I was so embarrassed ....................
@CaroleeKaufold (1853)
United States
March 28, 2007 11:09pm CST
I went to Roman Catholic grammar school. When the uniforms were to be worn, mine was always different. Other girls got to wear blue skirts, white blouses and penny loafers. Me? I had to wear jumpers and black nun shoes. I was so embarrassed!
When in the Christmas play, Angels were picked and I was one of the angels, all the other angels had cute wings. Me? I had wings that touched the ground. Wings that had to carried by my father up the stairs, to show ALL the other classes how big and beautiful they were. My father insisted on making the best wings around, even thought I was so embarrassed!
When games were played in the school yard, I got picked to hold the coats. The nuns would give me the chalk to keep score. I got to be the bathroom monitor. When I was old enough to go to dances, I got to hand the records to the DJ I got to help the Priest lock up. I was so embarrassed!
When I had a crush on the super market delivery boy, Tommy Martin. I went in the store and asked for a box of "Thomas English Martins" I was so embarrassed!
When I worked at a bank in New York, I would take the subway to work with my mother. I once got my finger caught in the subway door and shut the subway system for 40 minutes. I was so embarrassed.!!!!
At our Wedding I was so nervous, I introduced my Husband Thom, with another man's name. His brother Danny. I was so embarrassed!!
When I was waiting for a bus, during a snow storm, I fell in drainage pipe. The bus driver came to help me and found out I was 6 months pregnant and my stomach keep me from falling further in. I was so embarrassed.!!!!
I was playing miniature golf, and rested by the back fence, while my husband took his shot, the fence broke, I fell on the ground and He never even noticed. I was so embarrassed.!!
While getting take out food, my husband got in the drivers side and as I was getting in on my side, I slipped and fell under the car, He looked out of the window wondering where I was and heard me yelling for help! I was so embarrassed!!
When I was on a plane, I had the ear phones on and started to sing show tunes at the top of my lungs. I had to be told to be quiet, because I was waking all the other passengers. I was so embarrassed!!!!
One day at my travel agency I was looking at the fine print of a cruise line brochure, I didn't realize the lens of my glasses fell out. I started to exclaim "I am blind in my right eye! I am blind in my right eye!" Only to be told, hold on, it was just a missing lens. I was so embarrassed!!
We all have embarrassing moments. Most of them are funny as you look back on them. But at the time you could feel your face blush and get hot. Your spine got all stiff and your hands started to sweat. You didn't think it was funny then! Because you were so embarrassed. But is funny moments like that, that become a memory. We never remember the everyday things; it is the time we spent hiding behind your hand. It is the time you wish you would fade away in the wood work. Cheer up! In time you will look back and tell the story about your embarrassment yourself! Are you ready to share an embarrassing moment with us?
Carolee Kaufold my be re-printed with proper credit
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16 responses
@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Carolee you have me laughing out loud! I am sure you weren't laughing when you went through these embarrassments, but girl, you had to be laughing when you wrote them just now. The one about your lens falling out of your glasses still has me laughing. OOOhhh...my side hurts.
Here is one I remember.
I played softball as a younger girl. I hit the ball and was running around the bases and my pants started falling down. The pants were held up with a big safety pin, the button and zipper were broken and I did a quick fix as I had to get to my game. The safety pin opened up unbeknownst to me. I fell to the ground between second and third. Needless to say, I was easily tagged out by the shortstop, who was laughing so hard when she tagged me. I was so embarrassed!!
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@CaroleeKaufold (1853)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Thanks I had a good laugh over your pants falling
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@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
30 Mar 07
That's really embarassing. But maybe not if I have really ice skin to show. Hahaha. Just kidding. Anyways, If I'm in your situation I might've headed straight home. And my, there's a game which only means that there were people present with numbers that will make me feel really uncomfortable showing my underweaI bet you never risk wearing something like that during games. Talk about the saying "experience is the best teacher".
