Are Women far less intelligent than men?
By cdparazo
@cdparazo (5765)
March 24, 2007 9:29pm CST
I came to the list of the world’s 100 greatest scientists throughout history and there are 97 men while there are only 3 women. I wondered if we really are far less intelligent than men that we only have 3 women scientist who made it to the list. Or is it because of the culture wherein women were not educated as well as the men? There was even a time in history that women were not educated because they are considered inferior. Times changed so we were then educated but such education were confined to arts, sewing, music, housekeeping, social graces and those other things that were considered womanly endeavors.
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39 responses
@Riptide (2756)
• United States
25 Mar 07
That is a great way of looking at it, but a myth though I believe. Everybody is an individual and has different strengths regardless of gender. I for one was top of my class in language as well as math and I'm a woman and there was mostly boys in my class.
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@littlemissmistress (187)
• United States
25 Mar 07
In The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould, he addresses the fact that a common belief is that women have smaller brains than men. Scientists at the time took a male and female skull, filled them with mustard seeds, and found that the female and males brain sizes were identical in most cases, but otherwise women's were larger. Heehee.
A lot of the time women are not accepted by men as great discoverers. But look at Marie Curie. She is more well known than her husband Pierre who helped with her experiments.
And yes, women are said to have been stunted by the fact that they were forced into doing housework and other home jobs rather than reading and thinking, but this hasn't effected their abilities.
Times are changing, thank goodness.
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
Women such as Marie Curie who was able to make a name of themselves are very admirable indeed. I just can't imagine the oppposition and discrimination that they have to contend with. You are very right, we have to be thankful indeed that times are changing and we are already given the same opportunities.
@axe_effect (799)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
i think, if i will base in our history, women at those days are less educated than men because, most of the women at those times are staying only at home while men are busy making money, doing business's, working.
but now adays, men and women are equal but if we look at it specifically, men are still dominant than women. even though that the fact is true that men are outnumbered against women.
@g_aileen09 (1354)
• Philippines
14 Apr 07
Men may be intelligent... but listen, girl... in every man's success, there is a woman behind.
Meaning, us women, because we love our men, should learn to give in and let them feel they are more superior and intelligent. That way, there will be lesser broken marriages in the world.
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
I don't quite agree with you. However, letting men think they are more superior or intelligent may work for some couples but certainly not all. I have a very large network of relatives and our women are certainly not the submissive or 'inferior' type but their marriages are very successful and still going strong after 10-30 years of marriage.
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
25 Mar 07
I don't think that women are less intelligent than men. it's only a matter of choice, culture, inclination and education. why you didn't see more women in top 100 is rightly answered by you. women has been kept away from main scientific fields untill late 19th century and in some cases late 20th century. there are still many areas of the world where women are denied the right to education. further more even in the countries where education was accessible to women, their choice, either by thier own free will or by social pressure, has been limited to some non scientific fields. that's exactly what explains their minority in top 100. but there is another thing. females are usually good at imaginative works, like arts and alikes and men usually are better in mathematics, women doesn't have natural tendency towards engineering so we will continue to see, atleast for some time, women as majority in top 100.
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
You have a very good point in the areas where women are good at could be one of the reasons too why we are a minority. But I certainly think that given the same opportunity we could also increase the numbers in the next hundred years. Though generally that women are good in arts and linguistics among other things, it doesn't mean that we could not excel in math and engineering. Same with men who are mostly good in mathematics that they could not excel in arts and become renowned artists. The reason why we produced men as great artists over history is because they were given the opportunity even if women are now recognized to be better in that area.

@pangeacat (619)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I wanted to quickly add a site that I've just found. It is run by two female astronomers. They are attempting to track down and make a record of all the women throughout history that have made significant scientific (and other) contributions. Many of these women, though previously written about, are not included in the average history text book.
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@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
25 Mar 07
Women are oppressed, not unintelligent. Men fear intelligent women and work together to get rid of the competition. Only a century ago women were still considered property belonging to their fathers and husbands and had no rights at all. A woman was considered educated if she could read and write. Beyond that women were expected to learn to be wives and mothers and nothing more. Even with this oppression, very intelligent women emerged to lead the way. Other intelligent women (Abigail Adams comes to mind) mourned their entire lives because they wanted to learn and weren't allowed to.
I would be happy to match my intelligence with any man out there. I've spent my life watching men use my talents for their own advancement. I've had other men in my life who worked to destroy me because they were afraid of what I can do. I'm still of the generation that doesn't fight as hard as it should for woman's rightful place in life. Hopefully you younger women will be stronger than most of my generation has been to rise above what men try to hold us down to.
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
29 Mar 07
My ex actually finds me too intimidating because I think too much and could usually sway his way of thinking. He is 10 years older than me but he feels that I am older than him because of the way I do things. I am also more of an achiever compared to him. I felt than one of the reasons why our marriage failed becasue he felt insecure of my achievement. I could never just sit back and do nothing when I think and wanted things otherwise. I will definitely uphold our worth as women but not to the extent of bringing down men. Some men are just more insecure and maybe afraid of women so it seems.
