I tried to scare a guy and got scared myself

March 29, 2007 2:22pm CST
I just want to share a funny incident with you all. I know it was very stupid of me to do such kind of activities but it was real fun. So, please don't take it otherwise. It happened to be a sunny day. I was sitting with one of my friend. As we were having some conversation, i saw one of my juniors coming with her boyfriend. I was normal and had no reaction. She greeted me and then i don't know why but both of them started giggling while they were looking at us. I was amazed how dare she did that? My temper went on fire. The boy dropped her girlfriend at Coffee Point and went out of the campus. At that instance, I got one idea in my mind and i just pulled my friends hand and started following the boy. My friend was simply amazed as to what i was trying to do. Me too didn't knew what i might do but i continued following the guy. He was walking in real great speed and to trace him, we were almost running. He just turned back and looked at us. I maintained my confident look. At this he became nervous and started walking with even greater speed. This gave me immense pleasure and i walked with more enthusiasm. I was having great fun. My friend didn't revolt as she knew something mischievous was going on in my mind. The guy was real nervous. Sometimes he went left to the road and looked at us with corners and after that moved right of the road. I was laughing hard. He talked to someone on his cellphone and i joked "He must be telling his girlfriend that your college's girls are teasing him". His face was nothing but a red tomato at that time. Well, to my surprise, he had not called his girlfriend. Instead he called his college friends and after 2 minutes at least 6 boys surrounded us and these boys were not looking so innocent as was the guy whom we were following. They were looking some sort of a gang! They all started hard at us. I knew we were in trouble but with great boldness i reached the boy and said "Hey! I am calling you for such a long time and you are not responding! Who are you? A deaf?" His face color changed suddenly. Now he looked like a white potato. I said "Your shoes are untied, please do tie them or you will fall down". My statement made all those boys laugh and i was out safe. Thank God! Later i got real reprimanded by my friend as she was really scared!
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2 responses
@kingatul (849)
• India
29 Mar 07
That was really creepy . You surely had a narrow escape. It could easily have ended up in a much worse condition but kudos for the great presence of mind. I'm not able to control my laughter.
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• India
29 Mar 07
Hey! Thank you! Sometimes, i also think what if that idea about how to escape the situation had not struck at that time. But the truth is that mind works faster when you really need it to work. Anyhow, i escaped it and that's what matters.
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@msqtech (15074)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I think you took a big chance for no good reason. Your friend was right.
• India
30 Mar 07
May be you are right. But first of all, i didn't knew that it could lead to such a thing and second thing is that it was as instinctive as it could be. While i was doing all this, not a tiny bit of thought even crossed my mind as to what i was doing. It was a very impulsive reaction that lasted for a long time. I have never chased someone after that incident happened.