There's Something You Want To Say To Someone...
By SpitFire179
@SpitFire179 (2536)
March 24, 2007 9:50pm CST
But you just feel like you can't, it doesn't matter who it is, it doesn't matter what it is you have to say, but you just can't seem to say it to them face to face or on the internet even.
What is it?
One of the worst things for a person is holding things in, hiding their feelings. because it can cause more problems for them in the long run than good. physically, mentally and emotionally.
So i'm deticating this discussion to anything you want to say to someone.
Here's some little rules so we don't get anyone in trouble.
What you have to say can be said any way you want it to, but you can't use any names, nicknames or any other information that could show the identity of the person your telling what you think.
No name calling, or crude comments about them.
Don't comment on someone else's putting them down or fighting with them over what was just written.
Now, ummm, here's from me, the only thing i will tell you about this person, is that it is family.
"How dare you think that you can control me or my life, you have no right, and you don't even know me. Talking to me a few times, does not warent you the right to think you know everything about me, or my life at all, and it also doesn't give you the right to go to other family members telling them what you think of my so called life. I'm extremely disapointed in you, and THIS is why i have been avoiding you. You make me sick. GoodBye"
So yeah, it's your turn, thanks for reading, and if you respond, thanks and you will be rated~!
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27 responses
@PATTYCAKE1979 (227)
• United States
25 Mar 07
I use to feel like that until I had a nervous breakdown, then I couldn't shut my mouth. I spoke what was on my mind anywhere at anytime, and I will not spare feelings. Alot of people don't like it and some do, but it is a load off, speaking what you feel, whether it will do you any good or not. You shouldn't have to carry extras because of "feelings" we all have them and most of it is for the better, not to put down or judge.
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
Your right, mine was for the only person i have held back full feelings to in a long time, though there's little things sometimes that i don't say to people, eventually they come out. Thanks hun.
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@lonely_f16 (2146)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
well i just wanted to say this to a particular person..
i hate it! why didn't you even talk to me before we parted ways? you didn't even do anything. You know I was on the verge of a feeling of sadness. I can't even say this to you since we're not that close. How could you just let me leave you like that? Don't you even care for me?
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
Okay, I want to say to all of you that you've done so well, one of the worst things is to hold in your feelings, it can do so much to you it's unbelievable.
I can't really post on a lot of these because it truly is your feelings, but i do want to say that this is a good place for it, and if you need someone to talk to, you know your friends will be there to show you the way.
I want to say thank you to all of you who have responded on here, and tell you all how wonderfully you've done expressing your thoughts and feelings.
Thank you...
And i hope that this makes you feel a little bit better. Feel free to come back and post your feelings at any time.
@chiquitita (1226)
• Indonesia
25 Mar 07
Mine's is:
You dont know I have a strong feeling for you since college days,and it hasnt changed till now. I do still emotionally fancy you, I often see you in my dreams. I just dont know how to erase my memories of you. Now you are far away and I dont know when I will see you again. You just dont know how much I miss you, eventhough now I belong to someone else. There will always be a place for you and our memories together in my heart.
Thanks for starting this discussion!
@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
25 Mar 07
"WAKE UP and smell the reality pellets! You pride yourself on being so smart and insightful and so 'knowing' of people in the world, but has it ever occurrred to you that the REASON that you 'can't ever hang onto friendships' and that people seem to 'not like you' is that you use every opportunity you have to ALIENATE them? Yes, I agree that people should 'allow us to be ourselves,' but you seem to go out of your way to meet kindness with cold shoulders and rudeness. What sort of people do you REALLY think want to hang out with you, if you're going to call them 'idiots' every time they say or do something that doesn't match your view of the world? You tell people they 'need help;' perhaps you should consider getting some of YOUR OWN!"
We now return to our regularly scheduled programming, already in progress....
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
Very Interesting, damn, I've called some people idiots because they don't read the post haha, ;)
@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
26 Mar 07
somebody made you angry
I don't think I can control anyone. Especially people I don't know. If you men me, what the heck did I do anyway? Whoever pissed you off, let em explain. Maybe you are totally right in saying that though. Who is making you sick? Why? What did they do? What are they gonna do?
To little info to answer.
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
26 Mar 07
Well, see, this is why i set down a couple of ground rules.
My family is very controling, they don't want anyone but themselves to be happy.
Are you my family? I don't think so, so why would i mean you? especially since i don't know you!
And i've tried talking to this person, there's no explaining, they just want it their way.
Who and why they are making me sick, is for them and i to know, why is it you seem to have to know everything? it's not really all your business, this is something that is to just get it off my chest, and help others do the same.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
25 Mar 07
OK, this is going to be really hard....and I hope that nobody besides my sister runs across this. But here it goes....
"You are the reason I am broken. You are the person that stole that piece of me that I will never get back. You are the reason why I will never love that way again. And given all the torment that I have been through including the feeling of abandoment...I still love you.
I am not sure if that saying is true... It is better to have love and lost, than to have never loved. Because loosing it and living on without it pales and shadows all that follows.
I was patient and waited 10 years to hear from you again. Then I find you on myspace and waited almost another year for you to log back on. We chatted but twice...and then nothing. That hurt more than the silence of the 10 years.
