do you have a "gambler" personality or do you prefer going on the "safe side"?

@liranlgo (5752)
March 27, 2007 1:14pm CST
i learned that the world is divided to two kinds of people: the first are the ones that are the "gamblers" they would risk alote for getting alote somtimes they fall flat on their face and somtimes they win. the other ones: are those that prefer going on the "safe side". they do not gamble. they work and do what they do. usually basing their actions on clear facts. which one are you? is it possible to really have a success without having a "gamblers" personalitty?
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27 responses
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
29 Mar 07
I don't like gambling, and logically I don't take risk. Very often I played it safe and take chances only when others have succeeded. The irony is that my financial analyst rated me a high risk taker. So perhaps I only take risk in big investments which I trusted :P
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
29 Mar 07
so maybe you are a "gambler" but you won't admitt it to yourself..?:)
• Singapore
29 Mar 07
I take risks, but only calculated ones. So you can say I am generally a safe person. But I can be a gambler if I am confident in what I am doing.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
29 Mar 07
so i can define you as a "safe gambler"?
@wyykidd (1459)
• Singapore
28 Mar 07
I believe that a person tends to be less of a 'gambler' personality once he/she has reaches a certain level of success, such as wealth. By then, we tend to become more reserved and don't take too much of a gamble for fear of losing what we have. But when we are already at your lowest, then we would probably have the thought that 'I already have nothing, so there really isn't anything to lose and it's probably worth a gamble'. I am more of the 'safe side' kind of person, but do occassionally take small gambles. Nothing major yet. I think we must all take some gambles in our life, else it would be really boring!!
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
28 Mar 07
this is very interesting. i guss i will test your saying when i will have money to see when i stop being a "gambler":)
@dublinda (135)
28 Mar 07
Im a little of both, sometimes I will take a risk and sometimes I wont. I honestly feel that life is a gamble and that we gamble every day of your lives with the choices and decisions that we make. How do we know that we are making the right choice at the right time, therefore it is a gamble we have to take. I think thing's through and just go with my gut instinct and hope for the best.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
28 Mar 07
yes life is a gamble:)
@NatureBoy (493)
• Singapore
28 Mar 07
Actually it depends on what you do. I do some stock and forex tradings, so that puts me in a position of a gambler. But seriously, most of the trades are based on firm and confirm results based on charting. Even with a foolproof plan people still need to 'gamble' abit on whether to take the plan or not. Successful people all took the gamble to be successful. They threw all their lots into 1 ship called success and sailed down the river of dreams.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
28 Mar 07
you are right! i do not know one successful person that did not do some sort of "gambeling" or taken to risk in order to succeed;)
• Israel
28 Mar 07
I believe in calculated risks. I measure the odds against me and the consequences of my actions vs. the benefits and the odds for success. Ultimately, as a buisness man, I must have a "gambler" inside me. But this is a very controled and proffesional buisness gambling and the most I "loose" is my time. Money is of no consequence because a real buisnesman doesn't put all the eggs in one sack - so there is a possibility for "safe sides" while "gambling" to reach higher. What do you think?
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
28 Mar 07
i think the same as you just wrote. i think that is the smart approach for getting what you want:)
@Stiletto (4579)
28 Mar 07
I'm definitely a gambler - I'll take risks if I think the possible rewards are worth it. Sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesn't but I like to go for it anyway. I'm not as reckless as I was when I was younger - I think getting older makes you a bit more cautious or maybe just a bit wiser! Nowadays it's more often a calculated risk rather than just blindly carrying on regardless. Maybe you can have success without having a gamblers personality - you could just get lucky I suppose - but I think sometimes you do need to take risks in life.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
28 Mar 07
yes we all need to take some risks in our life:) glad to hear you are a rational gambler:)
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
27 Mar 07
I am definitely the risk avoider in my life and will only back 100% leaders, although having said that I did risk a lot when I threw in my job back in 2003 to restart a career and go back to college for 3 years, that was a huge gamble, it didn't pay off, but I got to do a job I loved for three years even tho it was voluntary. I do gamble a little of the lotto but I certainly don't have the gambler personality in me, I guess it's the way you've been brought up. I have always worked hard for the money I have and to throw it away, well it's not in my nature.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
27 Mar 07
i understand wolfie but i know i was also brought up that way..and did work hard all of my life but at a certain point i stopped and started there another good way to make a living. i was stopped by my "ungambler" personality..but still am asking the same question is this barrier an adventage or disadventage..
