Best Movie of ALL Time

South Africa
March 26, 2007 10:44am CST
What, according to you is the best movie of all time? There's quite a lot of good ones out there, so that makes it really tough! What about the worst movie of all time? For me the BEST movie would be ... Gladiator! The WORST movie according to me ... The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!!!
2 responses
• India
26 Mar 07
Hi!! For me the best movie of all time will be THE JACKAL.. Though he was the villain,i really loved the role played by Bruce Willis.. and the movie is awesome.. and the worst according to me is THE HITCHIKERS"S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY.. i jus hate that movie.
• South Africa
26 Mar 07
Hi! It's nice to know we agree on the worst movie! I could not believe the hogwash they dished up in that movie. And I really prepared myself for a nice comedy at home!!!
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
26 Mar 07
ShawShankRedemption when that rock went thru that poster omg !!! I have watched it so many many times i still love it..Hunt for Red October would be a close second though Cheryl