A stay at home mom about to lose her marbles!!!!!!
By Saskmommy
@Saskmommy (55)
March 28, 2007 9:15pm CST
I am a stay at home mom to my two wonderful children. I am very blessed to be able to watch my children grow.. However, I feel like I am failing my family.. I am become sick of staying at home all of the time, while my hubby works 12 hour days, and when he comes home I recieve no help.. I fear that I wont be able to do this by myself! Everything around me is crumbling... The laundry is piling up, the housework is getting out of hand... Help! I need some kind of advice that can help me get out of this damn rut!!!
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44 responses
@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
29 Mar 07
You need to get out and take a break too. Do you have any outside interests ot hobbies that you could join? Then you would have a scheduled time to get away a couple of times a week. It would work well if you could get out about an hour after your husband gets home. Then he will have to get a little more involved with the children while you're out.
@okiesoandso (14)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I've been a SAHM for over 20 years. It's not an easy job but it is rewarding, though there are those times you wonder!One thing I found that helped was to have the children have a quiet time everyday(used to be naptime). They are to remain in their rooms/beds for at least one hour doing quiet activities, i.e. reading, writing, drawing, or playing quietly with toys. Most of the time they drifted off to sleep long before the hour was up. This will give you an hour or so of quiet time for yourself.
Children should help with housework as much as possible, after all, when they are older and on their own, they probably won't have a maid and need to know what needs to be done everyday.
@proudmammabear (556)
• Canada
2 Apr 07
hey Girlie, I have already lost my marbles, as I look around this house at all the things that need doing, I know that there is no way I am keeping up, and I think we all live under the facade that somehow all those other mom's have meticulously clean homes etc. when in reality I am sure if you 'dropped by' you would see things very much as the way they are in your home. After all we are not perfect. I know how you feel though, and my heart goes out to you, it feels like you are very very alone, and wondering just when the heck it is all going to end? After all there must be some end in site right? If you find it before I do show me the way cause I hate this feeling too!
@jacnmkc (32)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I can't give you any advice because I'm in the exact same friggin boat. I have 2 kids ages 4 and 2 and another one on the way. Sometimes I feel like I will get nowhere, like my family will get nowhere. My husband works alot of evening shifts and it's soooo hard. I'm running out ideas to entertain my kids. Being that my morning sickness is so bad I can't even leave the house to take them to the park. arrrgggg. But you know what? We have the most important job in the world.
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@jenskids (99)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I am a stay at home mom I am typing with one hand now as my 8mo old trys to help.I never try to get everything done at one time,I run like a mad man to clean up right before my husband gets home,And I put dinner on when the kids are at nap,then I just heat it up.I get up one hour before everyone eles to start the laundry,because it is the worstI pick up a few things and get my 20 mins of peace if I am luckey.
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@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
10 Apr 07
I know where you're at on this.
I was at home with my older two kids and worked part time throughout the years.
I work full time now and kind of wish I'd have stayed home more with my youngest.
one way to stay there and be able to keep up with everything? I found a simple solution and wish I'd have found it years ago!I can't copy and paste so I'm going to type this in and hope it works for you. if it don't, put in a search for flylady.org
you get alot of tips and helping emails. I usually do what it says if I can and if not, I skip it and go on to the next thing. and delete the emails as I go!first thing they tell you is to go clean your sink.....read it first and then go from there, as time goes by you'll get into a routine where itseems like you do nothing and have a spotless house with no laundry/dishes piled up!http://www.flylady.org/
let me know what you think!!
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@SachseMom (448)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Oh how I can relate to this! I'm a stay at home mom and I have to tell you that lately nothing has been getting done around here! I have laundry stacked to the ceiling and the kitchen looks like a bomb went off in there but you know what, I have to just let it go and don't worry about it. Sometimes I feel like that's ALL I do is laundry and dishes and cleaning. I get tired of it and I need a break sometimes. The sad thing is when I take a break it doesn't get done. My hubby does help with the kids and will play with them or take them to the park after working 12 hr days just to give me a break. I love him for that but sometimes you have to just let the house work go and you will get caught up with it another day. Hopefully with the helpf of your hubby and maybe the kids! Take it one day at a time and enjoy life. Also the bible reading tip or just meditating would help. I started doing this and my mind is so much better and after this weekend my house will be to!