• Serbia And Montenegro
27 Mar 07
I think honestly i used to be a very "safe side" kind of person. I hate it now. Something has changed me a little bit though. I guess i am now more of a "safe side" kind of person with a mix of "gambler" kind. I'd like to be more adventure, more of a risk-taker, a gambler. Without "giving out" too much.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
27 Mar 07
you'd like to enjoy both
@roque20 (518)
• Philippines
28 Mar 07
i do have a gambler personality but i just control it because i know whats the consequences of being a gambler. i prefer to be in a safe side because i realize that not all gamblers become a successful gamblers and some gamblers sent to jail because of the unpaid debts and i dont want to experience that one.and i want also to work for my money because its such a nice feeling that you have money because you work hard for it.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
28 Mar 07
so you are saying all we hav to do is balance between the two?:) that is smart
@healer (1779)
• India
27 Mar 07
Actually i am not a gambler as in the past i have tried and i never won anything. I mean i am a born loser, i never won anything in life. So, i never try to gamble and i hate people who gamble and become rich. Anyway i really work hard to earn a little and somtimes i don't earn after a hard work also, just see what a loser i am in life.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
27 Mar 07 are not! you just have to change the way you see life:) thank you for this response healer.
• Philippines
28 Mar 07
I consider myself as one of those gamblers here on earth. I am never contented with what I have and I always strive for the best. Sometimes I would end up losing much. One incidence was when we put up a business. I told my husband that instead of just putting our money in the bank why not put up a food business. We already have a big amount of money then in our bank account. During start up, all our money were spent then after 2 months of doing this business we said we realized we were not doing good and continuing would mean selling even our other assets which I cannot afford to do so anymore. Another instance of of gambling is joining high yield investment programs which instead of benefiting from it I always lose. I would never recommend anybody to join any hyips unless you're really ready to lose.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
28 Mar 07
what you said about hyips programs that turned out as a scam i understand but i do admire the first "gamble" you tried in opening the new business..i think that somtimes you fail and somtime you succeed in a "new start up's" ideas and a person needs alote of courage to start:)
@PunkyMcPunk (1477)
• Canada
27 Mar 07
I love this topic! I am a gambler. I used to play it safe and because of it I missed out on a lot. I missed out on ahving a relationship with a wonderful man who is now a successful artist/glassworker in British Columbia. I missed out on going to University for my dream career (because I had a good full time job and was afraid to risk leaving it and not like the school program). etc... etc... I have since changed my thought pattern. I will try everything and anything at least once. I will say what I mean and say how I feel. I don't want to live with should haves and what ifs and regrets. My life has greatly improved because I know where I stand now with everything in my life. There is no longer a huge grey area.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
27 Mar 07
i am so glad you found the way which is right for you:) and am glad for choosing a topic that got you but seriously thank you for sharing this positive change in your life:)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I believe that you have to add a third type of person. That person that has a little bite of both in them. Becauce I have a gambling peronality with certain things. Like I will gamble on nascar, football every once in a while. But I would not be the person that goes to vegas and would risk everything. So that is where the safe side of me kicks in. I work to hard for my money to be stupid with it and lose it on something that is as ridiclos as giving money to a casino.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
28 Mar 07
good idea. i will consider that to my next topic:)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I prefere to be on the safe side, as I work way too hard to gamble money away. The odds are never in ones favorite. But, it is a disease, and some people cannot help it. What about you?
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
I prefer to be on the safer side, as this is the best way to keep things come in handy. I guess this is where we can handle our problems more easily, which we can solve in no time. I perfer the odds to be fair, because I don't want things to be too much, I do not know if I can handle these things in a good way.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
27 Mar 07
i understand:) thank you raijin for your response:)
@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I'm not a gambler with money according to most people when you ask them about me, but certainly willing to take a chance on a new plant selling well. I think we all gamble, but at different levels in our lives. Its a gamble anytime I make a change in my business, as the wrong change could mean a big loss. I put up a new frame of plants in December and recently we had a freeze, so now these plants won't be ready to sell this year. Was this a reasonable risk? The answer is yes, as it rarely freezes here, but it stills means lower profit.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
27 Mar 07
fishmomma i like very much how you said it: "we all gamble, but at different levels in our lives" this is so right. thank you:)
@dbeast (1495)
• India
28 Mar 07
i will definitely and proudly say that i am the one who has the gambler personality.after all life is full of risks and risks needs to be taken in life.when we always go only in the safe side life becomes i guess risks must be taken in life at times.but it is bad to always be that way.
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• India
28 Mar 07
You are right , I dont think gambler personality never works in the long run as they will lose more then win. But those playing in the safe side always have the advantage of never losing . I agree that at a time the gambler win a lot but they dont do it enough time to recover there losses
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@Rexy_leigh (1189)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
There are times when my brains all clump up to the safe side, but there are also times when they go to the other side taking the risks... well, maybe am just not really either a full-pledged "gambler" or "safe side" loyalist...:P I should say, I have to think things over before making a final decision especially if am on for a big thing. As I have responded on your other post, I could be a bit of a risk taker if am even just 70% sure that it would turn out fine. But if I see things going downhill, I'd rather stay on the safer side... well, I wouldn't resist my gut feelings and end up crying for the mess I might be in the long run.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
27 Mar 07
thank you rexy_leigh:)