How To Become A Better Person

March 25, 2007 11:50pm CST
There are three points that I believe are critical for anyone seeking to improve themselves. These are seeking continuous education and knowledge, observing the platinum rule (not the golden rule), and giving selflessly. Continuous growth creates more value for you to share with others. The Platinum Rule is walking in someone else's shoes in terms of your thought process when dealing with relationships. Giving selflessly allows you to experience the wonder of altruism. One thing I believe the Christians got right was the idea of a tithe, although I disagree that there is a specific amount that is a universal standard, and I don't agree that it should necessarily be given to a church. I believe giving carries responsibility, and the giver should ensure their time or money is being used wisely to help their cause. I also believe many Christians tithe for the wrong reasons, and therefore do not reap any benefit from the process. Full Article: What do you think are the necessary ingredients and actions to become a better person? Draven the Respectful Atheist
8 responses
@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
3 Apr 07
you mentioned three key ingredients for the development of a personality and i agree and appreciate your structured propositions. I would just add a student's (at best:-)) remarks and view. To start with one must have a will to improve and build, a personality and to be a better person. believe me if someone doesn't have will, no matter what you pour into one's mind, one will never change. after that Knowledge got the top place among such essentials. Knowledge should not be limited to education but a person should have will, thirst and impulse to hunt it from wherever he finds it. you may disagree but one should go muc beyond the limits of sciences and even beyond the material world, as far as one can go, for i believe the truth is much broader, wider and greater than what can be encompassed by feeble sciences and our general observable frame. Knowledge should also not be limited to outer world but one must have his inner world explored through meditation, thinking qnd observation. It's by knowing our own selves that we may approach greater realities as well as understanding of others. Humility is another such ingredient as you also mentioned. Only if we could make thick hard wall of our arrogance fall, we would be able to see great people around us. who can help us in our understanding of both inner and outer universe. Only then a person knows, to what extent, one can deny oneself and appreciate the greatness of others. This very humility makes a man and personality glow among the people. Honesty is another such great trait and in my view one should be most honest with one's own self, for one cares better, if one knows, what it takes to be honest. Honesty, in all spheres of life, personal, social and professional, keeps the composure of a personality and never let it fall. Care is the last but not the least in my list, care for own self, for others, for their rights, for people around, family, friends, society and the whole globe in general. Care for anything you have interaction with. This is just my humble contribution and a student can't add more than that:-) anyway sorry for being long, as my english is not very good so i can't keep my message short while explaining my point. hope you will excuse me.
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3 Apr 07
Kamran12, I appreciate your response and your English appears to be quite good. (Much better than what I could do in your native tongue, I would imagine!) It appears you agree with most of my views, many of the traits you mention are covered in some way by my article, although perhaps articulated differently. I do believe that the known sciences alone can not help us in the quest to become better people. That is more of a sociological and psychological problem, and the intricacies of the question are not fully understood. That said, I do believe that the answers ultimately lie within the physical plane of our existence, albeit in the individual and collective minds of the human race. I do not require a spiritual plane, extra dimensions, gods or goddesses in answer to this question. I respect that others may need exactly that. Draven the Respectful Atheist
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
4 Apr 07
same was my case when i was in teenage. i was considered a good student and was a vocal supporter of sciences in every realm of life. things started to change when science couldn't come up with answers, without breaking the very scientific principals themselves, to very basic of my questions. it was only then i started to question the limits of sciences. When i got to university in first year of my engneering, i slowly changed from doubting about deity to realizing one. now for me as an engineer and researcher, it's really almost impossible to believe if someone said that any engineering design can be made without designer or any research be conducted with out a researcher for that matter. i have already one of my papers published, and can't think that without me this work could have been done, offcourse there could be someone else but surely "Someone". So if lesser intelligent designs can't be accomplished and research be made without engineer or researcher, how could a rather much complex and intricate design like humans be made without a more intelligent designer. But it's quite normal and logically acceptable that we think on different lines, it can be possible even in observable frame, so beyond observable frame, stakes surely could be higher. Anyway i enjoyed replying to your post and having a discussion with you.
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
4 Apr 07
btw, thanks for your appreciation of my english:-), which i still know is not good enough. well i just hope to imrove with time.
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@nietske (199)
• Belgium
3 Apr 07
I think this discussion is riviting, but i just wonder if there is such a think as giving selflessly. Do we not give and in turn recieve. I believe you always recieve something, not necessarily material thing, but for instance a good feeling. If you give, don't you always automatically recieve?
3 Apr 07
I see your point nietske. In the context of this discussion, I define giving selflessly as "giving without expectation of reciprocation by any third party." Tithing, for example, can be done mechanically in both selfless and selfish ways. It comes down to causality and method. One who tithes for reasons of personal gain through status in the eyes of others, because they believe it scores points with their god, etc. are not truly tithing in my opinion. They are giving with strings attached and an expectation of reward from an external entity. I think it is probably OK to take advantage of tax breaks associated with charitable giving, as long as the intent and methods are truly altruistic. This means you gave in order to help others in need. This is the only altruistic impetus for giving that I can think of at the moment. Tithing to your church so you can hold a status, or get your name on a wall, etc. does not strike me as giving selflessly. Your charity may be put to good use, to be sure, but becoming a better person is a product of both the right motivations AND actions. Draven the Respectful Atheist
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3 Apr 07
Just another note, I believe that giving because it makes you feel good to help others in need is still selfless giving. It is when you require accolades from others or feel the need to proclaim your generosity as an attempt at winning favor that the "selfless" component breaks down. Draven the Respectful Atheist
1 person likes this
• India
30 Mar 07
I completely agree with you, draven. Giving selflessly and gaining knowledge from lifes experiences are the most important of them all.When we tithe it may not be necessarily to the church we should make sure that it is being used for the right purposes. For what we give should not hinder anybody in any way. We can also improve ourselves by observing others by the way they conduct themselves the situations they go through.But the most exempilary of them all is the action that we take or make to change ourselves.
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@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
26 Mar 07
Draven, I agree with you on these three good points! And I myself try to follow these beliefs,because it is my ultimate to become a better person, for myself, and for my fellow human beings!!
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@tommy408 (361)
• Malaysia
26 Mar 07
Respecting Differences Whether it is faith, lifestyle, values, moral standards or any other differences. When it is easier for you to respect and celeberate the diversity among fellow human beings rather than frowning upon them and trying to instill your values on them, I believe you are already a better man.
26 Mar 07
Great comment, tommy408. Draven the Respectful Atheist
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I choose to not agree or disagree with you at the moment. I writing to express gratitude for the explanation of the Platinum rule in your article. I love the little shift it created in my thinking. I hope to communicate with you on other things soon.
4 Apr 07
Thank you for the comment, it is very good to know that the things I write are appreciated. Draven the Respectful Atheist
• United States
26 Mar 07
I agree with all your choices. Seeking knowledge by experience as well as formal learning is a must, it is why I am still in school now. Empathy is always a good way to deal in personal relationships, but I temper it with honesty, because honesty even if sometimes hurtful can make for a better relationship. People can be honest without being cruel. Giving is important as well, as long as you are not being used for your kindness. I usually wait to see how my kindness is received before I continue giving favors. If people don't apprciate what you do then they are probably using you. And I would add just one thing, be responsible for your own actions. It is easier to blame someone else, but you are always ultimately responsible for your day to day activities.
@glamgrl (384)
• Ireland
23 Apr 07
my friends have told me i could become a better person by thinking more with my heart instead of my head all the time