@dreamingmyth (594)
• United States
29 Mar 07
sounds like your in the role of a single mom just that you dont have to go out and work as well.. dont worry, u just do the best you can do. my laundry piles up until there is hardly any left, the housework around here is uhm not so great either. for me i just get things done when they absolutely have to i just pull myself together and say "ok let me get this done" and then i relax as best i can. you should ask your husband to help you on his off days. depending on how old your kids are u can also have them help you with the house work. last year i got my son to help me pick up all the sticks in the yard.. well let me rephrase, i got him to pick them all up and put them in a nice pile for me.. he had a blast because he thought it was a game. also if your hubby can let u take one night a week where u can go out with some friends or perhaps get a babysitter that night and go out with your husband i think that would help alot as well. play dates will get you out of the house as well.. just try to be creative in making things easier on you and remember, your only human and if you dont give yourself a break from time to time your just going to ware yourself down!
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I agree with everything in the first response. I'm a SAHM and my s/o works 12 hours (total time away is almost 14 hours). It doesn't leave him much time to do anything but sleep after work but he doesn't help on days off either. I know just how you You could try talking to your husband. He might not realize what you need or that he is making it harder on you. But he also might not change. With him "working" 12 hours a day, he very well may think he's already doing his part. A lot of husbands don't think of being a SAHM as "work". If you can show him how much you really do (maybe be leaving him home alone for the day with a list of all the things you have to get done) he might be more willing to help out. The other thing you can do is to go to a website designed to help women get and stay in control of their lives and housework. It's flylady.com. I'm sure you'll find a lot of really helpful advice there. Another thing that could help is if you can find a "moms group" or some other child friendly group with regular meetings. You'll be able to get out of the house to do something for yourself on a regular basis without having to worry about child care. If all else fails, remember that they're only small for so long. Before you know it they will in school and you won't have ENOUGH things to do to fill your time! Good Luck!
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@RachelleDD (823)
• Canada
29 Mar 07
Oh, how many times I have felt exactly like you are feeling...so unappreciated it seems...when it makes you feel so bad that doing the laundry or cleaning is just too way out there for you to care or even bother...
The only advice I can offer you Sask mommy is to aloud time for yourself...sometimes just taking a long bubble bath can chipper your mood..I was a stay at home mom for many years...we are the molders of our children's future, so for you to decide to stay home with your babies is a wonderful thing that many children in Canada don't have because most family's need two incomes to even make an honest go at stabilizing a good life...
Your hubby needs to not let so many things go unnoticed, and needs to recognize all you contribute to the home...but after 12 hours working all day, its probably hard for him as well...
Do you have family, or a sitter you trust that can possibly give you a little break, even if its for a night or even the evening...take some time for just you and then make some time for just you and the hubby...
Children occupy so much of our time and energy, and when they are young its easy to lose track of the person you use to be before they were born..and its very overwhelming for sure...but take faith in yourself that you are just feeling normal and this to will past..enjoy raising your children...and tackle one thing at a time in your home with regards to the housework etc..
Don't beat yourself up, I bet you are doing a wonderful job with your children and your hubby...it takes alot of guts these days to do what you are doing...you just need to hear it from someone that what you are doing is indeed beneficial to everyone thats around you...your children may be better adults all because you chose to stay home with them...good luck...hope you are feeling better as you posted this discussion 11 hours ago.. :)
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@AngelNicki (412)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Maybe you should try joining a group for other Stay At Home Moms in your area. If you sign up with http://www.meetup.com, you can search for any types of groups you can think of, including SAHM groups! (Its FREE, by the way!) Many times SAHM groups will have a lot of activities to do as a group during the day, including kid-friendly activities, meals out, walks, playgroups, etc. It would get you a chance to get out of the house during the day and do things and be with other adults, while still spending time with your kids!
Perhaps you could also find someone... like a highschool kid or something... to come play with your kids once a week for a few hours, while you catch uup on laundry, housework, etc.
Good luck!
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@serenidity (641)
• India
29 Mar 07
First of all get rid of the mindset that you are home to do all the housework that you can and that just because you are at home you have to score a 10 out of 10 in all the household chores. You are at home to look after your children and sure you would like to keep the house in order as well, cook good meals and welcome your hubby with a smile when he returns home after a 12 hour work schedule. BUT remember, perfection is not what is to be aimed for when your primary responsibility is to care for the two toddlers you have at your hand. I suggest you keep tasks on alternate days so that you dont end up doin gthose small things everyday. Take our some time just for your own self during weekends when your husband is at home and last but not the least, remember you dont have to pass a test here. Work at your own pace and enjoy time at home.
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@bad1981 (799)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I am sorry you are feeling this way but I definately do know how it goes. While my husband does work alot also, he does pull his weight with the kids. Sometimes, you do just get burnt out and in a rut with staying home all the time...like you need something besides that. Maybe you need to take a few hours to yourself and have that time just for you. WAhen your husband is home on the weekends, just leave him with the kids for a few hours and have some "you" time.
