Ex-pats; do you miss "home"?

March 28, 2007 6:32pm CST
We emigrated to Oz from the UK 8yrs ago. Yes, I know that Oz is now officially "home", and usually it feels that way. But there are times, eg events in my home town that i miss out on, that brings it home to me how much I've left behind. for example, our family recently missed out on a weding. couldnt get back for it because of other commitments and, of course, finances. Our kids were upset that they didnt have this chance to catch up with everyone again (we did go back a couple of years ago). I know we did the right thing emigrating but still... Do other immigrants feel this way?
2 responses
• United States
9 Feb 08
only in Mexico did i miss home the most..as i got sick..and could not recover until i moved back to the states
@vitausp (101)
• New Zealand
2 Apr 07
I have been in NZ for 20 years and the only thing I really miss is a good pub, the social hub of the UK. Family things do get missed but I guess you just drift apart, you still love them but don't contact them much. Your life just moves on in a different direction. I too have missed weddings and births and deaths, visits are good but I haven't been back for a while. One good thing is your kids will have someone to visit back in the UK when they are older and perhaps doing a bit of travelling. Yep that John Smith's or Lion bitter and the camaraderie of the pub is what I miss.