what is your favorite day of the week?

March 25, 2007 8:41pm CST
mine is wednesday. that's the day i was born.. how about you? what's your favorite day of the week?
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8 responses
@lbbaby (489)
• China
26 Mar 07
I like Friday because after that I will have two days off for me to adjust.
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• Philippines
26 Mar 07
i'm starting to see the point why a lot of people like fridays.. thanks for the reply!
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
26 Mar 07
I would have to say everyday, But I think thats because with 7 little children it doesnt matter Mon - Sun its all the same =)
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• Philippines
26 Mar 07
seven little children! wow! you do have your hands full everyday! thanks for the reply!
• United States
26 Mar 07
My favorite day of the week, hands down is Saturday. I have the entire day to relax and nothing to worry about the next day. This is the day that I get to do whatever I want to do and there is nothing in my way. I also get to spend some extra time here at mylot..LOL...I like Saturdays best !
• Philippines
26 Mar 07
good point! saturday is also my mylot day.. hehehe! although i'm online everyday.. saturday i get to be online longer.. thanks for the reply!
@ratburn (939)
• Philippines
26 Mar 07
my favorite day of the week is sunday next to friday. i get to spend it with my family. we eat out, visit the malls, go shopping, watch movies. it is really fun to spend it with them since they are very busy during the week. i also love fridays because i get to go out with my friends. even if it's just spending time at their place or going out for drinks. fridays are also fun!
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@Bomber109 (201)
• Australia
26 Mar 07
I love Fridays knowing the weekends coming and anticipating it. Hate Mondays- always come too quickly!
• Philippines
26 Mar 07
i hate mondays too! thanks for the reply!
@sarahdell (130)
• United States
26 Mar 07
mine is Friday.. well, i looked it up and it so happened that it's also the day that i was born.. sooo cool.. anyway, i like Fridays coz it's basically the end of a long and tiring week from school.. it's also the day of the week where i can go out and have fun with my friends and don't feel any guilt whatsoever..
• United States
26 Mar 07
I like Saturday and Sunday. Those are the days I get to spend with my family. Those are relaxing days for us. Even cooking on those days is more fun.
• Canada
26 Mar 07
My favorite day is Friday because then that means the weekend is coming :) Hate Mondays though uggghhhh!
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