do you like mylot

@chm236 (34)
March 27, 2007 7:19am CST
do you like mylot ?? how long have you been a member of mylot ??
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6 responses
• India
27 Mar 07
I love my lot.I am its member since 15 days but I loved participating in different types of discussions.You can learn a lot from here. I can spend hours and hours over here.
@chm236 (34)
• China
29 Mar 07
i am looking for a new job
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
Yup... I've been a member for three days but so far, I am enjoying it here... I really love posting in forums or message boards and it's double the fun when you earn doing what you love... And I made some good friends too, acquired some useful knowledge and hopefully, somehow, be of help to others by sharing my opinion...
@prasad1961 (5597)
• India
27 Mar 07
Yes, I like it more and more. I was here from Oct'06. Since then I'm working here very regularly. I was earned almost more than $150 from here. Its exciting too.
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@amaine (2027)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
No I do not like mylot! Instead, I LOVE mylot! ;) I have been here for about two months now and I really enjoy being here. Last month I had not been active because I had some school papers to do. But now, school is finally over, I am here once again! :) Anyway, I love the discussions, I love the people, I love everything about this site. I can see that you are new here, and I am sure that you are going to love this site as much as I do. :) I even loved this site when I already got my first payment. It was really an achievement. Though it was pretty small, $15.33, I really felt great about the money. Because at first, I am surfing the net for almost 14 hours a day, and I do not ask for any money in return. I chat, I watch online videos and stuff. But now, I have discovered this site, my time for surfing the net became more productive. :)
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@karvin87 (1033)
• India
27 Mar 07
Dream Car - this is not ma car..but i pledge to get one!!
offcourse i like mylot. its like you asking a man eating pizza, do you like that pizza?!?!? everybody who's here must like mylot otherwise they are always free to exis! for me, i feel its a nice place to be..posting gets more fun when its of your friend and as the no. of post increases , so does the exictment...and the money is an added my frnd, dont worry and keep posting!!! cheeerrrsss\!!!
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Mar 07
I love mylot!!! I have been a member for one week now and am having a lot of fun with the discussions here. Prior to mylot, I spent my free time writing on, but I am more interested in the topics offered here!