Tap or bottled water: Which is better for you?

March 23, 2007 10:04pm CST
The amount of dissolved minerals in water, in general, is extremely small, and no vitamins, protein, fat, and carbohydrate are in water. Many American tap water supplies contain fluoride that is added in their processing plants. Bottled water, on the other hand, is not necessarily fluoridated. So, nutrient-wise, bottled water may be inferior in terms of fluoride content, especially problematic for children who are forming teeth. As far as safety is concerned, believe it or not, both tap and bottled water must adhere to similar standards of quality. The main difference between the two: one comes at a high price, the other is free. All water, bottled and tap, contains microbiological and chemical contaminants that enter our water supply through nature, by animals, or from humans. In everyday terms, it would not be feasible to eliminate all contaminants from water — not only would it be extremely expensive, but it also wouldn't offer any greater health protection.
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24 responses
@smuggeridge (2148)
24 Mar 07
Have you been sent here to test me before my exams? I am doing a course in Hydrogeology and contaminated land in which we do things about water quality as well as health things such as Asbestos. Anyway, i actually did an experiment for my undergraduate degree (i'm now doing a masters) In which i tested different bottled waters Vs Tap water. Interestingly i found that overall water quality was better than tap water in just 5 of the 8 bottled water samples, so 3 of them actually had poorer quality water than the stuff from the tap.
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• United States
24 Mar 07
Personally I drink either tap water or water thats bottled at Springs. Though from a cost benefit point of view bottled water isn't worth it, it's nice to have it to carry around and use anywhere, and to have it there in the event of an emergency. Reusable bottles can work, however the damp environment is frequently conducive to the growth of bacteria and fungi, so you have to be dilligent in washing.
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@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
24 Mar 07
In our case,bottled water is the only option.My g/f has a low immunity system and can easily become very ill with our tap water.I never use to have a second thought about my drinking supply but with all the impurities now being found,I have looked a little closer at it.In my area,for the first time ever they have had to put out boiling water warnings as the bacterial count in the water hit new records.I do not want to see my g/f have to go thru more pain then she already does.
@j27366 (293)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
our drinking water is made-to-order and it is delivered a few hrs later. i heard their way to process is 16-stages. i don't know what chemicals they put in but, so far, it's the best option we can avail of right now. it is quite expensive to buy bottled water. we cannot drink our tap water anymore. it's really not suitable for drinking.
@microzeta (245)
• United States
25 Mar 07
If the water coming out of your tap is unclear and unclean, then you have a problem with the plumbing in your building, because local and federal regulations require almost every jurisdiction in the US to maintain minimum levels of standard for tap water. In fact, tap water and drinking fountain waters are quite comparable, and are held to a HIGHER level of standard than bottled water. Many people think bottled water is better for you, and is cleaner, but this is NOT true 90% of the time. Bottled waters are generally from local bottling tap supplies, and because they are sold at as a beverage, not as water, they have relaxed quality standards. Don't believe me? Do the research yourself, then go buy a basic water testing kit, and text both your tap water and your favorite bottled water brand. I did myself, and verified my results; my tap water was actually CLEANER than the Poland Spring I tested. Don't just listen to people tell you the truth, go test it yourself.
@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
25 Mar 07
The water that comes from my tap smells like chlorine, so it kinda turns me off. I have a refrigerater that gives water and ice. I use that water for drinking, coffee and my animals. The filter does need to be changed at least once a year. I do buy bottles of water when I am traveling or out and about.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I have a water purifier that sits on my counter. I would never drink water directly out of the tap, and I can't afford to buy as much bottled water as I like to drink. I use to and the plastic containers really built up too before it was time for them to be allowed to put out for recycling. My water purifier makes water taste just as good as bottled and I can see by the sediment in the purifier all the stuff its getting out of my water.
@RAMONES (537)
• Belgium
24 Mar 07
Tap water is better from the ecological point of view. Whenever the pipings are rinced on regular bases, you should always prefer tap water. Quality is high, and it works out a lot cheaper on the environment
@fatragu (677)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Right now I drink bottled water because my husband gets it from work for free. In my kitchen there are 6 cases of wter and there will be more added tonight when he gets off work. We also have 3 in storage so if we ever go without water again we will have a nice supply. It will also be coming with us when we move. I like the fact that he gets it for free because I don't like the city water where we are. And it is really easy to just toss a 6 pack into the car or wagon when we go somewhere.
@WyldPnut (74)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I live near chemical refineries. I have never trusted the quality of our water. I also do not like the taste of our water. I by gallons of bottled water. It tastes much better. I use bottled water to cook or make tea and coffee. For everything else I use regular tap water.
@sikhan (30)
• Bangladesh
24 Mar 07
I am living under developed country so here we never drink tap water due to jerm. I am driking bottoled water. My opinion BOTTLED water is better.
@Lovett (464)
• India
24 Mar 07
I hate bottled water. It tastes yuck. Tap water suits well for me!!!!!I drink bottled water only if I m out with friends n tap waters not available.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Some of the bottling plants have been found to be less strict on their procedures than those that are used for tap water. The best thing for you is to drink water of course you hear alot of complaining about tap water and than see people turn right around and get bottled tea of soft drinks from companies that have been cited for health violations. So I am for either tap or bottled (provided its a good brand name) but one think that makes me sick as a dog is if I drink it is well water...yuck!
@neoneel (17)
• India
24 Mar 07
actually what i think is that amount of mineral content of tap water varies from one geographical region to other....so it can sometimes be harmful(eg. flourosis spreads because of high fluorine content of water) so at such place bottled water is advisable and moreover if there is a epidemic then water spreads the disease quite a much....taking this into consideration bottled water is a better option if not a problem with cost in using it
@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
24 Mar 07
I drink bottled water all the time. Funny though when I was a kid everyone drank tap water and never thought a thing of it. But we have had some ecoli scares in our province so I think many have turned to bottled water.
• France
24 Mar 07
I never drink water out of a tap, I always buy bottled water
@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I drink bottled water, as we live in an area where your suppose to boil the water before drinking it. Anytime somebody tells me that information there is no way I'm even considering drinking it. The water doesn't come out of the tap clear, as its quite cloudy and it doesn't smell very good.
• United States
24 Mar 07
doesnt matter with me. Both taste fine. Besides bottle water is someones tap somewhere.
• India
24 Mar 07
i will choose botteled water for me becoz it passes through various chemical process to remove its impurity.so i think botteled water is more safe for our body as compare to tap water
• United States
24 Mar 07
i would say in most cases,bottled. our local tap water tastes metallic.i don't know why it does,but that can't be a good thing.