How do I get my son to STOP biting.... I need major advice...
By Saskmommy
@Saskmommy (55)
March 28, 2007 1:05am CST
My 16 month old son recently took up biting... I am unsure how to rid him of this nasty habit... I have asked people, tried hot sauce in his mouth, tried time outs... Everything, and nothing seems to be working.. I even went to the health nurse for advice, and all she could tell me was he was just frustrated.... Grrrr, he doesnt seem frustrated... He will just go up to anyone and bite them.. How do I stop him from doing this before it gets out of hand... How did you get your child to stop biting other children, elders, and adults... I need something NEW to try... Anything.
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22 responses
@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
28 Mar 07
Have you tried a sharp swat to the bottom every time he bites? He needs to find out that doing something he is not supposed to do brings a result that is unpleasant to him, immediately. Biting is common, but most kids learn not to continue this habit if you are consistant and follow up every infraction with an unpleasant consequence.
@Saskmommy (55)
• Canada
28 Mar 07
The sad thing is that I have tried that as well. Nothing seems to vase him... Thanks for the comment ;)
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Mar 07
My son went through that phase...the best things that broke him of it were to slap him in the mouth (lightly) and tell him a firm NO and if he did it again, I'd bite him back! then say "see it HURTS! DON'T DO IT"...It wasnt long before he wasnt biting anymore....
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@JustSimplyLissa (547)
• United States
28 Mar 07
Bite back or pop him in the mouth, not hard, just enough to make it painful so he is stunned. It's what my mother did with us, and when mine started it, she did it to him, as well as I did, and he bit a few more times, then stopped.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I just glanced through some of the responses you've had & I'm sorry but they made me cringe. Hot sauce or soap or other irritants can be very dangerous to small children. Their throat can close from getting upset over being punished & the irritation it's causing. Biting him back is showing him that when you get really frustrated, you should bite- it's encouraging it not discouraging it.
My now 18yo son started biting at about 18 months, within a month I was at the end of my rope & spoke to his pediatrician about it. She recommended having his speech evaluated. The speech therapist identified some sounds he was omitting & some that he was stumbling over, recommended speech therapy twice a week and within 2 weeks he wasn't biting anymore. He was frustrated that other kids couldn't understand what he was telling them- he had quite the vocabulary but some words were garbled. The adults around him knew what he was saying & he didn't bite them. He would bite other children out of frustration when they didn't understand him. Once we started working with him to clarify his speech the problem resolved itself.
@nadish (58)
• Pakistan
29 Mar 07
Well ur son has the same bad habbit which I used to have... but my parents did the following thing to give up this bad habbit:
They putted some chilli powder on their fingers and let me bite it.... ughhhhhhhh...:)
Just do the same thing and ur son will just stop biting....:)
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@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I read over several of the other responses before responding myself because I didn't want to repeat anything anyone else has said to you. But I did notice that several people said the same thing I agree with. Bite your son back, I mean just enough to put a sting into it for him to get the message. I don't mean put a bruise on him or anything like that. That along with with a good paddling on the behind. My niece used to do that and my brother-in-law and his wife were afraid that she might be put out of day care because of biting the other children. She finally got out of the habit.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
28 Mar 07
I have seen kids who do this. In fact my nephew used to do this until my boyfriend bit him back and he didn't do it again. You need to take a firm stand on this issue and he needs a spanking..or to be bit back so he knows that it hurts. It may sound cruel..but it is the only way he will learn that this is not appropriate behaviour...
@mansha (6298)
• India
28 Mar 07
I remeber my brother used to bite me all the time as a toddler and it only stopped when I started biting him back not badly but a bit tightly so that it hurted him a bit and he experienced pain. If he would experience pain, he would not like it and would surely give it up.
only tyil;l its a pleqsure to do he would do so and if it becomes unpleasent to him it will stop.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
28 Mar 07
You may just have to keep him away from people. He is getting attention by biting so thats why he does it. Just keep him away from people as much as possible till he gets older. he is not old enough to understand he is doing a bad thing. I know its hard when people want to see him and hold him but you will have to explain to them that he is at the stage of biting and you have to keep him away from anything he can bite. Give him toys to play with and when he behaves properly give him lots of love and encouragement. Keep the attention away from the bad and give hi m good attention. Eventually he will outgrow this.
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@pomery (22)
• Australia
28 Mar 07
dear saskmommy,
this maybe hard for you to do but i have been told by my mother i used to bite her alot and in return she used to bite me {not too hard im still here}after a while i learnt that if i bit someone she would bite me, and i did not like that at all
hope you have luck
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
28 Mar 07
My youngest son was a biter too. We tried absolutely everything to get him to stop but nothing worked.
He actually grew out of it as he got older but not before he'd bitten his brother quite a few times. It got out of hand just the once when he bit his sister and she turned round and hit him for it.
he never bit other kids, or adults, just his siblings. Honestly, I think the only thing I can suggest is to make sure when he does it that he knows it's wrong. He will grow out of it, but you need to be patient with him, it may take a while.
@bad1981 (799)
• United States
28 Mar 07
What has always worked with my son is doing it back to him, he didnt like it so he didnt do it again. then a few weeks went by and he tryed it again and I did the same thing and he stopped again. Literally they do just have to outgrow it and he will, but in the mean time that might help.
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@smacksman (6053)
28 Mar 07
It was the hardest thing for Uncle Smacksman to do but it worked with my nephew.
He was sitting on my lap playing happily when he bit my hand. I yelled 'Owww - stop' and he bit harder.
His ear was within reach of my teeth so I gently bit. He bit harder, I bit harder, and so on until guess what, I won and he started bawling.
Mummy rushed up but I cuddled him and soothed him and explained how painful biting was and showed him my bleeding hand.
He never did it again and we love each other like brothers to this day. He has his own children now!
• Philippines
28 Mar 07
Try to divert your sons habit. Give him exciting and new toys. Play with him always. Maybe he likes to bite because he is bored. So possibly giving him other diversion will prevent doing his bad habits. Good luck with your child.
@eeseharden (603)
• United States
28 Mar 07
This may sound terrible, but I bit back. My youngest one had a terrible habit of biting other children, especially her sisters. I finally started telling them to bite her back. I told them not to bite her hard, just hard enough that she could feel it. I also bit her one time and she cried and cried. I discussed with her that it hurts when you bite other people. Didn't it hurt when they bit you back? If you bite them again, they will bite you back. It worked for her when all else failed.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
28 Mar 07
This might not be the best advice, but when my kids went throught the biting stage, I first tried to get them to bite themself, so they knew how it felt. If they wouldn't bit themself, I bit them back. They felt the pain and I would tell them....see, it hurts when you bite. it isn't nice to bite. they did stop quite quickly.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I have to say I am one of the ones that bit back. After my middle child bit my oldest and drew blood enough was enough for me. I also had tried everything I could think of, it was a last resort but it worked. She was about 2 at the time. Now my youngest son bit me one time when he started teething, I gave him a popcicle, he chewed on the plastic for a bit and that was the last time he ever bit anyone. I guess for different kids different things work.