Parents have to buy laptops for their children
By onabreak2
@onabreak2 (1161)
United States
March 23, 2007 7:19pm CST
One of the people I ride home on the bus with was saying tonight that he received a letter from his 11 year old daughters school yesterday. It stated that they wanted all the parents in his daughters class to buy apple computers and software to go with them. They are going to try having the whole class do all their school work on the laptops. It is an experiment.
They will do all the studys in school with them and then take them home to do the home work. The software is over 200 dollars.
This is kind of an expensive experiment and when I asked hin what about the people that could not afford a laptop for their child he said he asked the same thing and this was the answer. Apparently the children whose parents cant afford the laptops will sit in another class.
This is crazy and also discrimination . I know when my kids were in school at that age I would not have been able to afford that. And besides the fact I couldnt afford it , I would not want my child sitting in front of a computer for that long.
The laptops have to be Apple computers also. What are your thoughts on this and would you be pitching a fit about this. I would.
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33 responses
@astromama (1221)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Great.. so if you can't afford to buy an expensive laptop and the software to go with it, then your child has to sit in a different classroom and all the laptop kids will make fun of them for being 'poor'. That sounds like a great idea to me. Let's just implement a caste system while we're at it, shall we? Eleven years old is too young to have her own laptop, I think. I wouldn't trust an 11 year old with MY laptop! What if it gets damaged? Laptops are expensive and I can't imagine many parents going for this. I agree that it is total discrimination, and I would be one to pitch a fit, for sure! What happened to the days when 'school supplies' just meant glue, a ruler, and some colored markers?
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@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I wouldnt trust a 11 year old with a laptop either. Half the time they cant remember to bring the coat home. And that is totally wrong, making the kids that cant afford them sit in their own class. It is the most ridiculous thing I have heard. They dont even know if the radiation that comes off them is safe. They would just be guinea pigs. There will be lots of people complaining about this brilliant idea. I know I would be. It is just wrong on so many levels.
Thank you for your comment.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Have you eer noticed that just when a bit of equaity slips into a system, there are measure taken to remove it?
If I was a parent with this problem I think I would try organizing parents with a similar problem and getting af ew very loud and inconvenient protests at the school and, if necessary, at city hall with news papers and TV stations alerted. There is no way in hell I would stand for that kind of requirement during compulsory education.
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@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I will ask him next time I see him but he was going to be talking to a few people at the school about it. He doesnt
like the idea at all. If my kids were in school I would be up at that school throwing a hissy fit. If that did not work then they would be pulled out of there.
Thanks for your comment.
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@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Many schools are switching to this--and it is working out to be extremely beneficial. HOWEVER, the schools did not expect the parents to purchase laptops or software. The classrooms were set up and turned into computer lab-type of rooms and the children login and off the computers in each class they have. Unfortunately, many schools are having theif federal funds stripped away because there is no funds to be had to spend on education improvements, despite what the government tells us. Many states are also struggling financially to support education. When the funding isn't there, they begin expecting parents to supply many many more things for the student, and pay more money for programs the school once offered, or risk having those programs done away with. That is the sad state of schools.
Our DODea school (for military dependent chilidren living at overseas bases and a few in the states are left), just informed students that because of DOD funding cutbacks, next year they are merging the junior high with the high school, and cutting teachers jobs. They will make teachers combined grades, so you will have for exampler, 6th graders in the same room with 9th graders sharing the same teacher at the same time. Parents are in an uproar, but this is hard cold facts, the government has to get money from somewhere to support the war, and so they strip it from education.
If I were you, I would get to your next school board meeting and asking questions about them expecting you the parent to buy such expensive supplies or risk having your child and other children singled out and not equally educated because their parents may not be able to afford to purchase these things. Then go to the local newspaper and tell them what is happening--they'd love to hear about things like this. Also see what your schools PTA can do to assist--maybe they can find local businesses willing to sponsor this new program and purchase the laptops and software for the schools, then each kid could sign one out and be responsible for it. The school needs to start doing some fundraising to help pay for these things, and not expect the students/parents to supply them.
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@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I dont think it is beneficial for a child to stare into a computer all day long . For so many reasons and on so many levels this is not good. These are not college kids they are 11 year olds.
So it isnt all about the expense of it. It is about the whole idea.
