Why Do Sinners Say We R Judging Them.....
By Zo0mZo0m
@Zo0mZo0m (1357)
United States
March 27, 2007 4:22pm CST
...when tell them of their wrong doings. We are simply doing what we as christians have been commissioned to do. That is to preach the TRUTH and spread the gospel throughtout all the world. It is pulling them out of darkness and bringing them into the marvelous light. It is saving their souls from an eternity of complete and utter darkness and hopelessness, and an eternity of hell fire.
Telling the world (sinners, and evildoers) when they're wrong is NOT judging. It is simply telling them that they NEED to know the truth so that the truth may set them free.
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9 responses
@Lavera1 (896)
• United States
27 Mar 07
Yes, Zoom, we are simply exposing the light upon the darkness. But that light hurts their eyes and they prefere to stay in that darkness hoping and or thinking that God can't see them in thier sin. But in Ps 139:9-12 says: If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me. If I say, "Surely the darkness shall fall on me," even the night shall be light about me; indeed, the dardness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to You.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
30 Mar 07
So true Lavera1.
We (Christians) do not claim to be sinless at all. I am a sinner and I need God's forgiveness everyday. Spreading the Word of God is telling about His love, but also telling about things that are wrong in God's eyes. We are commanded to do these things. It is not judging. I know many can judge me too for the wrong things I have done/thought, etc.
We are saved by the blood of Jesus.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
28 Mar 07
There are those of us who belong to a different religion than you do. We believe as strongly in our religion as you do. It is not a sin to hold a different belief than you do. I would never think of trying to convert you to my beliefs because that would be wrong. Please respect my belief as I do yours.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
28 Mar 07
Alright..for the sake of this argument which is continuing even in threads it wasn;t even originally started in...
You can look it up, in the dictionary, under law..for the sake of the argument this is how everyone in the world understands it.
Yes, we KNOW you prefer to call yourself spiritual instead of religious..here's an update from CNN so does pretty much everyone else. But every belief system is a religion, regardless. Unless you wish to drop your current belief system, lifestyle, you belong to a religion. PERIOD.
Feel free to disagree -- you always do anyways.
What Chiang meant was, we're content with our lifestyles and beliefs.. we feel it's right, just like you feel christianity is right, it isn't a sin to have these things, even if they're different from yours and your Bible never said any different. We never try to convert people, we never tell people to deny anything or anyone. We don't force ANYONE..which you're obviously still trying to do for us.
I'm sorry you had to find this discussion Chiang, no one deserves to be harassed..especially when they made a peaceful offerig there, like you did.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
28 Mar 07
For clarification I wasn't accusing Zoom of harassing Chiang, just that I have a feeling, he will be harrassed by someone in here for a day or two. It tends to happen like that in Zoom's discussions..or so I notice, despite if she isn't the one doing the harassing.
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@Zo0mZo0m (1357)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I do not belong to a "religion". I have made a life change. My lifestyle has changed. I don't believe or participate in religious affairs. I am a follower of Christ. Your religion has nothing to do with me. I cannot and will not "respect" a religion, or a cult that would tell me to deny my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now I will respect you as a fellow human being living in this earth. I will love you as I must regardless to what god you may serve. What god you have chosen to worship is your choice. God Almighty whom I have chosen to worship, lean, and rely, is my right and my life.
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@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
29 Mar 07
But the problem is, you're preaching to people who don't wanna be preached to. You're telling them what YOU think is wrong and what YOU think is truth. It's all about your BELIEFS. Maybe they don't think what they're doing is wrong. And what they're doing may not necessarily be wrong. Just because you and some religion THINK it's wrong, doesn't make it wrong. So, you are in fact judging them. Whether you like it or believe it or not.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Heh, yes we all have a choice.
But you actually called us all dirt. Which implies you think we're dirt..
Hm..you love dirt.
That bit of kidding aside, would YOU like to be teated as dirt? I don't think so..so why, despite your loving them, do you treat people like dirt when it comes to their spirituality?
Ignoring the sin and evil excuse that is..because we've already talked about that and you have no grounds other than a few verses which you've made fit your opinion.
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@mjsdls (1840)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Well when some people preach the gospel they do not do it in love. And the only way to get people to see their wrong is by dealing with them in love. And some people get offended because they may be under conviction and rebellion is the only way they can handle it without surrendering to God. It is different for everyone and different circumstances. The case is different for everyone, you just have to ask God to guide you and do want he leads you to do.
If he speaks to you to talk to someone he is already prepared that persons heart to listen. Then it is up to weather that person will accept the truth or not. But whatever you do be sure and do it in love. Ask God to help you do everything in love. Hope this helps.
@Zo0mZo0m (1357)
• United States
29 Mar 07
If he speaks to you to talk to someone he is already prepared that persons heart to listen. Then it is up to weather that person will accept the truth or not. But whatever you do be sure and do it in love. Ask God to help you do everything in love. Hope this helps.
This is good. There are times when love hurts. People aren't always willing to receive the truth, period. Paul says in the Word (paraphrasing) how do you want me to come to you with a rod or in love.
Love is gentle but sometimes a rod of correction needs to be taken. Don't mistake firmness, and boldness with not operating in love.
@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
27 Mar 07
Sometimes in preaching the gospel we find ourselves sinning in our own, maybe not you our I. However many people that I have went to church with fell that they are being judge by the priest and pastors. I believe its not that they are trying to make people feel that way, its just the way they are telling the gospel. Everyone on this beautiful earth that has been created for us has sinned, at least on time or another. We are all at one time in need of saving, sometime in our life. However you are right about one thing God wanted us to spread his word and let people who have done wrong have a chance to come into the light. Sometimes I think that we try to hard, and may push those that truly need him in is devine power away from him instead.
@Zo0mZo0m (1357)
• United States
27 Mar 07
Some christians are extremist and are zealous. They do tend to be a aggressive and push people away instead of bringing them towards them. Jesus also said that if I be lifted up above the earth I will draw all men unto Myself. We ought to exalt Jesus first and he will cause people to be drawn unto us. They will say to us how can I be saved, I want to know your God, what must I do to be saved. We must remember Jesus stands at the door knocking He doesn't force Himself upon anyone.
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@zahoor007 (273)
• India
16 Apr 07
Hi Friend i agree that if you will expose evil, and make clear truth to wrong doers, it is a good job to be done on this earth.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I know what you are saying. I have family members who say I am judging them. My husband and I just told them that we didn't appreciate what they were doing to us that it wasn't biblical and not what GOd would want them to do. Now they are telling the rest of our family that we were judging them. Thank you for posting this maybe it will help some people see that we aren't judging.
@oasisrevolution1 (28)
• Nigeria
8 Apr 07
Zoom, I think you are just right.It is one of our major responsibilities as followers of christ,to spread the one and only true good news to the world.This will surely increase our crowns in heaven, after this life on earth.Zoom,every soul won for christ on earth is a crown won in heaven.Bearing in mind that we are in the world that crucified JESUS,zoom,sometimes they may say all sorts of things to weigh you down.But never relent my brother/sister in christ,because we are more than conquerrors in this world and the paradise to come.
@rein2410 (809)
• Australia
16 Apr 07
well.. I see your point. Im a Catholic so I understand your point of discussion. well, It needs wisdom. You cannot just go to someone and say that their life is wrong, they are sinners, that is not a good way to preach. Pray To God and ask for wisdom so that you can preach in a good way without hurting people and making people feel judged.