call abortion what it is... cold-blooded murder!

United States
March 24, 2007 2:51pm CST
Then, lets watch and see how many will stand up and say, "Yes, I believe in cold-blooded murder." Stop the bull. Stop playing with words. I am not saying to take away the "right" of a women to kill their babies. I'm saying call it what it is and stop leading young women down this road of lies. I am sure that these lies make people feel better about commitTing this act, but can someone ever, ever really feel better about such a horrible thing. It's a dangerous world that we live in when women will kill their children and then run behind a dog with a plastic bag picking up its bowel movement. Then, this same woman and her man wants to have a discussion with me as to how cute the dog is and the grooming of the dog and the tricks they are teaching their dog. I call it the KILL A CHILD GET A DOG CULTURE. I CALL IT SICK.
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11 responses
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Have you ever had an abortion? Have you ever been in a situation where you were forced to chose between having a child and being able to support the rest of your family? Chances are you haven't. Your post makes no sense what so ever and you back it up with no facts outside of what you "believe" to be true. Is it better to bring a child into this world when you know it won't be cared for or that it will cause physical harm to the mother or to have a medical procedure? Everyone acts like abortions just started, they have been around since the dawn of man. In medieval times herbs and potions were made to abort an unborn child and in MANY countries, babies are aborted if they are not male. Before you come to the site and try to stir up controversy, why not create a well thought out post ... something that hasn't been brought up at least a hundred times already.
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• United States
24 Mar 07
I stand behind what I said. COLD-BLOODED MURDER.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Mar 07
I agree freak369 100% I've had an abortion and I dont regret it for one second...and until any Pro Lifer experiences what we did in order to have to ahve that abortion...well call me a cold blooded killer, murderer or whatever you need to to help you sleep at night...matters to me NONE....I did in the end what was ABSOLUTELY necessary and the best solution for my family...Having to make that choice (after already deciding we WANTED to have the baby) due to things that happened, was hard, but necessary....So natter and carry on if Pro Lifers must, but until they know EXACTLY, feel EXACTLY, experience EXACTLY what we did as a family and I did as a mother and wife, the opinions of ppl like that mean nothing to me...cause they JUST DON'T KNOW...
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@urbandekay (18278)
25 Mar 07
freak, hmmm, sieg heil mien furher allthe best urban
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@lifetalk (679)
• Pakistan
24 Mar 07
Abortion is a concept that has risen due to two facts.. 1.) Modernisation, and new technology 2.) Illitricity prevailing everywhere What i dont understand is that why people dont realize that there is an alternative to abortion that is giving the child up for adoption. The child deserves the right to live, noone has the right to kill the child.
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@Galena (9110)
22 Apr 07
"1.) Modernisation, and new technology 2.) Illitricity prevailing everywhere " do you mean illiteracy?
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
26 Apr 07
Abortion is a concept that has risen due to modernization and technology? Oh, that explains why abortion has occured since the pre-historic times.
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• Singapore
25 Mar 07
There are so many orphans in the world now, with very little chance for a good education and who would be despising their parents for abandoning them.(that is unless they get adopted by Angelina Jolie, then they would be the luckiest devils in the world :P) They probably rather be aborted than to grow up without love.(of course, I'm not an orphan, so I can't speak for them, but I do know some orphans and a bunch of them really do think that way) Also, as an earlier poster mentioned, abortion did not arise due to modernisation, but modern medicine does make it safer for abortion, which I believe is a GOOD thing :D
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@urbandekay (18278)
25 Mar 07
Well said! all the best urban
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
22 Apr 07
my fear is...with abortion being an option now, there are still teens who hide their pregnancies and then kill the babies themselves and dump them in trash what happens if abortion becomes illegial? i fear that with it being illegial that even more will hide it and kill the babies themselves.
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• United States
23 Apr 07
That is certainly a concern and a very sad one.
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@Galena (9110)
23 Apr 07
that and the risks associated with unqualified illegal abortionists. while I'm not someone that would say, HEY, isn't abortion a fantastic thing, because it is sad. it is the end of a potential life, but we have to put the people who are alive now before the unborn. in countries where it is illegal a lot of living children lose their mothers to illegal abortion. shouldn't those children be more important than an unborn child?