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@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
31 Mar 07
If only I could have gone home, but I was the only Pitcher on my team, so I had to stay. That same safety pin kept breaking throughtout the game, mostly when I was pitching. My teammates, God Bless them, would gather around me and block everyone's view while I kept fixing my pants! If only we had velcro back then!!!

@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I am laughing like a fool right now! I know what you mean about embarrassing moments! One time I was 7 and went to church and had to go to the bathroom very badly. I ran to the bathroom and I was in such a hurry to get back to the pew before service started I tucked my dress into the back of my pantyhose. I ran through the entire front of the church to get to my mom to have my dad stop me in front and pull my dress out. I was so embarrassed I didn't want to ever go back there again! Later in my life, I was on a date and we were walking out of the restaurant, it was raining and I had boots on. I slipped and fell right there in the middle of the driveway. My boyfriend didn't even realize it, until he turned around and saw me soaking wet in a puddle. Needless to say that date was over. He laughed so hard, that just embarrassed me further. So, yeah, I have had a few. Far to many to mention in this comment though, but those stick out in my mind right now. Enjoy!
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@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
30 Mar 07
Hahaha. That got me laughing. I mean there were those people, trying to concentrate with the mass or praying, and they see you and now they had to concentrate really hard to be able to keep themselves from laughing out loud. I wonder what will happen if someone wasn't able to hold back the laughter. I mean, I've been there. When you see or heard something really funny and you try to keep yourself from laughing, it just gets worse. And then you'll infect others. I know it's not funny when that happened but reading about it really is. I hope you still went back to the church, anyways, did you hear someone actually laughed that time? Or they were too busy to notice?
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@eventualist (819)
• Canada
29 Mar 07
I think it's funny... that I was talking to my sister a few days ago and saying "you remember that time when such and such happened?" and she was like "no? what?" and it was so embarrasing to me and she didn't even remember. And the same thing happened with my mom before too, I was talking to her about something and I remembered it was so embarrassing and she didn't even remember.
So I'm happy to know that if I do embarrassing things now, at least they won't be remembered forever by everyone else, and I can just laugh at them lol
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@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
30 Mar 07
Yeah. When it happened a long time ago, people, even you tend to forget. Especially when it didn't affect them much. That's why you can consider it really really embarassing when after a long period of time, you still remember it and feel embarrassed just remembering it. That's also the reason why I can't remember much of my embarassing experiences when I was young when I'm really a clumsy child. What happens when you don't really have an embarassing experience that reached that certain degree of being memorable enough, you just try to come up with any of them that you haven't totally forget.
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
29 Mar 07
That's a long list! I can't believe you can remember all those little moments in time. I am sure I've been embarassed, but really, it doesn't linger with me. I let it go. I can't remember anything embarassing that was as funny as anything you have here. But thanks for sharing.
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@bettyrose20 (997)
• Philippines
29 Mar 07
Back then, when we were on a situations like that, we could wished we will die because of embarassment. But now looking back at it, we could have just a good laugh at them.
I had a few embarassing moments:
1) when i have to run for a fence to climb because a dog was chasing me
2) when i was walking down the highschool's stairs and its raining i slipped from the fourth stair down and me becoming soaked and my school's mates were came running to help me
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@yojspew (171)
• Philippines
29 Mar 07
One of my most embarrassing moments is when I was in College. I got off from a vehicle when the straps of my bag accidentally stuck on the door. The driver drove the vehicle away without knowing that my bag was suck on his door. As the vehicle drove away, I saw my bag being pulled and dragged on the street.
I was yelling at me him to stop the vehicle while I'm chasing him. It took me 4 blocks before I was able to catch up with him. I was so embarrassed!!!
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@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
30 Mar 07
Wow. That's not only embarassing, that was tiring. Lucky you have the energy to keep up. That was so scareless of the driver. I mean, he should've made sure that you got off safely before taking off. Lucky that you were able to catch up with him. It would be scary if you haven't because you can't be sure that you'll get your bag back. Scarier even if you have really valuable things there.