Thank you for your comment.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Wowsa... Although I think it is a great tool (laptop) for the child. I can't imagine being told I had to buy one- Why doesn't the school supply them?? Oh because they are too expensive. I agree that this is discrimination-- There should some kind of help in buying this- Buy them together for a better rate and have financial aid for the parents that cannot afford them. Is this a public school- or a private one??
I could afford one for my daughter- but I'm not sure I would want my 10 year old to have one- They are expensive-- and they come with alot of responsibilty!
@silvermoonmyst (943)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Im sorry but NO. My child would not be in a class like that. He is not allowed to touch a computer now, and he ownt be allowed to use a computer untill he prooves to me that he is responsible enough to use it. School work or no. He can sit down and handwrite assignments. There is no buying him his own computer. THats insane.
IF the school there wanted to do that study, they should buy the computers for the kids! Not the parents.
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@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I would not do it if I had enough money to buy all the kids in the school one. I dont think it is good for them to spend that much time on a computer. I also do not think they are old enough to be responsible enough for something that expensive. Anything could happen to it and it would not necessarily even be the childs fault.
Thank you for your comment.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I think that's the worst thing a school could do. There is so many things wrong with this. For one, the kids that get the laptops will put down the ones that are in the separate class room because there parents couldn't afford to buy one. I wouldn't let my child go to school with a laptop, one little oops and then your out what 700-1,000 bucks. I think all the parents need to complain and I mean even the ones that could afford the laptops. If this is the teacher's experiment, that teacher should fork the bill, and since that won't happen. Then that teacher should scrap that idea and go back to where kids do there homework by paper and pencil.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
24 Mar 07
For one, if they want all the children to own laptops and new software, I think they should provide the computers and software for the children that cannot afford it. They are the ones after all that want to try out this experiment. I really don't think it's fair they are going to make the children who can't afford the software to sit in another class. It's singling them out and will eventually make them feel bad because they can't afford to buy this new expensive piece of equipment.
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@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Well it would be the tax payers who would be buying them. But the whole thing is wrong on so many levels. Thank you for your comment.
@asteriskec (1074)
• Philippines
24 Mar 07
It's either the teacher receives a commission for really specifying that the parents get their children APPLE computers or he's just creating another issue big enough for him to land a guesting on Larry King Live. What this teacher's doing is wrong in many levels and I think the best way to address this issue this early is for the school administrator to be informed of such "experiment". It is not only discriminating against the parents who can't afford the computers but the discrimiation will also rule between the students themselves since those who can't get their own computers have to sit in another class. Now that's teaching them division and discrimination at a very young age.
@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I would be going as high up in administration as I could. This is just wrong.
@lisado (1227)
• United States
25 Mar 07
What a crock! If it is some kind of experiment they should provide the computers then! I know we couldn't afford to buy a laptop for our son just for him to use for school! They should offer laptops on a payment plan or something then. And to make them go to another class because their parents can't afford it is cruel. It's not their fault if we can't afford to buy them a laptop with special software! Especially those of us who have more than one child. How can you buy for one and not the other? We pay book fees and such now, but that isn't enough? Now they expect some parents to have to cough up the money for laptops? I'd be throwing a major hissy fit!
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I would not buy my 11 year old a laptop, especially when they say it is an experiment, any kid who wants one should have to pay for 1/2 of it with money they earned so that they take care of it better.
Next, if your friend does follow through on it, have them check out the refurbished
Here is the link
Next: if the $200 is for Office - insist that the school go with OPENOFFICE.ORG . This is software that is 100% compatible with ms Office and it is free.
If you have any questions, feel free to send me a note, I am an Apple fan, love my Apple, will not go back to Windows. Apples are superior machines.
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@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I will check that site out. But I still wouldnt let my child state into a computer all day. I dont think it is going to fly.
Thanks for your comment.
@mommy2jason922 (529)
• United States
25 Mar 07
they cant just expect parents to hand over $200+ on something like that. i think that they are just teaching the kids to be lazy by not writeing and i think it makes the teacher lazier cause she/he wont have to stand at the chalkboard to write. i would be going to the school board about something like that.
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@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
25 Mar 07
It is more like 1,200 some odd dollars. The software alone is over 200.00.
The computers are 1,000. But even if they were free it is not good to sit that long in front of a computer. Not for an adult let alone a child.
