to be rid of the children. It just makes me sick!! I pray that this child makes it, and is adopted by a loving family who will provide a great life for this precious baby. Thanks for sharing.
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@ivhygeine (21)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
i'm very disappointed in reading this story of i am a mother of two also..i really can't imagine that mother did that to her own flesh..but i just want you guys to look on the other side...many of us will immediately conclude that this mom should be taken to the police the moment she will be found for the crime she committed..i believe the mother should not be put to prison..she needs to suffer with what she did but, how sure are we that after serving her punishment and the moment she conceive a baby again, she will never do it my own opinion, the mother should be brought to rehabilitation...there is a very concrete reason why she decided to do maybe is she can't afford the needs of the baby the moment he survives, or she has suffer a lot of problems that she cannot take it anymore and dont want her baby to suffer the same thing she did...she should be brought to a place where she will be able to realize that life should not be taken into one's hand unless God permitted,a place where she will feel loved so that when she gave birth again, she will have the capacity to love her baby because she was given that same love. She will be punished by her own conscience by that time because she will realize that what she did was wrong...I go for that kind of treatment because I believe everyone has its own kindnesss kept inside their heart...
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@lezhiya (31)
• United States
24 Mar 07
i am angry at the mom don't get me wrong. i feel as if she didn't want her child she should have took the proper steps in placing her with the proper family. with that being said i also want to defend her a little. who knows what was going through that woman's head. she could have been suffering from post partum and to tell you the truth that is nothing to play with. i dont want to plead a case with her, but i myself went through post partum depression but i was lucky i was in a position where i could get the proper care i needed immediately. who knows this woman was probably in a place where she could not get that help at all. i want bash her and say she is a bad mom or anything like that. what i would say is that she was a mom who made a stupid choice.
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@Jusred (1578)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Just another example of the sick world we live in..
This one reminds me of the recent story of the mother who put her baby in a microwave..Due to the severe burns, that child did not survive. Thankfully this child was found before such a henious act was committed. But, yes, they need to find this woman and press charges of attempted Murder in the First...
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@hopefoo (1145)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 07
How awful!! Where is this? I should think that this happened in some third world country. I can't stand it when I read or hear news like that especially in places where everyone is supposed to be civilized. UGH! How can people be so heartless? I don't know. They're just inhumane. I mean, even if she couldn't afford to keep the kid, she should atleast just consider giving up for adoption right? Not burying it alive. The woman must have mental problems.
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@steney (1418)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
It happened in the Philippines, and yes, it's a third world country. There are other options of giving up a child other than killing. Some leave them in orphanages or other people's doorsteps. But there are some who leave them in garbage bins too! Oh well, that's another story. I forgot to mention that the 'couple' (mother and father)went there to have the child buried. So the father must be crazy as well.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I am pro-life. I think the above is wrong. I think that people who do these things are either ill or numb due to the way they were raised or their surrounding. Many people the think above story is horrible but that abortion is acceptable. People go to jail or get the chair if they kill a child or adult. However, it is acceptable to kill a fetus that has a heartbeat. Something is wrong with our world.
@steney (1418)
• Philippines
26 Mar 07
I agree that abortion and killing a child are both wrong. Maybe some people feels that killing the latter who is already out in the world is more condemnable than killing the one in the womb. But I believe that in the eyes of God they both the same weight.
@coolchai (753)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
=( here i am going so berserk over a tooth ache of my youngest son. and that irresponsible parent will just burry her child alive! she must really be insane!. i shall do adopt that child just in case i was asked to burry it alive. yes you are right babies are angels!
@Caila611 (992)
• United States
23 Mar 07
HOW awful. I'm an adoptee that had medical problems and the docs weren't sure i woud live to see my second birthday. But my bierth mother gave me a chance. She tried to take care of me but my heart issues were too much for her. So she gave me up. I'm 35 and a very happy, well adjusted person! It just brings me to tears to hear that mothers are trying to do these aweful things to there children just because they are sick or have medical issues. I'm crying just typing this!
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@neglitex (347)
• Latvia
23 Mar 07
I have even seen where one mother who couldn't have any children killed another mother who was pregnant and stole the baby. And then she pretended that is is hers.....And when she saw that the police had arrived at her home she shot herself! Of course the child was returned to the real father!
I can't believe how people can do such things. They can't be normal...
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