This goes to Islam - Weelcome to the 21st Century
By Riptide
@Riptide (2756)
United States
March 25, 2007 6:09pm CST
I would like to welcome you to the 21st century. Judging by recent events you might have not noticed that we now have arrived at the 21st century and the middle ages are long gone.
So to make the transition easier for you, I have prepared a little orientation for you. If you follow these simple rules, adapting should come easy to you.
- Women are equal to men and have the same rights, they also have a brain and can therefor think for themselves.
- Women can dress anyway they choose and come and go as they please, they are not children and don't need to be told what to wear and where to go and be beaten if they don't comply.
- Everybody has a right to believe whatever they want. People have the freedom to choose their religion without any fear of being harmed for it.
- No, you can't strap a bomb to yourself and run into a building, simply because you want to go play with 72 virgins.
- You may not forcefully convert others and then behead them in the streets if they don't comply with you.
- It would be greatly appreciated if the flag burning would stop. It really isn't a very nice thing to do.
- Stop trying to dominate the world and just play nicely like all the other religions.
- Close the terrorist camps and teach your children some real values.
After completing this orientation, you should be able to strip yourself from the middle age mentality and embrace the 21st century.
Should you have any trouble doing so, I heard there a few available caves left over in Afghanistan, where I am sure you can be happy.
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17 responses
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
26 Mar 07
How nice of you to offer an orientation to make the transition easier. It's probably going to be a real challenge for some. Especially when it comes to women thinking for themselves, not beating women into submission, and definately there will be a problem giving up the strapping of bombs to oneself.
Your intentions are good but...those caves are going to fill up fast I'm
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@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
26 Mar 07
Hi dear,
The first thing i would like to say is: you better read about Islam before you start judging it in such a way, and when i say read i don't mean from the internet because not everything you read there is true...
and regarding your rules thanks a lot for caring but please read my reply:
- in Islam women are equal to men and have the same brain.. Islam respects women more than any other religion in the world .. and we do think for ourselves
- We wear whatever we want, and the boundaries we have are for protection purposes... and to make us equal to men so they don't look at us as a thing but as a human being.. who told you we get beaten, in Islam the man is not allowed to hit a woman.. even beating has rules
- Islam grant the right for people to have their own beliefs, you don't become a Muslim if you don't believe and respect all other religions.. they are mentioned in our Holly-book (Quraan). Plus Muslims are not allowed to enforce any one to become a Muslim
- In Islam you are not allowed to kill yourself or any other soul except for defense
- We don't do that, we believe that people are equal and every body has the right to do what he thinks is right
- Don't you do that??? in so many occasions!!! we see you on T.V.
- We are like other religions, and I can assure you that the only time people lived happily was when Islam ruled, (read about our history)
- We do not teach our children terrorism, we have lots of important values to teach them, you can also read about our values (looks like you don't know it)..
And at the end I would like to thank you for the information you provided.. but believe me it's better to know the thing then discuss it...
@destroyer (784)
• Pakistan
26 Mar 07
Bravo, very well said!
i was trying to make the very same point but i guess coming from a man it didnt mean so much! but coming from a woman and specially a muslim woman i hope that it makes things crystal clear for them!
+ for You MorningDew!
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@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
26 Mar 07
Thank you, this really means a lot to me...
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
26 Mar 07
You are contradicting yourself. You say you wear whatever you want and the boundaries you have are for protection. So if there are boundaries then obviously you can't freely choose.
You say in islam the man is not allowed to beat a woman-even beating has rules. So you are saying there are rules to the beatings, which in fact would mean a man is allowed to beat his wife in a certain way? Otherwise why would there be a rule for something that is not allowed.
I know more then you think. I grew up with muslims and I have seen what the religion is all about, so please don't tell me I don't know.
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@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
26 Mar 07
This may help them quite a bit in adating to the new age. Im sure howevre that not many wil be willing to doso, so yo will proably meet with some resistance...I can't wait to see the resposes this one brigs...
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
26 Mar 07
Well I know a few others that are not of this religion that could take a lesson from your orientation. To all you wife beaters out there.....have a read. No need to beat any woman into submission (cowards).
72 virgins????? How selfish, egotistical and self centered. I raised 5 boys and I know what testosterone can do to any young man. Shame shame on you. Not such a noble cause after all.