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@profclark (512)
• United States
30 Mar 07
Thank you for helping us keep things in perspective. Very funny!
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Awww those were so wonderful, you are so right about building memories. I am so clumsy, it has become a joke in our family, referencing our genes to have passed this cluminess on our entire family. Not too long ago I went ice skating with my girls a few days after Christmas. Here in our town where ice and snow never happens it is a big deal to have an ice skating rink here and needless to say it is packed during the holidays. This one particular day I was skating so wonderfully and about the time I took a turn I also hit the brakes on my skates ( that clumsy gene hit me again ) and I fell on my butt with great emphasis. Needless to say I was very hurt and as tears were coming down my cheeks and bent over in pain I hobbled back to my boyfriend to only have to be carried out of one of our largest malls to the car. To this day, my family gets a laugh when they talk about ice and skating.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
29 Mar 07
What a wonderful message, thank you for sharing this. To be honest I am sure I've had millions of embarrassing moments over the years but I can't for the life of me think of a one right now - yep I would say they have faded away.
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@natalie1981 (1995)
• Singapore
29 Mar 07
LOL. It's funny how when we look back at our embarrassing moments we just laugh at them but when we are in that actual situation we just wanna die or crawl in a hole...at least, for those persons who easily get embarrassed. I admire those who just shrug it off. They're so cool. My embarrassing moments? Well there was one back in college, our teacher was handing back our exam papers and when I was getting mine I just slipped! I slipped in front of my whole class and landed on my butt! I quickly stood up and said, "I'm okay!" in the kind of tone they would probably used in the comedy shows. I was really embarrassed but at the same time I felt a little proud that I was able to laugh at myself too. :)
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@sumofalltears (3988)
• United States
29 Mar 07
This is very cute and so very true. I was a real clumsy sort when I was younger, seems I could never do anything without tripping myself up. I can't count the number of times I fell up the stairs in school....and yes you read that right. I was also a tad over exuberant playing sports, you know those line drives just out of reach that you have to dive for if you want to catch it....here I am your perfect candidate. All the girls go in from gym and guaranteed I am the dirtiest one, grass stains on my clothes and in my hair. I learned early on that somes times you need to let go of the embarrassment and laugh at yourself or you take the scars with you for a long time. My daughter has one particular incident that she just loves to bring up about me, I love to cook and frequently my stoves has several pots cooking at the same time. It is also relevant to the story to understand that I am vertically challenged....I was leaning over to reach the pot on the rear burner and in doing so I scalded a rather sensitive part of the anatomy. My daughter will never let me forget that one, but don't worry I have a few of hers deeds to throw into the ring too.
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@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
29 Mar 07
That was hilarious. Anyways, my most embarassing experience took place when I was just nine years old. I just learned how to ride a bike and saw my crush passing by. Trying to impress him, I challenged my friends to a bicycle race. My crush was then standing by the roadside talking to his friend when we started the race. The wheel of my bike passed over a hose and the bike slipped. I panicked and clutched the break so tight only to realize that I clutched the break of the fronth wheel. So I fell off the bike and ran to our house without looking back.
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@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
31 Mar 07
Well, just last week I was walking into a store, my foot caught the edge of the curb and I went flying face forward, skidded across the sidewalk on my belly and banged my head against the door. I was so embarrassed and so glad I didn't seriously injure myself.
I remember years ago I had a huge crush on someone. I was at work in a restaurant when he showed up at the counter asking for me. My co-worker called to me where I was working in the back room. I came flying out, not noticing the pile of empty boxes sitting there waiting to be broken down. I tripped over them and fell flat on my face. I impressed him with my grace and poise, I'll tell ya!! I can laugh about it now, but at the time I was so embarrassed!
@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
14 May 16
All I can say is been there done that! Not all of them, just embarassing things..