The season has changed, whats the weather like by you?

@FranMc (246)
United States
March 25, 2007 12:57am CST
Where I'm from we had a mild winter to say the least, Now that its spring, I wonder if we'll get nice weather or if we'll linger in cold dingy days. Whats it like where you are from?
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5 responses
@crickethear (1417)
• United States
26 Mar 07
Right now the weather is not spring. We are still having cold weather where I live, and we are also having a lot of rain. Although, that isn't unusual for us. We usually don't get real spring weather, where I am at until summer, and then summer doesn't start until the very end of summer, and then it starts all over again. It is a good thing I like rain, and the cold, or I would be in trouble. Even though we have bad weather, the trees and flowers are blooming. They are absolutely beautiful.
@FranMc (246)
• United States
27 Mar 07
Your from the west coast aren't you? I have realtives in Washington and they describe the weather just like you do. I think I enjoy the season change too much to be able to adapt to weather like you experience. Happy spring anyway! FranMc
• United States
18 Apr 07
Iam in florida, warm climate...i love the winter which is pleasant except the hurricanes from june - nov.
@FranMc (246)
• United States
20 Apr 07
I loved it when we could decide which season we were in! Now winter pops up in the middle of spring, spring lingers on until middle of summer, summer shows up in september and sticks around until November, and well Winter has its own guidelines these days! Hope your day is good to you what ever it may bring, FranMc:) peace
• United States
15 Apr 07
Well lately it has been very nice, very mild, even getting alot hot all ready with mostly pure sunshine. This weekend reverted back to January I think, as itis in the low 50's, maybe even in the 40's right now, overcast, windy, and showers off and on. I live in California, and here, it does not rain at all in the summertime. The dry starts sometime in late May or June, and we don't usually see another bit of rain until September or October. (Needless to say we have HOT in the summer-it's awful!!) This may be one of our final rains of the season, so it can stick around as long as it likes. :)
@FranMc (246)
• United States
20 Apr 07
So you mean to say that the song that says it never rains in Southern California is right? I remember visiting California in May some 20 years ago and the weather was perfect in the 80's while back here in New York the cold was still here. We got off the plane wearing Leather Jackets and felt like the sore thumb standing out in the crowd! We had to pack them back in the suit case so that no one would laugh at us! Enjoy your day whatever it may bring, FranMc:) peace
16 Apr 07
Sunny Days - Warm sunny days are happy days
The weather has been gorgeous here over the past few days, a real taste of summer to come. Now we have bright sunshine and it's warm, very unusual for mid-April in the UK:-)
@FranMc (246)
• United States
20 Apr 07
We're just coming out of a slump in the weather up here. I hope we can get a few good days in it gets so depressing when its dreary all the time. I love the sunshine, just not the heat! Have a great day what ever it may bring your way, FranMc:) peace
• Canada
10 Apr 07
Well, for Easter weekend we had snow. We even drove through a snow storm if you can imagine. I hear tell that Spring is here but I'm still looking for it. I actually think that the seasons got mixed up this year and that we had Spring during November and December and that Winter started in January and is actually ending now. Hmmm, does that mean that summer will come in September this year?
@FranMc (246)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Sounds like your weather and mine are the same these days and your alot further north than I am! I think its global warming that is attributing to unpredictable weather. I just would like a couple of months of nice weather inbetween to even the balance! Hope your day is a good one! FranMc:) peace