Do any of you care about real issues or just the little petty ones .....???
By braided
@braided (698)
March 24, 2007 12:53am CST
Do any of you care about our enviroment or about the poor or about whats really important in this life ... or would you rather dwell on little petty issues that mean nothing .... What has happened to people? I mean who cares if you colour you hair or not ... who cares if you drink coffee or tea in the morning .... or if you change your pillow and sheets at the same time .... Come on give me some substance will ya .... You are boring me to tears ... or give me a laugh ... but give me something here ...
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16 responses
@bluemestizo (429)
• United States
25 Mar 07
I don't tend to worry so much on petty issues -- it really depends on what issues they are. The one thing I find stressful is high gas prices and due to the fact about issues with pedafiles that walk on the face of this earth that molest and murder children. Things have gotten out of control for that issue since it is all over the news most of the time.
@braided (698)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
Yeap I hear that ... I think media is a good topic I mean the fact that they report only bad news or mostly bad news which puts most of us on the defence and fills many with anger and fear is an issue in itself ... Not to say that that these issues that you mentioned are not important or relevant because they are and police should be busy looking for these people instead of handing out all sorts of seat belt infractions ....
Yea and then theres our government with taxes on gas prices .... or the people that make cars ...who could have solved this issue of gas by making more effient cars many years ago but where only thinking of there own profit gains .... oh the list goes on ..doesnt it .. what can we as common people do? .... thanks again for your input ...peace
@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
Im with you and totally agree. Some of the topics on here are so boring and self absorbed. I don think many people on here really have anything smart to say but in all fairness there are alot of good users that post quailty topics you can relate to. Anyways I see your from Canada me to! CHEERS
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I don't care about fashion or what color is in for the season, nor do I care about make up, or weight or anything petty. I care about deforestation and the fact that poor innocent pets are being abused every day by the people that are supposed to love and care for them and that children are dying everyday because their parents can't afford to buy food to care for them.
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@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I agree with you that many of the discussions seem to have little substance---at least to me, but different things are important to different people. You also have to consider the level of the writer's maturity. Some of the discussions are written by very young people who haven't yet developed to the point of caring about anyone or anything but themselves. Be paitient with them and go on to the discussions that are more interesting to you.
@braided (698)
• Canada
24 Mar 07
Thank you for your comment ... I was just putting it out there to see how many would respond and what peoples perferences are ....not necessarily for advise but i know how my question was posed and how it sounded and that was intention to see who would get upset ... or who would understand what i was saying .... thank you again and its good advice .... peace
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@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
25 Mar 07
It's funny, in a way... as the Internet brings us closer and closer to more news and views from around the world, people seem to get increasingly absorbed in a self-centered "me-dot-com" attitude towards their lives. Sometimes it feels like the act of sitting around with friends and discussing the world, life and everything is slowly dying out.
When I moved to where I now live (six months ago) I joined the local "conversation cafe" (you can find it at ) which is PRECISELY about sitting and talking about something "real." Last week, we talked about monogamy, as an institution and social control construct. Yesterday we took on the subject "what is art?" Who knows, maybe there's a Conversation Cafe near you? Also check out the Socrates Cafe network, or the World Cafe.
So, no tears here! There are still people who like to talk about "real" things-- you just have to look for them.
@coolmailraj (2459)
• India
24 Mar 07
Its nice to know that at least you care. Yes some(or I should say most) of the discussions going around are not worth talking about, but don't you think that most of us are here either to earn or to enjoy ourselves and that is what everyone is trying to achieve.
@Stiletto (4579)
25 Mar 07
Personally I think there is quite a good mix of topics on myLot. Of course people care about the environment, world poverty, etc but if every discussion was about the important issues this would be a fairly tiring (and depressing!) place to be. Sometimes it's good to just have a bit of fun and talk about trivialities for a while.
I would also add that we could spend all day on myLot talking about important issues but if all we're doing is talking and not actually getting off our butts and doing something about them then surely that is also a waste of time.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
25 Mar 07
well i care some on issues worth caring for and trying to be of help if we are all benefited from it
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
25 Mar 07
Yes, I do care about our enviroment and about the poor people in our world, no I do not worry about petty issues, I understand what you are saying I do not worry about people that colour their hair or not there are many discussions that I have responded to that have more substances in their discussions, and I always try to put things to help people learn more about life.
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@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
25 Mar 07
i care about the state of society's pyschological issues. and how that affects a whole civilization. because i think the native americans had it right.
@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
25 Mar 07
I said the same thing when I started. It is really hard to find anything on here to comment on. Then if you start a discussion that someone doesn't agree with they give you a negative. My star just keeps going down because I say what I mean and mean what I say. I have really had to hold my tongue so many times. Well not my tongue but you know what I mean. Some person wrote about a move she made and every little stop along the way and put it into different segments. Like I don't even know how many because I didn't give rats a s s how many times she got out of the car to take a wee and how many times she missed the exit and on and on and on.