As for the terrorist camps, am I the moron for encouraging tolerance in my children? How naive on my part.
The religious domination of the world reminds me of the Crusades....that did not work out so well either.
You have hit the nail on the head Riptide. We all can learn a lesson from this one.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
26 Mar 07
AMEN my friend but im afraid you are just whistling in the wind they are stuck in the 14 th century and they like it there !As for the 72 virgins some one needs to tell them they have been lied to they wont get 72 virgins what they may get is one 72 yr old one !
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
27 Mar 07
If translation of "word of god" is accurate, is there a possibility that Muhammed got there first and there are none left?
@nabeelnaqabia (71)
• India
26 Mar 07
i read your matter very well and came to a result that you are mistaken over here.not only you but people all over the world have mistook islam .i would like to tell you that islam never tells anyone to beat a woman,according to quran islam gives equal rights to a woman as it gives to a men.when you see people beating woman then they are the people who dont follow islam at all because as i said its nowhere written in islam that you beat a woman.ofcourse everyone has a right to choose his religion,a true muslim will only tell a non muslim about islam,but if the person doesnt want to convert he would not force him to convert.our prophet mohammad had to suffer a lot to make people understand what islam is, but never forced anyone.the persons about whom you are talking about might be muslim by name but not from their heart.
ofcourse the world has stepped into 21st century,but if you try to go into the depth of islam you would come to know that why islam has its certain restrictions.
please read it carefully and try to think about it and clarify about what you are mistaken.ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF PEACE NOT VIOLENCE.
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
2 Apr 07
Nabeel - so people all over the world mistake Islam.
Unfortunately they cannot think? And people who have embraced Islam are not allowed to think.
Even in an anonymous forum like Mylot you guys cannot be relieved of your brainwash.
Keep bleating about being a religion of peace. Wait until the muttawa come get you. Then you can bleat some more.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
26 Mar 07
One of the more controversial issues in Islam is the Quran’s authorization for husbands to beat disobedient wives. This is found in chapter 4, called “Women”, verse 34. Additional information on Islamic wife beating is found in Muhammad’s Traditions (Hadith), and Sira (biographical material). Many people have criticized Islam because of this harsh sanction, and many Muslims have written articles seeking ways to mollify or defend it. In review of the actual teachings of the Quran, Hadith, and Sira, Islam is rightly criticized. This command is not only a harsh way to treat one’s wife, it portrays the degraded position of married women in Islam. It will be shown from the Quran, Hadith, Sira, and other Islamic writings that this “Islamic” wife beating is physical and painful.
Please note that wife beating is not only an Islamic problem. It is a common occurrence throughout the entire world. Some cultures accept it more readily than others. However, Islam accepts the practice to an extent that Muslim societies do not see it as a problem.
Before moving on and addressing the subject of Islamic wife beating in detail, I want to pause and examine a more crucial point: the exhortation to beat the disobedient wife is not an aberration, oddity, disjointed concept, or stand alone element, in Islam’s positioning of females, rather, the command to beat disobedient wives is founded upon a woman’s subservient / secondary status in Islam. You cannot separate the issue of wife beating apart from the context of her inferior position in the marriage relationship.
To fully comprehend the issue of Islamic wife beating her position with respect to her husband must be first understood. Wife beating is allowed because of the lower position she occupies. A person with a severe virus may run a high fever. While the fever can be quite a grave problem it is actually a symptom of another sickness at work. Wife beating is a symptom of the wife’s degraded status in Islam. Beyond the right of husbands to beat their disobedient wives, there is a deeper, more pernicious, disease at work. Wife beating is merely the bad fruit of a bad root. Once this element is understood the rationale behind Muhammad’s command to beat disobedient wives comes into focus and fits in its proper place.
When I first began to study the topic, I did not realize that an Islamic marriage is not equivalent to a Christian marriage. Its rules, roles, and requirements are quite different. In a Christian marriage, the husband is given the role as head of the household, and the wife is expected to submit to the husband’s leadership. However, she is his equal in terms of social and religious status; she is not inferior to him. In Islam, the husband is the custodian of his wife. She is considered to be in-between slave and free. The woman is managed and controlled. The relationship between a married woman and her husband is similar to the relationship between parents and children. Parents have a responsible custody of their children and expect their obedience. When children are disobedient they are disciplined and sometimes spanked. Muhammad’s viewpoint of women was that they lack self-control, and thus for their own good, and societies’ good, they must be subordinate to their husbands. They must obey. Although an adult women is more mature and capable than a child she is still not equal to a man; thus is subject to him. Islam teaches that men are superior to women. When a man gives his bride a dowry, he is accredited the right to manage his wife. By accepting his dowry, a woman is giving her husband the right to her regulation.
