Does it bother you when a foreigner flies their flag only?

American Flag - pic of american flag
United States
March 26, 2007 6:47pm CST
This is for any country not just America.Does it bother you when a foreigner flies the flag of their country only and doesn't fly one of the country they are living in?I see that all the time here in America and it really irritates me. I don't mind foreigners flying flags of their own countries,but what bothers me is when I see them flying flags of their country and not one of ours.I believe if a person is living in another country,they should have the curtesy of flying that country's flag as well as the flag of their birth.Right now I live in Florida and there are a lot of Spanish here.I always see Mexican flags or cuban flagsetc but I never see American flags being flown along with them and I don't think that's right
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28 responses
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I guess I'm just so used to it, it never bothered me, well, when I see a Confederate flag - that bothers me. I once saw a Hispanic kid with a Confederate flag & said to the friend in the car, "If he knew how they would have treated him, he wouldn't be wearing that." Now, if I were down in the school district of the "Rebels" that might've been different, but I was far away from it.
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@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
27 Mar 07
Oh, the Confederate flag does bother me as well. Some say it is just Southern, but when it comes down to it, why did they have that flag? Because the South split from the North. Why did they split from the North? They didn't want to give up slavery.
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• United States
27 Mar 07
Every time I see that Confederate flag ,I want to rip it down and burn it! If that spanish kid knew what that darned flag stood for,he wouldn't want anything to do with it.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
27 Mar 07
Australians rarely fly any kind of flag. However, we are proud enough of our country, that I am fairly sure if people started flying flags of other countries, and not ours as well, there would be quite a lot of opposition. No, it's not right to fly only another countries flag. It's somewhat disrespctful too.
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• United States
27 Mar 07
Thanks for the response. I agree with you very much.It's very disrespectful. THat's why it's irritating when i see so many foreign flags being flown over here without being accompanied by the American flag. It's like their thumbing their noses at the same country who allowed them to move there. It's the same if Americans were in another country and wouldn't fly the host country's's rude
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• United States
27 Mar 07
i think its ok that they are still showing their national pride. buut i think when they get here, they should fly their new countries flag along with their own. like for example, in my small town, there is a family from England, and they fly the British flag UNDER their new countries flag (USA's). i like this. it shows they are proud to live here now, but want to feel somewhat connected to their old home.
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• United States
27 Mar 07
My thoughts exactly. So respect for your new country and the respect for where you come from.
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• United States
27 Mar 07
My thoughts exactly. Show respect for your new country and the respect for where you come from. I love the mix of nationalites that exist here in the US. Just that if you choose to live in the US respect the flag and the country.
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• United States
28 Mar 07
My sentiments exactly . Whenever I see someone flying their country's flag and not ours,I feel like they are snubbing us.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
27 Mar 07
Its funny, but here in Canada, Americans come up to theircottage every summer andget ticked off when asked to fly the Canadian flag on the pole with the American flag. A few years ago, the legionsbought flags and offered them to Americans, assuming the justdidn't have a Canadian flag, and most refused to take or fly it. Seems to me that Americans are as guilty of that crime as anyone else.
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@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
27 Mar 07
The question was for all lands, not just America. I don't believe anyone is under the impression Americans are immune to such actions.
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• United States
27 Mar 07
You misunderstood me. I wasn't just referring to foreigners living in America.I was also referring to Americans living in foreign lands.
@Macthedj (630)
27 Mar 07
This is a touchy subject. I dont think it would bother me but on the other hand it really irks me when I am at a football match in Scotland and I see Celtic fans waving the Irish flag or Rangers fans flying the Union Jack. This has nothing to do with football they are scottish teams so if they want to fly flags it should be scottish flags. Back to your subject,lol. I think people have the right to fly their own flags and not the one of the country they live in. I dont think i would like to see the Stars and strips being hung against any other flag as it stands for something far greater. The Stars and Stripes should be hung alone as I feel it would give it more meaning. And remember I am live in Scotland but I love the American way of life and they way they think.
• United States
28 Mar 07
Hi,Mac! I am so glad that there is someone in another country that actually likes the American way of Life,lol. all I've been seeing is anti-american bashing on the news.thanks for the response
• Gabon
27 Mar 07
But it wont be practical to hava two flag poles don't you think? I agree in an embassy or offices similar to that they normally have more than 1 flag pole and fly their own flag as well as the flag of the country they were in. But if you're talking about individual, and they're simply celebrating the independence of their birth country in a foreign place (for example an American on the 4th of July in Australia...), it won't bother me if they just fly the American flag... I will be insulted if they put the Australian flag under the American flag (on the same pole)...:-) You understand what I mean?
• United States
28 Mar 07
I understand what you were saying but you don't have to have two flag poles,you can have 2 or 3 flags flying on the same pole. My dad used to have three,he had the American flag,underneath that he had the flag of the U.S. Air Force,and under that he had a black prisoner of war flag.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
27 Mar 07
simple, fly both flags on the same pole with the flag of the country you live in over the country of origin. This is considered proper flag etiquit here anyways.