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I think it's more disgusting that people demand that more and more women carry a child they don't want for 9 months, waste their time, money, and emotions on it, then expect her to just give it away. Is it really that easy? You think the woman doesn't experience pain by giving away her child to complete strangers and never knowing what will happen to it? You are anti-abortion, you also support adding more and more children to the already unbelievable waiting line for adoption. What of all the already born children in orphanages and adoption centers waiting for a nice family to adopt them? Are you saying they matter less than a bundle of tissue and nerves with no sense on self? Less abortions means more unwanted children are born, which will mean that more children will be put in adoption centers and orphanages, which will also lead to overcrowding, an increase of children that will never be adopted, and possibly and increase in child abuse by negligent foster parents. Instead of worrying about what women are doing with their bodies, why not worry about the plights of children who have no loving family to take care of them. When all those children find homes, then you can support this silly pro-life movement. You call it murder, I call it population control and giving other children a better chance at having a family.
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26 Apr 07
I agree with what you have said. So many kids are living awful lifes in todays society, these are the ones we should be caring about, but that takes more time and effort. Its easier to attack women who have abortions.
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• United States
26 Apr 07
These issues speak more on the moral fabric of the world societies than to the issue of abortion.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
26 Apr 07
Try saying that after abortion is outlawed, and then an increase of unwanted children by the thousands or even millions starts pouring into adoption centers. There are more unwanted children then there are wanting families. Forcing mothers to give away unwanted children will do nothing more than increase those numbers.
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26 Apr 07
while i understand you points, i think you miss the bigger picture. Yes getting pregnant can be a silly mistake but you have to ask yourself what is best for you and the unborn child for example, a young teenager who is clearly not responsible enough to look after a child properly falls pregnant one way or another. Should she go through with the birth an regret it when she sees the poor lifestyle both her and the child have? or should she have the right to hold her hands up, admit her mistake and have the unborn termintated. If you want to get on your high horse and call it cold blooded murder, lets look at the whole picture. Are you a meat eater? if so, you are showing support for cold blooded murder. Although i eat meat, deep down i know it is wrong. do you kill a fly, spider or any insect if they are in your house? again, this is cold blooded murder. At the end of the day, it must be a terrible decision for a woman to make. in most cases If a woman chooses to abort a child it is not out spite, it is for whats best for themselves and the child. You may say this is selfish but i think its having the sense and the guts to make a logical decision based on your situation.
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23 Apr 07
WOW what a heated discussion this has caused. I am all in favour of the freedom of speech and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, which should be respected. What I do find sad about these discussions is the fact that there seems to be more concern for the unborn child than the many millions of children that have to face the toughest existence. These are the ones we should be concerned about and these children live in very religious countries, which most pro-life members seem to be. If a woman has an abortion it is something she personally has to deal with. It does not effect anyone else, unless of course she has a partner. It is legal and therefore not cold blooded murder. What I find cold blooded murder are the fanatical pro-life groups who will happily kill for their cause. There are many things that I find offensive, but if it doesn't effect my rights as a living human being, then I have to be open minded and respect those who choose a different lifestyle to me. Here is a interesting link to look at:
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@urbandekay (18278)
23 Apr 07
It does affect someone else, the unborn. all the best urban
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• United States
25 Apr 07
Once again, all of those millions who have been aborted will never be able to enter into this discussion. We can dance around the words (a rose by any other name)and it is indeed one of the most personal of decisions (no one will bear this burden except the person who goes through the process), and it is indeed legal (it was legal to gas and lynch people) it means you can do it without getting jail time and that does not necessarily make it a process that an intelligent, productive and progressive society should support. I am not that concern about the people who have had this "procedure" my concern is for young women who are thinking about having this "procedure." Tney need to heard all sides of the issue.