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
28 Mar 07
Great post Riptide! Too bad that Islam is not going to take it too heart. It would have to agree with them for that to happen.
I find it funny how they all say theirs is a religion of peace and how that any who are violent are the minority, yet just as Coffee pointed out they are killing civilians in India, Thailand and more.
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@vampirestonez (1181)
• Pakistan
26 Mar 07
Ah Miss Riptide, glad to see you spreading your thoughts as usual.
I must say that those tips are very hilarious! But I think that they should be modified a bit
The modernization tips for the west for the 21st century:
1) Indeed women and men have equal rights and raping and killing a woman is a big NO, NO! Please refrain yourselves from doing that.
2) Woman can be dressed the way they want to be but I do understand that the west is waging war against poverty and perhaps that is the reason that the clothes of women there get smaller and smaller day by day and the prices for those clothes get higher and higher day by day, but hey you all have completely eliminated the problem for the clothes as many of you do not prefer to wear any but however I must say at least wear some decent clothes so the rest of the world can regard you as respected woman rather than a playboy star.
3) Indeed everybody has a right to believe what ever they want to believe and that strictly means that you do not go about bashing other religions just because you follow none or fail to understand other religions.
4) And no you can’t just start bombing a country just because your country has an increase in oil prices and nor can you just invade any other country just for the sake of testing out the new strategies of bombing.
5) You may not have radical groups that make other people’s lives miserable around you and just because you do not agree with their religion; it is a strict negative to attack what the other person follows.
6) Indeed flag burning should be stopped at once and so should be the propaganda to disgrace the rest of the world and as well as the religion.
7) Just because some one disagrees with you does not give you the right to start a mad rampage of conquest.
8) Learn to live and let live and respect other people’s values and faiths.
9) If you are expecting the rest of the world to think positively of you whilst you are attacking them physically and mentally over and over, then it’s about time that you have another thought.
Overall if you follow those guide lines you will be surprised to know how much the rest of the world will appreciate you and there will be a chance for the peace to prevail in this world and if you think that you cannot adapt to these changes then do not complain if one day you end up in Tora Bora.
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
27 Mar 07
Some of the points you mentioned would be well heeded by islamist followers. Since when does islam respect other religions?
Sura 9:29 commads Muslims to fight against Jews and Christians until they either submit to allah or else agree to pay a special tax.
Yes that indeed sounds very tolerant. NOT!
I don't fail to understand islam, just the opposite. I say what I say, because I understand it very well.
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@BrainTeaser (1428)
• Pakistan
26 Mar 07
Nicely done Vampirestonez, and for her yes you can look towards muslim nations to see how a woman is respected and not just used as a playboy thing used and than throwed into dustbin like a toilet paper real great!

@destroyer (784)
• Pakistan
26 Mar 07
Hey Riptide! nice to see you are again speaking out your mind, anyways here are my 2 cents for whatever they are worth!
The 21st century opening message was really nice but i would like to make some alterations here, it go's something like this :
I would like to welcome the west to 21st century, you people might not have noticed but the days of imperialism and subjugation are long gone, here are a few pointers which might be a rude awakening but will make the world a better place.
-firstly it would be a blessing if the west instead of trying to patronize others and telling them how to lead their lives minds its own business.
- women are indeed equal to men and nobody practices it like the west! the biggest western power US never had a female president but we muslims backwards and living in middle ages have several examples where a female was appointed to the post of Prime Minister!
- It would be great if people sitting several thousand miles away stop generalizing about women in Islam based on pure assumption and propoganda.
- No, you cant wage war on a soverign country based on fictitious WMD and against the UN charter because you are after its oil resources!
- you may not drop atom bomb on innocent civilians and carry out a genocide (Hiroshima, Nagasaki anyone??)
- Put away expansionist, imperialistic, egotistical attitude and adopt the live and let live policy!
