what do you do when you are tired...?

March 27, 2007 3:43am CST
when i'm tired i used to take a good bath and take cold water and take some fruits what you do to make you fresh...
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5 responses
@myklaire (437)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
If I have the time and money, I would to a spa and get a massage or steam bath...or i would have my hubby give me a whole body massage
@777330975 (332)
• Sri Lanka
27 Mar 07
I have a fresh lime jiuce and take a nap for a while or I switch on the radio or the television close my eyes and listen to it to relax myself.
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
When I am tired. I place a two frozen spoon (stainless) on my eyes. It does sooth tired and puffy eyes and is calming too. :)
@jencai (3412)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
When i feel tired, i watch my favorite tv series 'jumong'. This makes me feel more relax throughout the day. During weekends, when there is no jumong to watch, i just sleep early so that i can have alot of rest. Sometimes i have myself some meditations to make my self feel better then i eat my favorite foods to enjoy more.
• Romania
27 Mar 07
Just sleep or watch a good movie.