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I think it would be more respectful if they flew the flag of the country they are living in now as well as the country that they were born in. Flying the flag of their original country only, seems disrespectful to the country that is allowing them to live there now. If they can not show respect for the country they are living in, they should not be there. What would be worse though is if they went to another country and started burning flags of the other country or doing other degrading or horrible things.
• United States
27 Mar 07
I'm glad you agree. It irritates me to no end seeing all these foreign flags flying but no American and i'm sure it rratates other countries too. The only nationality I have seen flying an American flag is a house about 2 or 3 streets down from us.Not only do they fly the British flag but they also have the American flag on the same pole. It really ticks me off when I see people burning flags and as you know,Ken,we Americans see it quite often.YOu don't see mass groups of Americans burning flags as soon as that country does something we don't like,
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@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
27 Mar 07
No things like this dont bother me because there is way worst stuff happening. Besides all that whats wrong with a foreigner flying their own countries flag on their own property? They are proud where they came from and want everyone else to know it. Im Canadian so maybe Im taking this to lightly but I think its really no big deal as long as they arent planning terriost attacks while they are living beside us!lol
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• United States
28 Mar 07
You're not taking it lightly. You are entitled to your own opinion. I don't see anything wrong with foreigers flying their own flag,it bothers me when they fly theirs and won't fly the host country. But again like i said,You're entitled to your own opinion.thanks for responding!
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
27 Mar 07
It doesn´t bother me at all. Here in sweden we get that alot, but also alot of people choose to put both up. I am not sure how I would do if I moved abroad. =) maybe i would put up mine, and maybe not even that!
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• United States
28 Mar 07
Thanks for the response . I love getting different view points.
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I know what you mean. Sure, an immigrant doesn't want to lose their heritage, but they are living in a land that has given them freedom, and chances they obviously would not have gotten if they had stayed in their home country. Go ahead, fly your flag, just make sure you show what land you are in right now.
• United States
27 Mar 07
Exactly! That's the point I was trying to make. I see so many Spanish flags flying but if one of us Americans were to ask them to fly the American flag,we'd be labeled a racist. By the way,thanks for my defense in that response above. I really appreciate it.
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I personally hate that too. I understand being proud of your heritage, but be proud of the country you live in too. They chose to come here (USA) to work and live, so fly the American flag with some pride. It burns me up when I hear them say "I am from Mexico not America so I fly MY flag". I just want to go up to them and bash on the head and tell them "Then go the F*** home". They are so friggin proud of being from Mexico, then they should go home and work there. Not come to the US and rape our country of it's resources to send back to Mexico. OOOH, I am so ticked just thinking about it, that I need to go have a cup of tea.
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I really just wanted an excusre for a good cup of jasmine tea and almond cookies. It did help though. :)
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• United States
11 Apr 07
Almomd cookies! oh god! one of my weaknessess!
• United States
11 Apr 07
That's what I'm saying. I expect them to be proud of their country but not snub the country that opened their doors to them.Should I apologize for riling you up,lol? Did the tea help?
• Canada
27 Mar 07
It does not bother me I live in Canada and i think it is great I have a Canadian flag adn fly it when i feel liek it do you fly your flag.
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• Canada
27 Mar 07
I understood and where i live there are several flags flying from different countries. I upset one of my neighbors when they flew all the different counties flags on Canada day and would not fly the canadian flag as well in there front yard but while he was thinking about it he realised it is one of the great freedoms we have the freedom to choose but also celebrate different cultures.
• United States
27 Mar 07
Hi,Huggiebear! Haven't seen ya in awhile! I think you misunderstood me. I was referring to someone moving to another country and flying their own flag and not the host country. For instance,if a foreigner moved next to you and flew the flag of his own country but wouldn't fly the flag of Canada.Would that bother you? I live in an apartment complex so it's kinda hard to fly the flag but we do have a small flag on our car and I have a couple of small flags placed here and there
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• Portugal
27 Mar 07
People are free to do what they want. And I don't see no problem with only putting the flag of the home country. People who do this are only patriotic just like you appear to be. I'm a Brazilian living in Portugal and if I have the opportunity to put flags in my house I would put only the Brazilian one since thats the flag that represents my country and thats the message I want to transmit. That I'm Brazilian and I'm proud of it.
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• United States
27 Mar 07
There is nothing wrong with being proud of what nationality you are but to live in another country and snub them by not flying their flag also is extrememly disrespectful.
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• United States
27 Mar 07
I may not have lived in another country but I have been friends with people who were from other countries and I know the pain they went through being seperated from their countries.I also know it's only natural that you want to fly Brazils flag but Portugal opened their doors to you and allowed you to live there. I don't understand why people cant fly both their country's flag and also the country's flag where they are living in too. AS for burning flags,I totally agree with you.I think it's not only disrespectful,but it's immature and childish.WE Americans see ours being burned all the time but one thing I can say,we don't burn other country's.I think it's plain wrong no matter what flag is being burned
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• Portugal
27 Mar 07
What I think is disrespectful is when someone burns a flag of other countries. And this happens a lot when people don't understand freedom concept. We live in a global world now, and every country most be prepared to receive foreign people. As long as you don't go against their law and respect their rules and traditions I really can't see the problem of only putting the flag of the home country. Maybe it's difficult to you to feel the way I feel because maybe you never been in my situation, but when he live in a foreign country we really miss our home and one way to reminds us of it is our flag.