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26 Apr 07
I agree that someone should be able to hear both sides of the argument, but I must say, your argument is very agressive, comparing it to gasing and lynching, so any woman who may be in two minds as to whether they should abort their unborn child or not, will have a hard time. You should start a discussion on children born to parents who did not want them, but could not go through with an abortion and see what their life experiences have been like. Only then will you get a better picture of what is really happening. Its easy to say give the child up for adoption, etc, but this is not a happy future for alot of children. If it was, why are so many kids suffering everyday. I care about those who are living and suffering daily. I am not against abortion and I would never condemn anyone for doing it. As I say there are enough unwanted kids in the world today as it is.
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• United States
26 Apr 07
I'm not afraid to say abortion is murder.It is.There is no excuse to kill the baby, NONE. I have always been against it and always will be.There will be no changing my mind.The baby has rights, the right to live.End of discussion...No compromise!
@urbandekay (18278)
26 Apr 07
Well said all the best urban
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• United States
26 Apr 07
Thanks Urban... This topic gets me heated because the children that are being killed by abortion have no those of us that see them as God given need to speak for them.I never will condon abortion is MURDER!
26 Apr 07
so do the animals that are slaughtered for food on a daily basis yet this is accepted. why should abortions be accepted?
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
26 Apr 07
I personally won't feel better after killing anything or anyone even if it's self defense. Some abortions are done to save the mother perhaps because of some complications during delivery, maybe the mother is not in the right condition to give birth, or the situation forbids it such as war or plague time where there is no way to assure hygiene or get medication. There are some cases I heard abortions are done because a crime has happened, the mother was raped and then got pregnant but of course she wouldn't want the baby. But these are different than abortions done by those who fooled around and got pregnant but can not accept the responsibility or healthy normal person who prefers career over motherhood. These ones I totally disagree with their actions, but in any case, I really really believe nobody can just forget what happened and move on with their lives. If this person you are talking about loves her dog, I'm sure she also loves her baby. A dog is a living being too, if she loves it then you could guess it must be hard for her to terminate another living being, if not now then later in her life the feeling will haunt her. I heard that after abortion, it's harder for some women to bear a child again even if they want to.
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• United States
26 Apr 07
I do not agree with you. In any case the baby should have the right to live.I don't care what situation the child was concieved under, the child has the right to life.No matter if it was rape or anyother situation.The child was created by GOD & who are you or anyone else to kill a creation so precious that GOD made?
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@Galena (9110)
22 Apr 07
yes, I beleive in a womans right to end a Potential life, which you beleive to be cold blooded murder. I don't beleive it to be.
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@urbandekay (18278)
23 Apr 07
If murder is the wilful taking of a life, since the foetus is alive and not just a potential life, it is not cruel but rather it is accurate to describe it as murder. all the best urban
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• United States
23 Apr 07
I understand everyone's position. I don't argue the abortion issue and have not done so in about 18 years. I just watch people around me state their positions on the issue. Those people who are callaus and without feeling about killing their children are people I make it a point to stay away from. Everyone, by law can do what they want, but when it young women, I am going to be sure thay have more than one view.
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@Galena (9110)
23 Apr 07
it's not in most cases unfeeling though. a lot of people who are against it really think that the people who are doing it don't give it real thought, and that the descision doesn't hurt them. which in the vast majority of cases just isn't true. it's not a situation I've been in, thankfully, but people are so harsh on these people who have found themselves in a position where they have made a very difficult descision. for the rest of their lives, just ask them and they will KNOW how old that baby would be. they know they are ening the life of their child. they have to come to terms with it. while I wouldn't say that they regret it, as few of them would turn back the clock and change their descision, they are hurt by the fact that they were in the position where they had to make that choice for whatever reason they made it. they do grieve for that potential life. it's cruel to call them murderers.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
26 Mar 07
What are you talking about? What does picking up after a dog (which by the way is the law in most areas) have to do with being pregnant or having an abortion? How about we rename the pro-life movement with a more accurate descriptive term too? How about we call pro-lifers, lunatics who care more about a clump of tissue than they do about actual humans?
• United States
3 Apr 07
I alway find it very interesting that all the people who started out as meaningless "clumps of tissue" with no brain waves and no heart beats are here today, reading, writing, doing arithmetic, watching the sunrise, sunsets and speaking their minds. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
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