New Invention-Pet Hair Proof clothes.....

Bug-Cat Hair Farm - Bug the hairy brat.
United States
March 28, 2007 6:31pm CST
Pet hair proof clothes and furniture! Wouldn't this be a wonderful product? I wish someone would invent pet hair proof clothing! I am so sick of walking around looking like I am wearing a cat hair sweater! I have tried those lint remover things and they don't help all that much. It would be nice to be able to sit on the couch without a puff of cat hair flying through the air too! I vaccum the couch but it doesn't really help much. What do you think of my idea for an invention? Is there anything you wish someone would invent?
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18 responses
@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
29 Mar 07
They already have pet hair proof clothes. My daughter is a pet groomer and she wears them. Otherwise she would constantly be hairy. I have two persian cats and I would love to get some pet proof furniture and carpet. I also would like to invest in some pet hair proof clothes. It is embarrasing when people come over and you have to wipe the seats off because the cat thinks he owns every chair and piece of furniture in the house. It flys around and is horrible. I love my cats but would never get another long hair cat again. As a matter of fact I would never get another cat again .I have found about the only way to get the hair off the couch is with a wet paper towel. Actually it takes more then one. The water grabs the hair and you can just throw the paper towels out. Hope this helps.
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@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I think that the material is like mnaterial they make umbrellas out of. I dont know where she gets them though. I think you can get them at sports good stores but I will ask her.
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Mar 07
Thank you I will try that! Were did your daughter get pet hair proof clothing?
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@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
29 Mar 07
if this becomes available, i will buy one! i had to go to an interview the other day with a lot of cat hair around my pant legs because my cat Purr decided to see me off our driveway and he loves to press his body against my legs. no problem when im in jeans and since i was in a hurry i had to brush his hair off my legs when i got to my appointment.
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• United States
29 Mar 07
Annoying until you realize he how much he loves you isn't it?
@krayzee (1160)
• Romania
29 Mar 07
Is your cat's name really Purr? I love it!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Mar 07
wow you could be onto something there that is a wonderful idea. I wish somebody would invent a cat box, that opens so the cat can crap right in the toilet.
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Mar 07
They do make a cat box that flushes now! Or you could train you cat to go on the toliet with this
• United States
29 Mar 07
Wow I want some! You know what attracks hair the worse? Black stuff! I DONT know why. I often thought its cause you can SEE it but I dont think so. I have seen clothes not black or certain material and black NOT as bad! I hate it. I have a dog, 2 cats. Trusts me ALWAYS HAIRY! Its like HELP I HATE PET HAIR! *L* I have a maltese, I read "does not shed" well some how she still gets hair on me. Maybe NOT like the cats, but still.
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• United States
29 Mar 07
I think a hairless cat would find a way to get hair on you :)
• Turkey
29 Mar 07
You can put me down for the hair proof furniture I'm sick of having to vacuum the sofas all the time. As you can see from my aviater I have one light cat and one dark so it doesn't matter what clothes I wear, you can always see cats hairs!
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Mar 07
I don't think it is possible to keep the cat hair off of black clothes. I think mine even have hair on the straight out of the dryer.
• United States
29 Mar 07
I'd redo my whole house in the stuff if it were to ever be invented. As it goes right now, my cat, Figaro, is redoing the house in contemporary shed. :)
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Mar 07
ROTFLMAO! That was a good one! Thanks for making me laugh!
• United States
29 Mar 07
I would love that invention too. I have a light cat and a dark cat, so no matter what I wear, I have hair on me. I vacume constantly, but it doesn't help. My tortie sheds as I pet her so much. Aside from that invention, I would like to see a car fly over all the traffic, when the freeway is tied up.
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• United States
29 Mar 07
That would be a blessing when you are running late! It would also come in handy for ambulance, fire and police. I bet if they do come up with such vehicles that they will be the first to get them.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
30 Mar 07
Lol yes it certainly does sound a great Idea but I don't think we will ever be that lucky lol
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
29 Mar 07
I think that would be wonderful! Everyone I know who has pets has this problem (unless maybe they have fish or something). *laughs* There are a ton of things I wish someone would invent. One that comes to mind right away is unfreezable ink. That sounds like a silly thing, but in winter I have to replace the pens in the drive-thru of the bank after every single customer, because they freeze and then you can't write with them. It gets old fast.
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Mar 07
lol I know this to be true because I have been the customer in the bank line who's pen in her purse has frozen ink and I have to ask you for one :)
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
29 Mar 07
I don't want to invent anything, but I know what your talking about with your cat. I have the same problem with my cat. I swear they like to sit in a lot of different places in your house just to leave their fur around. One of my cats favourites is one of my dark coloured jumpers, just to leave her nice white fur on it.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I totally know what you mean. I have a dog and acat. I try to vacume everday and at least every other day to try to keep the hair situation under control. It doesn't matter thouh because no matter how hard I try I always end up with it all over my clothes. I've given up on keeping my black clothes hair free.
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• Canada
29 Mar 07
I would SO buy Pet hair proof clothing and furniture! My cat is currently shedding her winter coat and even just touching her I get a handful of cat hair lol. As much as I love her it irks me when she decides to show her love by covering me with cat hair, especially too since I suffer from mild allergies.
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• Singapore
29 Mar 07
Yes, I think it is one handy invention. For those who have pets but don't like pet hair bothering them, it is a great idea. Now I need to get a pet.. :P
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@year3399 (173)
• China
30 Mar 07
Somewhere between Adam talking to the serpent and king kong climbing the Empire state Building .human beings decided that animais were important to them
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
29 Mar 07
I would love to invent something for this, but I'm not very creative. I hate it, I wear a lot of black clothing and my couch is dark. I have a white cat. I use sticky tape, it seems to be the best or cover the couch with a sheet.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I am right htere with you! I have 2 cats and a puppy indoors all the time. I am going crazy wiht the hair. Thank goodness I have hardwood floors. I just cannot imagaine what it would be like if I had carpetn.
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@jbrowsin66 (1321)
• United States
29 Mar 07
We have two cats and don't really have a problem. We use the rolls of furniture tape. You can get them in grocery stores or pet stores. In a pinch, just use masking tape.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
29 Mar 07
My dog sheds something awful! I mean his hair is literally everywhere. I vacuum, lint roll, you name it I do it. If there is pet hair clothing, I am all for it! The lint rollers have helped me with the couch and my clothes, his hair isn't as fine as cat hair so the lint roller works for me. They have those big rollers now that you can get. I love it! Give me a chance to think of something to invent, I am sure I will be back to post again!
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