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• United States
27 Mar 07
Of course that is an issue. Foreign flags are ok (I have a Norwegian flag on my desk) but to have third world flags flying in our nation is an insult. Arthur Head Viking Arthur's Hall of Viking Manliness
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• United States
28 Mar 07
I am glad you agree. I don't undertand why a person would not want to fly the flag of his country along with the flag of the country he is living in. Thanks for responding.
@soulist (2985)
• United States
18 Jul 07
People from other countries should have the right to fly the flag of their choice. But I do think that they should also fly the American flag along side. I mean they came here for a reason.
• United States
19 Jul 07
I agree with you. According to the book of flag etiquette,foreigners are suppose to fly the American flag first and their countries flag second but most of the time they fly their flag alone and ignore the us flag
@Script (592)
• Australia
29 Mar 07
It doesn't bother me at all... it's a matter of pride for people that are living outside of the country they live in. I would like to think if I was living in the States I could fly an Australian flag freely and with pride. I would be appreciative of the country I was living in, but couldn't deny my roots. I am Australian, and that is part of who I am. So no matter where I will live in the future that is a huge part of me and I love my country as you do yours. There is so much racial violence in the world... it's crazy. There is nothing wrong with loving the country you were born in. Or for what ever reason, moved to. Australia is a multicutural country, it is a part of what make Australia, 'Australia.' I just really don't 'get it' being upset with people that are proud from where they come from and then moving to a different country. They moved to a different country for a reason. And we have no place to judge. I know if I had to move away from Australia for reason of war or refugee reasons I would not only love the country I moved to, but would love my history and culture.
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• United States
29 Mar 07
I don't mind them flying there flag and I do believe they should be proud of who they are but I still feel that they are snubbing us by not flying our flag too.I dont think that's too much to ask for them to fly both.If you were here,there would be no problem flying your flag and we would expect you to love your country too.Thanks for the response. I love getting responses ,even if I don't always agree with them.It would be a pretty boring world if every one thought the same way
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I also see this- I agree with you-- I think if you come to America (I can only answer for America as I live here) you should proudly fly your countries flag along with our American Flag- After all you chose to live here in the states. On another note-- How about flying state flags and not the US flag? I find this odd too... My neighbor flies a Marine flag, and a rebel flag.. but no American flag- Odd
• United States
29 Mar 07
Beleive it or not ,I see it all the time.There 's been plenty of time when i have seen a flag from one of the branches of the military flying along with a pow flag but no old glory.It's weird. My dad used to fly the American flag,underneath that the flag of the U.S. Air Force then the pow flag.
• Canada
27 Mar 07
We have a lot of people of different nationalities living here in Vancouver, and to that extent, we get a lot of different flags flying. It really doesn't bother me, and I know many many people that feel the same way. I think it's up to each individual whether they want to fly the flag of the country they live in. Personally I feel that as a multicultural province it shouldn't really matter. It's the same with places like Toronto. They have a lot of different nationalities living there too, why should they have to fly the flag of Canada just because they live there? If their nationality isn't Canadian, let them fly their flag without placing restrictions on them. We're all equal regardless.
• United States
29 Mar 07
I don't agree but thanks for the response anyway.The government opened their doors and allowed them to live their so they should fly the hosts country flag out of respect and gratitude for that country.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
27 Mar 07
I would answer with an ephhatic YES. I think it would be a show of respect to the country that welcomed you as a guest or residence to simply fly their flag with yours. Its not a big thing to ask of someone. A small token show of apreciation for the nation you live in or are visiting. I also think the host nations flag should be flown over yours or at least a bit higher than yours. perhaps this sounds arrogent but i dont think so. If i were to move to say canada, i would still fly my flag, but i would fly it over the U.S flag. a breach of flag etiquit here but on foriegn soil it would be expected. I realy dont think its alot to ask of some one.
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• United States
29 Mar 07
I'm glad you brought up the subject about flying the American flag first.Actually it's flag etiquette. i was given a little booklet on the history of the flag and how to treat it.It says that if a foreignor wishes to fly any flags.The American flag should be flown on top with their country underneath.
@Inky261 (2520)
• Germany
30 Jun 07
Where I live nobody flies flags. Not of our nations, not of other nations. It is considered silly. I would not spend one penny for a flag. If you would do this here people would look real funny at you. I think our government owns a flag. I doubt that they own two flags. Much ado about nothing. Flags are not important. Especially not for the civilian population.
• United States
1 Jul 07
just because where you live thinks it is silly ,doesnt' mean we do. we take it very us,it's a symbol of freedom and the sacrifice of the men that made this country free and I think it's quite rude for people to come in this country and disrespect our flag like that