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@Writerbob (572)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I was a SAHD so i can relate. I wrote a story about it, the good aspects that is at http://www.helium.com/tm/236457 so if you'd like please read it. It will get better with time, I am living proof.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I know the feeling, although I worked long hours while raising my children for the past 2 years I have stayed at home and taken care of the household chores and any children that needed taking care (like my 2 year old granddaughter) would come to my house to be watched. I am a clean freak and even without having children at home I always have a thousand things to do (we have a 7 and 8 year old at our house every other weekend). I am constantly cleaning, organzing and doing things for my children, other people's children or my granddaughter. It can be a bit overwhelming at times. The best advice I can offer you is you need to multi task, while you are feeding the children you can be doing a load of laundry, or while they are napping or watching television you can make the dinner for the evening and putting it in the refrigerator to cook later. Everything you do one time you can be starting to work on something else. I am constantly doing a 3 or 4 thing at once, and yes, they all get completed just sometimes they take longer to do since I have so many projects going on at one time. Also, you might want to block out a few hours to yourself, to allow you to regroup and to think clearly, during these hours either let your children (unsure of their ages) but either get on the computer (if they are old enough), watch television or go outside and play, and tell your children that this is your time, the sooner they learn that Mom needs time to herself the better off they will be. I know it is hard, but with time and good planning you will see it will all come together. ~ Take Care ~
@smartmom (826)
• United States
2 Apr 07
You are so right. This multitasking sounds just like me - I can definitely recommend it. I once saw a study, where they tried to have 10 men and 10 women do a number of things at the same time, such as type on the computer, make coffee, toast some bread, answer the phone and some other things. 8 out of ten men failed, while the majority of the women succeeded. I think that as a mother, you have no other choice than to be a multi tasker, I for one, would not get anything done without it. I always make sure to put a load of clothes in the washing machine before we leave the house, and I take out the meat after lunch and marinade it. Then it is perfect, when 5 p.m. comes around.
@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I am in the exact same boat. My husband works 10 hours a day and has to get up at 3am. He is exhausted when he gets home and he cannot help me out at all. I feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes too. I have also let the laundry pile up for a week at a time. I have let my dishes pile up for days. But, the thing is, it don't bother me. I tell my husband to deal with it, and he does. He understands that I would be exhausted. So, just sit back, relax, and enjoy some time off.
@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Another thing I try and do is go shopping for a couple hours on the weekend. I enjoy clothes shopping. Maybe you could take a break on the weekend to go do something you like, all by yourself. Trust me, it is very relaxing.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
29 Mar 07
Try not to be so hard on yourself . You are not failing your family . I have been a stay at home for most of my life . I am working now but am only working part time .
Everyone needs a bit of time to themselves and although people who work full time do not seem to realize this but when you are a stay at home mom , this really is your job and it is something that you never get much time away from . As with someone who works and then gets to come home and enjoy there time at home , you are at work all day and as nice as it is to be able to stay home that doesn't mean that you can't feel tired of this every once in awhile and feel that you are not able to cope with things . You just need a bit of time to yourself to feel better about yourself and to get things back on track . We all feel like this at times and this does not in anyway make you wrong .
I wish I could offer you more help but just know that you are not alone in how you feel and this will pass when you get some time to yourself .
Best of luck !!
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@3r7sweetie (937)
• Philippines
14 Apr 07
Please don't say you are a failure because you are not. It is good that you are able to take care of your kids. I am a working mom and has less time to spend with my baby. Much as I want to spend much time with him I can't because of my job. But I never did want to quit work because I find staying at home boring. Besides, I am enjoying my job and the benefits I get from it. I love to think that I'm earning my own money and I don't have to depend on my husband for financial support. Each person has different views on this matter and I am not saying you should work outside the home, too, because it is always good to take care of your own kids and not to rely on their nannies to take care of them. It is something that I miss doing - taking care of my baby full time, although I am still able to take care of him while working. It's just that I can't spend him all my time.
@ryleesmama (560)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I can't give you any advice but I can give you support. I felt like this not too long ago. I finally decided to pray and start reading my Bible more and things have changed. My husband now helps with the baby when he comes home! I will pray for you and have you thought of maybe going to counseling or hiring a nanny part time? Best of wishes
@TrappedGaijin (58)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Oi, I know just how you feel.
The only way I've found to get rid of the fenced in feeling is to have at least one night out a week without the family. Even if it's something as simple as going to the park to enjoy a sunset. Heck, sometimes I'll even just go into our apple orchard with a good book.
Remember, being a stay at home mom doesn't mean you have to STAY at home. :)
@TrappedGaijin (58)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I'm so sorry about that...could you please delete these two posts, if at all possible?