The secret

@llnola (16)
United States
March 28, 2007 1:08pm CST
I watched the secret, and have been really inspired! I have been trying so hard, doing the write things, staying positive, wishing/wanting. Being at the right place/time... I am not sure why it isn't going perfectly.. I really don't want to be not positive because that is a huge part of it....How did I make this work better? Any ideas? Any real input on the secret would be so great....I don't need any more type of background or history, just want to hear about personal experiences. Thanks in advance for you help!
2 responses
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
28 Mar 07
Part of The Secret is being happy with yourself and having postive influences in your life. When things start going bad for me and getting crazy, I stop and have prayer time, then it helps me get back on track. The Secret is all about having that positive energy and meditating on the good and positive. If your being positive on the outside but inside your head your are still being negative and worring that's not going to work. You have to be positive inside out. Does that make sense? I know it's hard to be positive ALL the time but I have God and my husband to help me stay positive and I see good things happening all around me! I truly believe that if you send a positive energy out then you will be constatly surrounded by positive energy. You just need to find your own way to stay positive, like prayer , mediatation or something to thatt effect. Also, I so write down my goals and it helps me stay focused on them and no negative thoughts can creep in!!
@llnola (16)
• United States
28 Mar 07
Hi... Thanks so much for your response. I am overall a really happy positive person.. I just think I should have more... I am lacking less emotional stuff. I just need more luck and "things" and better economical status.. I have been a really great positive person who has had some bad people and circumstances in my life also holding me back.. I am over that, and my attiutude is great. I have always pictured myself with a certain lifestyle ard have really never strayed from those "thougts"! Don't want to sound so materialistic but I am looking for the "things" house/carreer/husband/family opportunitites. I am 35 and feeling like I should have it - Really want the house, family, dream job. I am an amazing person, everyone comments on this, Just want to get this life started and want the secret to WORK. Is it maybe that I am not being as positive as needed. Just want some hardcore answeres.. The dvd said not to worry, it will just come???
• United States
30 Mar 07
Perhaps writing down how you are going to reach your goals and visualizing your actions might improve your results. Real life example - in my junior and sophomore year in both high school and college, I wanted better grades. So, at the beginning of the year, I wrote down that I would get all A's and wrote down how I would achieve it (read and study). Before each test, after studying, I visualized taking the test and getting a perfect score. Now, I wouldn't get a perfect score, but many times, I got an A, and by the end of the semester, i would get mostly A's and no lower than a B on my report card. So, I set my goal at a higher level than what i would be happy with, wrote my goals and steps to achieve, acted on those steps, visulaized the outcome, and even if I didn't achieve 100% results, I achieved results I was happy with beacuse I set my goals at a little higher level than what would have made me happy. I have not read the book, but that might help you also as books go into more detail than movies. For me, actually reading the book, "Unlimited Power" made a world of difference to me over watching Tony Robbins on tv.