And here, I still sit, Broken, unsure if I will ever feel whole again. I hope one day, you will know just what I feel and understand just what I lost.
But most of all, I truly hope that one day, you will find your piece, because you already taken mine."
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
that took a lot for you i can see, but you did it, and for that, i can't put words in anyone else's mouth, but i for one am proud of you.
Thanks hunni.
@phon4u (2215)
• Laos
25 Mar 07
It is very hard to talk straight from your mind out to their faces in Asian country as Laos. Even you know they are not in your way of thinking, you have to talk around the bush. They hurt their feeling very easily, they will take revenge easily. But I think it is good ideas to speak frankly, so they know they can change immediately.
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@katisaurus (1038)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
Dear anonymous:
I want to be your friend, but I don't know how. I want to be able to talk to you like nothing ever happened, but I can't. I want to be able to understand that this whole thing happened for a good reason, but I don't think I ever will. I'm still in love with you, and you made this past year the happiest year of my life. I don't know how I'll be able to live my life normally without your kiss, or your hand to hold. I can't live with the idea of you being with someone else. You don't understand. You tell me it hurt you to do what you did, but you don't know the half of the word "hurt" in this situation. I can't be your friend if you're with her.. I can't even talk to you without remembering what you did to me.. It hurts way too much and I don't know how to handle it. I wish you understood my side of this; I wish you knew how I really felt. I'm not okay with it..I'm not.
Love always,
Thank you! I sort of feel a little better now that I've got that off my chest.
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
It takes a lot to say these things to someone's face, usually because of how much you genuinely love them.
But to say it in here, it takes a little less, though still takes an armor of courage, good job hun.
@healwell (1268)
• Ahmedabad, India
26 Mar 07
There is one a normal rule that you should not speak like this and that! And such rule is stopping people to say what they want to say!
Most of the people are not expressing because they want to be good and to be good means a lot to the person! At the same time there are people who just say anything and without knowing that why they said like that or reacted like that is not good and hurt the person/s! Because unknowingly they want to break the said rule of to be good!
So when here you mention to follow few rules ... Nothing much to say
@dbeast (1495)
• India
25 Mar 07
well i would like to tell this to my best friend who is no longer with me.i have always told you how much you have meant to me and to all the people around you.i cant believe you are not here anymore.things are not the same after you have is kind of tough.i dont have anyone to turn were the only person who understood me and who i could turn to no matter what.i cant believe i had to see you in a casket.we weer meant to live together and spend years were so full of life and you made everyone around you happy and made them smile no matter ever smiling face will never be forgotten.i miss you so much and wish to see your smile again.i only hope you rest in piece and look down on me when i am you a lot man.
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@bhabesh_mohanty347 (86)
• India
25 Mar 07
yeah sometimes we get in such a position that we get confused that we should say our heart out or not but
its better to say it now than to regret it later that why shouldn't i told it then.
@ladycatherine82 (29)
• United States
25 Mar 07
This is what I have to say to one particular person:
You're using me. I know you're using me and yet I let it continue because I'm not strong enough yet to tell you where to go and how to get there. You think I don't know that you have other women on the side? I'm not stupid. Why do you think I'm pulling away from you? Why do you think you're always questioning why I don't trust you. It's because you're a jerk. It's because I don't know how to stop you from hurting me without hurting you back.
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
The first step to opening up is what you just did here, maybe one day you will be strong enough to let that person really know.
@ryan_1234 (19)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
Ok..expressing how we feel to someone is actually a risk. You wouldn't know how he would accept what you feel. But a person who is able to say what he really feels to someone straight on that person's face is the bravest thing one can do. I have this very strong attraction to someone but I just couldn't express it straight to her...How i wish i am brave enough to say to her that i care for her more than friends.........
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
risks are meant to take, though it takes a lot of building up to do so.
I hope that one day you can tell that special someone.
Take care.
And thanks.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
25 Mar 07
if i would be allowed to say something to someone i would gladly say to my parents" thank you my dear parents for having me out in this world,taking care of me and sending me to school..and of course for loving me really did a good job at that" thats it lol
@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
25 Mar 07
this is noe for a particular person;
"everyone who thinks his religion is the best must first start following it before preaching it to others,and should also have some space in mind for any logical or scientific faults in his religion as there are several religions and everyone thinks his one is the true one but out of these only one is true so we should have courage to face any criticism as it leads towards a healthy result. "
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@sweetsue (758)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
they are room mates:
why don't you guys buy your own stuff! stop using my clothes(jeans and shirts). If you think, that is just fine! well not for me. I hate it when other people sees you using my clothes!I'm not even using any of yours!
My jeans are getting loose they hardly fit on me anymore. and onething more, grrr, that body odor I can't take them! so pls..stop it!!
@franxexces (1096)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
I hate you! I hate almost everything about you. Let me live my life the way I want to. All these years I have been following all the things you tell me. Now, I think I have to decide for myself. I'm gonna be 18 in 2 months.. Stop treating me like a child. I'm so sick of you! You're very unfair.
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@coolsexychix (128)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
well, the only thing i want to tell to someone is my husband........get out of my life...we no longer need you...
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