Oh and there are the ones who say my baby is running a 105 fever and has been sick for 5 days but instead of calling the doctor I will just ask all my friends here what I should do. I saw one today. There are the ones that write for shock value, the ones that make up stories. I don't know what mylot wants. If they want me to make up stories I guess I could do that. But what is the point? Oh and I saw one I think it was today. I am not going to be on my computer today. I am going here or there and will be gone for so many hours so if I don't respond to your discussions I am sorry. I will try to get to them when I get back. Why don't they just write Dear Diary, today I am going to take little Mikey to the soccer game. Who gives a crap. They can do what My lots says in the facts and that is to email their friends. The problem is a lot my lots fault. People don't read the facts and so they really are clueless. Then they see some of these other idiot discussions and join right in with their own. So I totally agree. No I don't want to know about your dying your hair. No I don't want to see the joke you copied and pasted out of your email. I got the same one in my email and it isn't yours if you didn't write it.
So Thank You for bringing this to everyones attention. Sorry if I turned this into a rant.
@braided (698)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
Its kool .... I think you should be able to be you and say what you wish ... and you are right ... This is a free country so if they can talk about that stuff that is meaningless then you too should have your say about it .... dont ya think?
And just for the record ... I agree with you ... I guess when I wrote this I was ranting too .. because I had put some postings out there and got no response and I wondered why such trivial topics got responses ...maybe they are just easier to answer ... who knows .... but like one of the other comments I got said ... thats the way most people are ...or the way of the world is ...go figure ...
thank you for your comments .. peace ..
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
25 Mar 07
I put on makeup when I go to work just because people are so petty they mey think less of me without it. It's that way in my professional insurance office and that way when I was waiting tables. My best friend got her masters degree in psychology, and I got to be the subject of her various experiments for term papers. One of them was do servers get better tips with or without makeup. On the weeks I went in totally made up, hair nice, etc...I made awesome money. On the weeks with no makeup and a basic ponytail(but the same service) not so great money. I think it's pathetic. In the world there is a crisis in Dalfur, the Middle East, too many worldwide issues to even begin to list, yet people are worried about if you like Coke or Pepsi better. I don't understand it. Personally I's rather concern myself with the real issues facing humanity, yet every weekday I put on make up and go to work...

@braided (698)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
Hey soccermom ... its all good do i ... I mean we do what we have to, to survive in this world .. how ever we do it ... i wasnt making a judement call on that ... i was just saying when talking about things ... and thats a good subject in and of itself do people treat you differently when you dress a certain way etc .. at least that has some substance ...know what i mean ... thanks so much for your comments ...peace

@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
25 Mar 07
maybe its just an illusion
i think i'm gettin good at filtering out the petty stuff
I care about what really matters to me I think
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
25 Mar 07
I was just curious did you braid your hair this morning? thats a joke dont get mad and sorry if I offended you. Honostly I knew nothing about the getting paid and all that and I still really dont have a clue exactly how it works what brought me here was I ran into a few things about religion politics and war that was enuff to get my blood boiling and I just had to sign up so I could throw in my two cents. So I dont know how often these subjects get brought up but it was often enuff to suck me
@braided (698)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
Are you kidding ? smiling takes too long to do this hair ... thats why i do it cause when its done its done for a few months and i dont have to do my hair .... and no i'm not offended ... i dont get so offended about stuff ... i get bored and speak my mind
Well, welcome ..thats how i got on here too ... smilin thanks for the comment ..peace
@anilannu02 (39)
25 Mar 07
u r right!!its really a great opportunity for us guys who are here on mylot.
i think this isc agreat responsibility we all share to speak to think, and to share the experiences towards enviornment and society.
i totally agree with u that there is no substance with the tea and coffee type nitpicky issues.
I welcome you to raise such issues especially if there is anything like corruption,injustice ,poverty etc or people fighting for survival.please tell us.
i will also try and discuss such sensible issues myself. i promise!!
so thoughtful of you!!
@tweakpotter (745)
• United States
25 Mar 07
If you've come here to search for discussions with substance, you may have to search hard. Discussions that have nothing interesting to say, get a lot of responses while the important issues are largely overlooked. I guess that's not much different than real life though, now that I think about it.
@braided (698)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
Yeappers ...isnt it the truth ... I have made some films in my day ..short ones and they were appreciated at university and on the university level but the real world wants to be entertained .... they want to ride a rolley coaster or be forced fed instead of think for themselves and research life ... yeap thats the way of most ... but not all thank god there are some who have a mind and want to use it .....thanks for your imput .... peace