@blackkatdreamer (1461)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
honestly it is descrimination against lower classes... what should have been said before parent even have to buy them is oh well lets see if we can get a discount for buying all those laptops and then have a fundraiser for those who cannot cover the extra OR the school provides them and then keeps ownership of said computer... children who's parents cannot afford the computer should not suffer in their lessons and should not feel like second rate citizens
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@larakulpa (5)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I held minor issue with this as I was reading through, in waiting for the answer to the question, "What if the parents can't afford it?" - Though I was hoping for a much better answer than the one you stated was given. Now? Now, I'm appalled.
Even if I were one of the parents who could afford it - I'd raise a stink at the school board, I'd call all the news and media outlets I could, I'd build websites for crying out loud.
I have no issue with a child sitting in front of a computer - I have issue with children sitting in front of computers WITH internet access, without parental supervision. It's just another tool for them, and as long as they don't have internet access and they're being used for word processing or what have you - or even just intranet emails or what have you - I think that's fine.
But I'm stuck on the fact that the kids whose parents can't afford it, are going to be segregated. It's going to put a socio-economic label on them, and I'm sorry, that's just SO not right. What, they can't segregate based on intelligence anymore (you'd be surprised how many schools have done away with "Gifted programs" and I think there are only two states left with a Regents/Honors program, CA and NY), so they have to resort to economic status? It's absurd. I'd be throwing a fit.
In fact, what school system is this? Where? Give us more details and let the web take hold of this!
@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
24 Mar 07
You have no issues with a child sitting in front of a computer? have you ever noticed the signs on most monitors? Low radiation?
I dont think it is good for anyone to sit in front of a computer all day. Let alone a child.
I think that the parents are going to be pitching such a fit over this . They will be sorry they even suggested it.
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@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I feel its a pretty crazy demand and expectation for parents to do this. Worse... making children feel like they are outcasted for not having one is horribly wrong. Now if the School provided desktop Mac computers in a classroom setting for those students okay, then no one is left out. The school district should have a special worked out with Apple for these laptops with discounted educational pricing somehow. Thing people have a computer of some kind anyway. I can completely understand why they prefer the MAC, because you basically have no issues with a MAC, compared to constant problems with a PC. Mac's are completely user-friendly and great for kids. It would make an interesting experiment guaging student's learning with these added tools.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
24 Mar 07
Yes...I agree. I think that this is ridiculous. I don't understand how they think people can just come up with hundreds of this day and age. We all have bills and other monetary responsibilities. I think that this is totally unreasonable. I can't see it working out...
@jsgrand0 (246)
• United States
24 Mar 07
It sounds to me (if this idea was concocted and approved by the teachers) that the teachers are just trying to lighten their load...and I don't mean that kindly. I love teachers, in fact, eventually I will be one, but I would never try to push work off by telling students that we are going to do all our work on computers. Give me papers and pencils any day. This is a ridiculous idea and I understand that students need to learn a certain amount of technology, but that is to be done in computer classes...not in reading, math and science.
@CarlyLaine (759)
• United States
3 Apr 07
GAWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! I hate the school system! I hate teachers! I hate the UNION-I hate UNION TEACHERs! I hate the Legislature! I hate OREGON LIBERALs..!
This is incredible!!...but so very typical of LIBERALs and their control of the masses and most people don't even fight it. You'll just roll over and allow them to rape you financially..I would protest if I were in that situation, but to whom? Because I don't trust anyone in the government why would I do it...but I would rebel..oh I would and big time!
The kids whose parents can afford it will sit in another class??!!
AM I A HATER!!!???
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@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I think that is an outrage. I agree with you that this is discrimination to put children who can't afford it in anotr class and, yes, I would pitch a fit about it if that should happen in the school where my son attends. The schools should have all the computers and hardware that the kids need. If they don't have one at home the kids will just have to do their homework the old fashioned way, writing it out with pen/pencil and paper.
@janeyre (14)
• United States
24 Mar 07
That is outrageous!! I would absolutely have words with the principal and teacher about that! Not only is it ridiculous to expect parents to shell out hundreds of dollars for an experiment but consider the kids that can't afford it. It would be embarassing to say the least then not only will your own class know but everyone in the class you are sent to. I hope that father raised hell(beg pardon)!!!! What are we teaching kids?!!