@JvilleKid (131)
• United States
25 Mar 07
The proof is in front of you, if the woman was smarter she would have figured a way to get heard. But they didn't and the men scientists reigned! lol No, I am just kidding. I agree that it is the lack of opportunity that the women have had that may have skewed the percentage in favor of the men. In a hundred years I bet that the same list will be a bit closer together in the percentages then it is today.
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
More women are making their marks today and you are right in a hundred years many would emerge and become legends themselves. Just look at how many women leaders are emerging today besting all those men. But what I want to see is really equal opportunities for both sexes.
@someincome (785)
• India
25 Mar 07
I really am not a male chauvinist type of person. But if you ask my honest opinion, I would say that statistics say it all. Women are better at living day to day lives - they handle stress better, they are gifted with multi-tasking abilities. But when it comes to being genius, mean beat them very easily. If you see that geniuses in any field, whether physics, chemistry, mathematics, music, philosophy, painting a huge majority of them were or have been all men. And it IS NOT purely because women didn't get opportunities. I've read the stories of many of these geniuses and they've had to go through VERY DIFFICULT times. They had to fight them and stand up to reach where they are. Now it has been more than 60 years that in developed countries men and women get more or less equal opportunities, still men dominate the list of geniuses. Look at Stephen Hawking. His life was very difficult as well. Possibility of him living any more was ruled out by doctors some decades ago. But he has been living and working. If it purely had been only opportunity then we would have had more names of women on the very top in the last 60 years.
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
29 Mar 07
Yes those geniuses that you mentioned merely had the difficulties that were encountered not because of gender. Bottomline, they were accepted and were given the opportunity while women never even reached the door of knowledge because of discrimination while they were already inside the door.
@edz3105 (66)
• Philippines
26 Mar 07
I couldn't agree because that wasn't the only basis of how intelligent the women are. I could only say that women are less driven but equally intelligent with men. To sum up a survey for that would only means gender war but if we open our views, there are lots of women excelled to other fields over men. Lets not make it a point of who's more intelligent between man and a woman because for me they're both equally the same. :)
@mikawa (30)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
Women are smarter than men in different ways. The reason is probably using different areas on the brain. There are certain things men are better at.. cooking, driving, computer geekness....jk.
Its the ying yang effect. People are not meant to be on this earth alone. So when a man and woman get together... the creates a oneness where some skills and talents that men do not have.. the woman can compensate. and vice versa.
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@jimhuo2008 (572)
• China
26 Mar 07
I don't think so , you know ,in the past time, nether in westen or easten country.
wamen's position is always has it's hostric background,include secity degree and education degree. this all cause wemen have less chance to develop their own career.not women is less inteligent the men.weman's body is not stronger than men ,it is a fact, less inteligent is impossible.
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@moneycradle (115)
• India
15 Apr 07
You are right! A lot of women in those days were treated as some sort of children minting machines! They did not have much freedom and that could be the reason why many of the lights were hid under the bushel. Only open minded parents allowed their daughters to go out and see the world for themselves. No wonder they had to face a lot of hurdles to reach the top position. This is a nice discussion you have started. Keep going !
@Zo0mZo0m (1357)
• United States
25 Mar 07
No way! Women are just as intelligent and even more so than men. Some men are just insecure and try to keep women locked out by saying we're not as smart as them. That's a lie! This is all due to their own insecurities. A confident man will not try to intimidate or shut a woman out. He will enhance and encourage her to be better than him. Behind every good man is a good woman. Secretaries are the ones that run the company and most secretaries are women! Women make the men. Men are half the time nothing without us. They need us more so than we need them. Some women have just fell for the hype about us being inferior to men but God created us EQUALLY (=)!!!
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
I agree with you that God created us EQUALLY in a sense that we each have our strenghts and weaknesses that compliments each other. Men are certainly physically stonger than men wherein women are more stonger emotionally. As to needing us more than we need them, that still remains to be justified over time.
@dr_sangram (6)
• India
25 Mar 07
god created woman in human species less though created better half in some other species like bees,ants but not in human species so be behind us always its better 4 u .
@lexxie3 (52)
• Malaysia
25 Mar 07
there is no scientific evidence that women are less intelligent than men..
you are correct..
there was a time in history where women are considered inferior in society..
women did not get education as much as men did back then..
but if the sexes were treated equal during those periods,im certain that there will be more than 3 women on that list..
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@junescloset (13)
• United States
25 Mar 07
You can't measure what has never been tapped. Whenever I see lists like that, I think about the lost potential of African American slaves. Blacks and women were not even allowed to hold patents on their own inventions until the beginning of the 20th century. Many times when they invented something, a woman's husband or a slave's master was able to reap the benefits and the credit for the invention. You have to do your own research for updated histories on inventions and the movers and shakers. I'm hoping that when my three daughters look through a history book, they aren't seeing the same faces staring up at them that I saw as a child.
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
3 Jun 07
We complement men. There are things that they are good at and we are not. There are also things that we are good at and they are not. As human beings we are all equal. No one is superior. It is just about using your skills and talents in a much better way.