Who was cain's wife?
@chemayomillionaire (39)
March 23, 2007 12:35am CST
according to the bible, the first couple in the earth was adam and eve, after they were sent out of the paradise they had children and started to make a family, the most popular were cain, the farmer and abel, the shepherd.
when cain killed his younger brother abel, he was ordered by God to leave his family, and cain left and started his own family.
the question is: where did cain got his wife? considering the fact that they are the first family ever to live and explore the earth. and there is no other information i knew regarding that story, anybody who is a bible guru can please tell me who and where cain got his wife.
4 responses
@chakotay (240)
• Romania
27 Mar 07
The question of who Cain married has been on of the most popular questionsby creationist and evolutionist alike. In Genesis 4:17 is tells us that Cain had a wife who gave him a son. Since the only humans on the earth were ADAM, Eve, and their children, were did Cain get his wife? The only logical answer is his sister. Many people will argue however, that if Cain married his sister, that would be incest,a sin.Also, their children would have birth defects, as a brother and sister who had a child today probably would.
Genetic defeormations are caused when both parents have same genetic "mistake".For example, say a perfect genetic code is ABCDEFGHIJ.Now , no one today has a perfect genetic code. So, if one parent has a code that's ABCDSFGXIJ, and the other parent has a code that's AZCDSFGHIJ, the child will have the genetic "mistake" that the S caused. Normally, the genetic codes will have different mistakes, so the corect part of one parents code will "override" the mistake in the other parent's. the colesr the parents are related, the more likely they will have the same gene "mistakes"' tus more chance of a deformation.
Adam and Eve however were made perfect, iclundig perfect gene structures. So, all of their children inherited those perfect gene structures. It was after Adam & Eve sinned that bad mutations in the gene structures started. So there were no defomities to worry about. As for the laws of incest , there were none at this time. In fact, in Gen.20:12 you find that Abraham married his half-sister, so up to that time there was obviously nothing wrong with it.These laws witch were written by Moses, came 2.500 years later, when they were needed to protect humas due gene deterioration.
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@titisjatmiko (26)
• Indonesia
24 Apr 07
The Bible did'nt tell us that God created only 4 people (Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel) that time. I think Adam and Eve have another children. So, one of Adam's daughter was Cain's wife.