How do YOU feel about KARMA?
@beaniefanatic13 (5076)
Grand Junction, Colorado
March 29, 2007 11:56am CST
Do you ever wonder when you witness a person just being down right rude to a sales person or cashier if what comes around goes around?
I always wonder when I witness these types of people if they get their "just rewards"? I find rude people to be very sad individuals.
I realize that people have bad days but I don't think that we should take that out on others. There is no reason to be rude to others just because your in a hurry, or having a bad day. Life is short and every minute should be cherished.
Well the reason for this discussion, was I witnessed yesterday morning just such an incident while standing in line at Starbucks. The line was long and not moving. First there seemed to a problem with a womens card not going through on the machine, causing the cashier to go to a register on the Safeway side.
I won't go into all the details as they are quite long. The next women in line goes up to the register and proceeds to order, however not very clearly ordering what she wanted from the drink to the pastries. Everything that she asked for, in the way that she asked was being done. However it apparently wasn't what she was asking for, so she was getting more and more visibly upset. The cashier and the lady making the drinks both were handling the situation quite well. Since I could hear everything I kept wondering what's the problem they are doing what you ask. Apparently they were suppose to be able to read her mind, because she wasn't telling them what she wanted from the get go.
Anyways long story short, the lady goes to pick up one of 3 drinks and the last one, she apparently squeezed to hard and the lid came off spilling tea all over her and the counter and the floor. She was even more visibly upset. I just kinda stood back and thought this is KARMA at work.
I'm sure the lady was in a hurry and running late for work, but that wasn't the worker's fault. They were doing their job. Yes they had technical difficulties, but were apologizing to everyone for the wait. It's not like they wanted to have these difficulties and have people be even more irritable than usual with them. My thoughts on that are that you should allow for problems of all kinds when stopping in a rush or not stop at all.
So how do you feel when you see KARMA at work? Do you take satisfaction in it? I can say that yesterday I did take satisfaction in it, as I find rudeness in these situations completely uncalled for. Have you witnessed similar situations where KARMA steps in? Do share?
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41 responses
@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
30 Mar 07
I dont think its about karma or the thing they call it. But personally i think its the conswquences of our actions and tehrer are really effects of our behavior, the way we act, the way we deal people and the way we deal with the incidents of life.
I guess, its about being responsible for our actions and taking responsibility and the right attitude to do it.
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@tatzkie (644)
• Philippines
30 Mar 07
karma.. hmm.. i think this is good because it make people think twice to do bad things and to consider do good things because it will come back to you. i think for many times i experience karma and it motivates me to do good and resist evil deeds.
@manzician (4727)
• India
30 Mar 07
I am a pure atheist and I believe that it all depends on your Karma. What you do is what you get. I am a strong believer in this. I found your stories really nice. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
29 Mar 07
Yes I know of many instances..I remember one person used to always put me down and that I was rubbish and that their wife was the bees knees..turns out I have just heard they are separated now and apparently his wife was drinking heavily and going around places..It's quite sad really cos she isn't a bad kid..just a bit lost. I didn't feel happy about divorce is good but it just shows that pride comes before a fall..I love my hubby tobits..but I never want to judge other people this way and compare..every one is beautifully created by God..only they choose tomake themselves ugly by horrible actions that's all.
@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
30 Mar 07
Yes I guess I do believe in it. I have seen it happen so many times and have experienced it myself. And maybe if you are rude to someone in a situation like a store you wont get paid back for it but someone you love will be spoken rudely to in that type of situation. My Granddaughter works at a Walmart and people are very rude to her when she is checking them out. Not ever one of course but there seems to always be some grouchy person. She doesn't let it get to her though.
@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
30 Mar 07
I do believe in Karma thats why if possible I dont want to do bad to other people but sometimes I also get rude if the person in front of me is also rude so I guess I'm just giving her/his Karma for being rude thats what I'm only thinking. I also wondering why theres alot of bad people on this earth does this people have not experienced a Karma thats why they are still bad?
@rjbass (1422)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I am a true believer in Karma. I am not that superstitious and don't go through many rituals but feel that it is necessary to treat people in the way that you would like to be treated. it also makes me feel better about myself and gives me an overall better peace of mind. As in your Starbucks example, had the lady been polite and not expressing so much anger she probably would not have spilled her drink. One thing is clear though, I don't wish harm on others regardless of their emotional state or rude actions. Karma just keeps me in check.
@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Ha, ha, you should be here, right now, the song "what goes around comes around" by Justin Timberlake is on. I thought that was funny. Well, to the point, yes I have experience karma. I wronged cheated on my ex-fiance and he didn't know. But what do you know, he ended up hurting me 3 times worse. I think it was karma, because he didn't know I hurt him and my wrongs came back to me. I beleive what goes around comes around and this was a sure case of it.
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@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
30 Mar 07
Yes, I do wonder. Personally, I believe that the "elementals" released into the Universe by any action we take will fly around out there long enough to eventually come back and do something less-than-pleasant to such people.
It may not come about in the way we immediately think about. The Dalai Lama once shared his perception of how the karmic wheel might work-- just because you STEAL from someone now doesn't mean that someone will steal from YOU someday; more likely, you will reach some point in life where you'll find yourself "irrepearably without," as in... you will find yourself facing how it is to be in a spot where something you really needed has been "taken" from you.
