school violence

Hong Kong
March 24, 2007 12:37am CST
As a teacher, I found many cases in school violence. Students as the object of the system sometimes can't be handled well. the schools just replace the teacher into another part, but what will happen if the bad habbit appear again in others? the morality degradation will be wider. give your opinion and of course problem solving. thanks guys, see ya
1 response
• India
24 Mar 07
The school violence is much more prevalent that it has ever been in the past. However, we must ask, "what part is violence on TV, in the movies, on video games, cartoons, newspapers, music, and the Internet playing in our young people's lives?" We must also understand the the home and family unit plays the most important part in teaching self respect, respect for others, confidence, self-control, and most importantly, that problems are not solved through violence. I am sure that teachers are more cautious around students who may have anger issues, but use discipline measures that are appropriate to rules that are broken and according to the governing bodies. I also believe that if you are a teacher who is afraid to discipline because the discipline could cause violent retaliations, then teaching may not be your calling.
• Hong Kong
31 Mar 07
what a great comment! in my opinion, Violence can't be used for discipline effort, since the teacher's anger have been unhandled. thank's for your comment anyway. GBU