how do you deal with unwanted people and there comments in your life

United States
March 24, 2007 11:50pm CST
hey folks In everyone life you find certain unwanted people ..which we always want to avoid do you deal with such kind of people
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16 responses
• United States
25 Mar 07
There are many people I prefer not to cross paths with for various reasons, but when it is unaviodable I say a little prayer hoping they won't notice me. When my prayer doesn't work which is most of the time, then I maintain a polite but aloof attitude. I don't believe in wasting time arguing or yelling especially when you can't hope for a permanent solution. If the other party makes a scene, I just smile and walk away. No need to entertain the general public...:}
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• Romania
25 Mar 07
most of the times, i pretend i don't care... when in fact i do care but showing that would bring me more pain and anger. you know, my mother once taught me that ignorance is the best thing to do to avoid conflicts and anger. and she was definitely right. even now i find myself coming across people who are rude,inconsiderate and i have to deal with it one way or another. and the best way is to leave them alone and go on with your life as if nothing has happened. maybe it sounds superficial but it's not. it's only a way of survival in nowadays' society.
@simplysue (631)
• United States
25 Mar 07
The comments....everyone is entitled to their own opinion so I just look at their comment as their opinion. I don't have to agree with it or validate it. It goes in one ear and out the other. The people....if we are talking about my work life, I listen to what they are say to me. If it's helpful great. If it's gossip or hatefulness, I don't even acknowlege it with a response. They get the message. In my personal life, if being around such a person is unavoidable, I'll find a reason why I have to leave and go somewhere away from that person. I don't feel a need to be impolite to these type of people but I don't feel a need to be held hostage by them either. :)
@babyreyn (934)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
Although, i dont like them, but still i have to entertain them with a smile. I cannot please everybody but atleast i tried my best to please them.
@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
25 Mar 07
There are some unwanted people that you cannot avoid easily. They might be part of your family for instance. When I cannot avoid them I will try to minimize my contact with them. I will not engage in lengthy conversations, smsa or emails. I will say what i need to in order to be polite - then i will end the interaction as fast as I can. I will never start or initiate contact with them. If they do meddle I will try to ask them to stop in a nice way
@naty1941 (2336)
• United States
25 Mar 07
I try to ignore them as they are not healthy people to be around with. They can make your life miserable. I also noticed they like to gossip and spread rumors that are not true. The worst part is when they are your relatives and you must see them during family reunions.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
25 Mar 07
I actually find it difficult to be two faced, you know when you hate someone or do not want to be around them I just can't be overly nice to them. Most people will be friendly but I find that actually very very difficult and I feel uneasy around people I do not like. They do not mean anything to me so any comments they make are unimportant and worthless. I used to have to suffer these people at work and I don't suffer fools easily. Life is short enough why waste it amongst people you don't want to be around just for the sake of diplomacy or keeping people sweet?
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
25 Mar 07
i have had to learn throughout my life to inore other people's comments including some of my families I mean I admit it hurts at the time but eventully the bad comments that have been said about me have reversed into bad for themselves. Like kids that picked on me in school for being over weight I see some of them now and they are huge so that is how I think about it.
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
I avoid them, but the problem is, they always find ways to locate me. When I cannot be invisible, the best way will be to treat them coldly. Give some odd remarks where it will fit, yet I try my best to be kind enough. The one thing with me though, is that I don't know how to hide my anguish. It shows in the way I speak my lines. Usually, it is I in the end who earns their bad comments. Nevertheless, I still feel good that they get my message, rather than feel sorry for it.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Mar 07
I have a few of those in my life. You just take what they say with a grain of salt...SMile and nod. There will be many instances of this in one's lifetime. Just agree to disagree and ignore them.
• United States
25 Mar 07
In short, I don't deal with them or at least I don't deal with them well. Normally, I blow them off or walk away from their mindless babble. If I care about them or they truly don't understand (a child, etc..) then I say something like, "If I want an opinion, I will ask for an opinion." That usually works....
@karvin87 (1033)
• India
25 Mar 07
unwanted people are unwanted rite??? so y are their comments wanted???? i wouldnt care a damm about what they say... the best way to deal with them is to avoid, and not encourage them to say more... this might help... "Never give explanations in life, FRNDS dont need it, ENEMIES will not trust it!!!"
• India
25 Mar 07
and always remember that those who hurt you for no reason are hurt. thats why they do it to others so that they can feel better..but more than harming others they harm themselves in this process by being more and more bitter...there mind pattern becomes bitter.... so don't worry know what you are ...and what others say about you doesn't change the fact....just ignore and hope that their day of understanding this would come soon..
• India
25 Mar 07
my advice is don't let other people's opinion bother you feel bothered only when you forget your conscience and listen to your mind habits. each one has different opinion and different is not possible to please everybody matter what you are people comment .. when we follow what our consciene says we develop peace of mind which doesn't bother about what others think of us ..we will feel the freedom of just being ourselves..
• United States
25 Mar 07
I do just that I do my best to advoid them. I'm not going to let some one I am not fond of put a damper on my day. If the person has nothing nice to say to me then they need to stay away. They can disagree with me, thats fine but to make comments on my life just to get on my nerves or to be downright rude they just need to walk on past, not call or whatever.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
25 Mar 07
well i think we all deal with unwanted people and comments of our life i usually do not keep unwanted people in my life it is bea for our health:) and if they work at the same place i work at i just have minimal attachment with them. i really do not care about their commants i relate it usually to a problem they have and is not emotional about it. but people that i like that start saying unwanted comments i usually do pay attention to them and their comments and try to see if they are true and if i can learn from those comments..if i realize that those are personal comments due to a problem of the person with me, i try sitting down with this person and developing a dialog conversation and we usually work things out.