Sould smoking be banned while driving?
By samrat16
@samrat16 (2442)
March 27, 2007 3:30am CST
I've been driving four wheelers for about 15 years, no accidents and I have been smoking even longer.Using a cell phone takes your mind off your driving , So no to the smoking ban for my opinion. Maybe next they will not allow you to use the radio, cd player, and the like.I've seen DVD players mounted in Dashboards.Now, How dangerous is that?
I have shared my opinion ,What do you say
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37 responses
@mummyofthree (2715)
27 Mar 07
I think banning smoking whilst driving would cause accidents!
I think that a driver that is stressed anyway because of road conditions being deprived a nicotine fix could cause seriouse road rage!!!
I wonder how many incidents are actually prevented by a quick ciggie in the car!
Again just my opinion folks!!!
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@saumya69 (382)
• India
28 Mar 07
I think this depends on how proficient in driving.Hence doesnot matter wheather you smoke or do something else.
But smoking while driving is not good as far as the security is concerned. this is one scientific reason :)
Inside the engine the petrol/diesel turns into gasious form and do you know this can easily catch fire if you help it to get heat by anymeans. Hence my humble request is not to smoke.
"this is my opinion. May be helpful if you obey."
@cyclops_online2004 (779)
• India
28 Mar 07
I think that smiking is equally dangerous as is takling on a cell phone. It is dangerous while driving and the other way also. So, i think that it should be banned. No one should be allowed to smoke while driving. It is really harmful.
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@anilsable (17)
28 Mar 07
it goes without sayin' one shouln't smoke while drivin'.Believe me, u shoul enjoy whatevere u r if u smoke , smoke patiently n conveniently at home place. u need 2 b very focuss while drivin'.so shun't smoke 2 acoid any mishaps.
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@jhartana (1084)
• Australia
28 Mar 07
I don't smoke at all but I can say that smoking while driving might be troublesome. We have a law here that banned people from using mobile phone (cell phone) while driving, because it contributes to road accidents. While you're driving it's best that you always keep an eye on the road, because if you don't the accident would happen.
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
27 Mar 07
In my opinion the radio, dvd players, cellphones, and other such things are more dangerous than smoking while behind the wheel. While smoking the driver's eyes and mind our on the road. While those other things distract the driver. I think those dashboard mounted dvd players are just stupid. They may be alright for when the car is stopped, but the driver doesn't need to be watching movies while he/she is driving.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I don't think anything that is distracting, such as DVD players on dashboards and tv's on dashboards should be allowed. Radios, well they're not so bad. You can't watch anything. I personally think smoking should be banned while driving because I know that my mother becomes horrible when she's smoking or is looking for her smokes. She swerves, takes her eyes off the road a lot, and other things. They need to start outlawing a lot of things that make people bad drivers, and it's not just smoking.
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@ycanteye (778)
• United States
28 Mar 07
There are drivers who aren't safe whether they are smoking or not so I say no they should not ban smoking when you're driving. Heck the next think you know they will say you can't eat, drink anything, talk, listen to the radio.....They just don't know when enough is enough.
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@neertow20 (86)
• Malaysia
28 Mar 07
For me, smoking is dangerous during driving. It may cause damage or accident to yourself and others road users.
@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
28 Mar 07
Absolutely not!! Smoking should not be banned while driving & to those who say it should be. Can you honestly tell me that you don't have a drink, listen to the radio, change the station on the radio, talk to your children, yawn, put on lipstick/chapstick, wave to people, or roll down your window?? Every one of these things take at least a small amount of your attention, therefore, should they all be banned??? I have been smoking for such a time now that I usually light up in the car before even realizing that I am lighting up. Oh and as for the 2nd hand smoke..if a friend is riding in my car with me, well they know I don't ride with me if you don't want to smell smoke. Good post samrat.
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@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I am not a smoker, however my mother and father smoked the entire time i lived with them. Did any of you know that a non-smoker is 30% more likely to die from heart desiease from just enhaling second hand smoke? I tried to stress this to my mother and father for years and years, even after my son was born I tried to at least get them to smoke outside ( however no luck). They still smoke to this day, its just a ongoing battle with them. I believe that if you want to smoke and you have the money be my guest, if you want to harm yourself its your choice. I don't approve of the smoking ban because everyone has they're rights, however next time your smoking somewhere be curteous enough to not blow your smoke into someones face or in there direction. I've had people stand right beside me and blow they're smoke in my face, its really nasty. I've even told people on occasion if I wanted to light up that I would buy a pack. Just be curteous to us and we'll be fine, good luck with quiting if you are!
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@18101989 (700)
• India
27 Mar 07
If not smoking than at least drinking should be banned actually your mind is not diverted while smoking you can handle it but while drinking no body can handle that situation and even when talking on cell so i think every such thing should be avoided or you might heart your family by hurting yourself
@j27366 (293)
• Philippines
28 Mar 07
all vices while driving must be done. it is simply for the reason of safety. what's wrong with being cautious when the purpose is saving other people's lives and yours? you can do your vices when at home and in designated places when you're in public areas. it is still best to keep away from these vices because they'll just bring down your immune system until you reach a stage you cannot cure whatever disease you would have gotten into.
@berryappleberry (548)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
Yeah, it should, aside from it wasn't good for your health. It may cause accident too. For a driver, a split of a second lapse may cause accident. So does other activities while driving.. calling, texting, watching tv's, dvds or even, catchy billboards that may caught drivers attention.
@asish1672 (338)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Mar 07
I also do not find much of logic in banning smoking, while driving, in New Delhi. People throughout the world are used to smoking while driving. Well....Drink and drive and talking on phone is logical, but smoking is not atall a issue for smokers, who are used to it!!! But for your kind information, DVD players in cars, are not meant for drivers, but only for passengers.
@joluha (342)
27 Mar 07
I am smoker too (bad for me and trying to quit on regular basis) however, I do not smoke in my car but agree that the other things we do in cars are probably just as dangerous as using mobiles. I think mobiles are big problem because people try to text with them while driving too.
As for dvd players in cars I think it is stupid..some have playstations etc too..This is not what cars are for!
It is always easy to make comments on what you think is right or wrong until it affects you first hand...if I knew someone who had been killed by someone who it had been proved eg. was faffing about trying to get a ciggy out of a packet I would probably feel very strongly in favour of banning this in cars too...
@xtina87 (303)
28 Mar 07
The world is getting more restricted these days, lol they are even monitoring are rubbish in some places.
What about the police? they use their radio walky talkie things while driving, isnt that the same as a mobile????
As for smoking while driving, i suppose it could be dangerous but then there are risks with everything you do and if we all went round thinkin the worst and not doing anything, then what would the world be like? no one would leave the house ever.