- It would be greatly appreciated if you people stop disgracing our religious figures in the name of freedom of speach! To put it in Layman's term if you dont respect your father you have no right to disrespect mine!
- Once again i implore stop trying to impose your way of life on others and let them have a life of their own.
After going through this orientation you should be able to strip yourself from the imperialistic and authoritarian mindset and come to terms with the demands of 21st century, should you have any trouble doing that, well i would suggest moving to a more civilized place like the east!
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@destroyer (784)
• Pakistan
27 Mar 07
Well Ms. Riptide looks like you've got back up LOL!!
Anyways in your previous discussion (pardon me i forgot the title) i had made it clear why i chose the nick destroyer, but i assume you didnt see it, well for your benefit i will put down the reason here too!
When i was signing up for mylot, every nick i chose was taken so in the end i chose a nick from my old counter strike playing days, it was purely out of necessity that i chose DESTROYER! i hope that is clear!
Moving on to the website you suggested, i would implore you to go to this discussion :
You my dear are not the first one to have mentioned this misguided website in your posts, and if you take time to visit the aforementioned link you would discover that yours truly has already posted a comprehensive refutation to it!
If you have any further queries or feel like i have erred somewhere you can always leave a comment and i will get back to it!
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
27 Mar 07
Well if it isn't destroyer. You really should have picked a better name if you want to convince people that islam is peaceful.
I suggest for you and everybody else to read through following site. I doubt you will though, because you are obviously don't want to hear the truth.
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@charlazio (215)
• Italy
26 Mar 07
"You may not forcefully convert others...""It would be greatly appreciated if the flag burning would stop.""Stop trying to dominate the world and just play nicely like all the other religions."Obviously, you can't be a christian or even believe in god. christians have been forcefully converting people for quite some time now. Flag burning is a right protected under free speech, burn the flag if you must get your point across. "stop trying to dominate the world and play nicely like the other religions?" this is comical, when have the other religions ever played nicely? And the muslims must now take a back seat just because the christians are in the lead? this is like telling a young inventor he can't make a better motor because there is already a good motor on the market and it would displace some other inventor. read some ayn rand.
this is some of the worst posting i've ever read, as for the women part, you're only half right. have you taken a look at any young american women nowadays? they look like trash, at age 12, they look like mini sl*ts, but surely it's just girls being girls, right? i'm not proposing our american women revert back to showing no skin but a little more modesty would be great.
@Riptide (2756)
• United States
26 Mar 07
Well you are right about one thing, I am no a christian. I am not saying it's ok for 12 year olds to dress like sl*ts, if I did, show me where I said that. I am speaking of grown women not little girls.
Nowhere am I saying that muslims should take the backseat. I am also not saying they should abandon their religion. I am simply implying they should update some of their practices to go with the times.
You know women wouldn't have to be modest if men could control themselves. Why do women have to conform to a mans way of thinking?
I'm sorry you couldn't see this post in the humorous ways it was intended.
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@ammar55555 (270)
• Jordan
26 Mar 07
I can't tell you how stupid are you!, what you know about islam is NOT what the islam realy is.

@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
26 Mar 07
then you my friend know nothing about christianity !
For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
15. What harmony is there between Christ and Belial ? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?
16. What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people."
17. "Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you."
18. "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."
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@AdFreeLink (88)
• Egypt
26 Mar 07
i hate that really when i see sbdy dunno anything abt anything and just talk like that ..
God help all

@vkbllm (474)
• India
26 Mar 07
Hi, Dear...
I was touched by ur display of thoughts! Really its a wonderful suggestion. But I must tell you that Islam already do posses some of these qualitis. I must tell you that Majority of muslim in India are living in very very honourable pride of life. There way of living is really as like ur suggestion. I must tell you that Islam is very wonderful religion, But its follower have misunderstood it completely! Thats why they are creating havoc. Their misconception is giving a wrong treat to Islam world wide.
If they follow your advice, they will certainly round up themselves, and again they will treated with honour world wide. You know, It will change peoples thinking towards them. They will really be obliged if the follow you!
Really you have pointed out the most appropriate points.
Good Very Good and Thanks!
@professorxang (201)
• United States
27 Mar 07
Islam never come past 12 century. they are cavemen trapped in the time when clubbing meant to hit with a wooden tree trunk. it is impossible becase they refuse to update. being fashionable is obviously not the priority.