I also believe that we generally "create our own realities." The lady who spilled the tea was actively creating the "consequences" of an "angry reality," and part of that reality was being forceful enough to to squeeze the lid off the cup and spill.
I don't really take satisfaction in individual karmic events occurring, but I do get a measure of peace from knowing THAT everything is connected.
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
29 Mar 07
Oh what a great story and not a fairy tale. We all see these things from time to time and lets be honest, most of the time we're out for the entire day it's getting almost impossible to not see KARMA. You ask if people get their just rewards, well yes I think so. I also agree with you in the fact that I also see rude people as sad individuals,
and right again life is too short for this stuff. I suppose this comment has nothing to do with your article in a sense and yet this is what I saw that upset me yesterday. My husband was going to go in to pick up my prescription for my meds and we parked in the parking lot where I sat in the truck to wait. Here comes this lady I'd say about 45 years old or so. She was not parked in the handicapped parking space but the one directly to the left of the first handicapped spot, she had a cart about half full or so, this was the most warm and beautiful day we've had in a long time. Sitting there with nothing else to do I watched her, she put the grocery bags in the car then she pushed the cart over far enough so she could pull out of her spot and Yes you guessed it smack dab in the middle of the handicapped parking spot. Then she drove off. Now talk about rude, what was she thinking someone in a wheelchair is going to stop get in the wheelchair, move the cart then get back in the vehicle then park ??? I was a little upset with that and I told my husband when he arrived with my medication so he could move the cart. People just don't seem to know the true meaning of respect and I do honestly believe it's people like that lady that if in the case she should become handicapped, place a bet with me she'd be the first one to swear at someone who would do such a rotten thing to her. I'll zip it now LOL
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
29 Mar 07
I do believe a fair bit in karma myself. I like to think that a good deed deserves another as well. Whatever I do, I try to have a clear conscience. Can't think of any similar situations off the cuff though, sorry. :P
@finethings101265 (64)
• Philippines
30 Mar 07
i do believe in karma. karma not only happen to being rude to others but also if you do bad things for sure there is karma. karma also happen to myself..i done abortion twice becuase i am not yet ready to take care another child due to my work and financial problem. last 2001, i got pregnant again during that time our earnings are right and other children wants to have a baby in the house, so we eagerly all await for my pregnancy. my childrn even selected a name if he will be a boy or a girl. everytime i go home at night all my children will touch my tummy to check thier soon to be baby brother or sister. my husband buys all the food that i want to eat and nutritious food for baby's nourishment. but unfortunately, i loss my baby when i am on my fourth month of pregnancy. i dont know the reason why even my oby-gyn cannot explain to me what happen. my family were all so sad especially my children. then i remember it is karma becuase of what i done in the past. it is 6 years ago and everytime my husband and children saw a 6 years old boy they remember our unborn child, if he is alive he is that big now. karma is real if we apply the law of nature and science there is karma like if you throw a ball it will comeback just as what we do in our life. if good, good will comeback, if bad bad things will comeback
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I have always believged in Kharma..but lately moe than others,When i was younger i was quite bad and a rebel without a i admit i did many bad things im not proud of.,well at that time nothighn bad happened to me..then i got my life together,,and nextthing i know Kharma had done bit me in the a$$ it paid me back for everything bad that i had ever done in my life,,and its took about 4 years at which i know i deserved i just wish it happend while i was being bad..not when i changed my life to the best..but anywho..its also happened to many friends and family members as well..and yes i will always believe in Kharma..its a thief in the night....hehe..
@Melizzy (1381)
• United States
30 Mar 07
Oh yes, Karma does in deed exist. Or whatever you want to call it. When you do badly, you get bad things. When you do good, I believe more good things come your way. There is energy at work in the world. What you put out is what you get back.
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
30 Mar 07
I believe in Karma. When you are rude to the other one, you should think in your mind, how you would feel if the other person is behaving with you in the same manner. Does it not hurt you? Then why you should be a cause to hurt others? If you give a credit today, you HAVE to take a debit another day. A hurt to others today by yourself, it will hit you back with ten fold tomorrow. So let us give margin to others for their mistakes and bear with them. We are also prone to mistakes. If your one finger is pointing out at other person, remember three fingers are pointing out to you.
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@NatureBoy (493)
• Singapore
30 Mar 07
Ha ha, I feel, that in order to improve the situation, everyone should feel more happy. Results show that when people are happy, they work better. Putting on a smile for the workers, will make them work better.
Rudeness begets rudeness.
I think KARMA is just a reflection of how you handle things.
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@I_love_cowboys (12)
• New Zealand
30 Mar 07
I am not entirely sure whether or not I believe in karma. I try to always be nice because I am generally a nice person and want to set the right example for my children, but I am not nice to stop nasty things happening to me.... It would be great if Karma did happen - if murderers and stuff did have bad stuff happen to them afterwards as a kind of payback, but I have never witnessed it personally, so the whole idea of karma leaves me doubting. However, having worked in customer service for many years, rude customers really do annoy me. It isn't really all that difficult to be polite and courteous, and the treatment you will receive as a customer is so much better when you use a few manners.
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@kampo90 (289)
• Antarctica
30 Mar 07
wheal in esence i believe in waht goes around comes around this translated simply means that if you are nice to people they will be nice to you i always try to help people when they are in need and act nice and people act nice whit me to but some people are just born to big of an @$$holes and wheal i just tend to ignore them
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