With a small minority of people wanting to take God out of everything...
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
United States
March 29, 2007 11:37pm CST
With a small minority of people wanting to take God out everything, should that minority be given their own state in the USA? Unfortunately, in our gov't and the people in authority, they see that we have to do what the minority thinks so we don't offend them. It doesn't matter what the majority thinks. We have to be concerned about offending the minority no matter how small that percentage is. Might it be a better idea to put that minority in their own state of hopelessness. If you think that might be a good idea, which state would you give them and why?
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16 responses
@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
31 Mar 07
These people cannot accept the way things are, so now they want to make them change. Its just natural for people to challenge what has already been set in place, its good to care about change. However what these people are doing is just stupid, I believe they just want the glory and to be known. I wouldn't give them anything because they don't deserve anything, go ahead and believe what you want but don't try to change everyone else.

@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I believe you understand. :) It is about power.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
30 Mar 07
It is not that they wish to take god out of everything. They want to stop the proselytizing and constant indoctrination though...and to have christians understand that their belief is neither the only one nor necessarily the most healthy one.
The amount of subtle rudeness that has allowed them to feel justified in behaving like spoiled children being told they can't have their favorite toy is intolerable. Their ability to create pressure for legislation that is based on their religious dogma and not on CIVIL concepts is inexcusable. They offend the minority religions an spiritual paths to no end and then complain when they are told the must stop....here in the USA if you are not a christian, you are the minority..or so they would have us believe.
If I could give them a state I think they could have florida or oklahoma. Just as Native Americans have their sovereign lands within the USA's land mass, christians who wish to be protected from the rest of us could have their land in either of those two states. I think they might be happier and ther est of use could walk our paths in peace.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
30 Mar 07
People who want God taken out of everything aren't going anywhere...we are the majority. We need most of the states. We are giving the people who want God taken out of everything a state..so you want to live in Oklahoma or Florida. When we finally decide which state, I will make your reservations. If we choose Florida, be careful. Due to the water and the weather, they have a lot of big bugs and some of them fly. Too bad you won't have your God-loving neighbors to pray for you. Be strong.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
30 Mar 07
"When we finally decide which state, I will make your reservations"
I find it absolutely amazing that a so called Christian actually believes they are a true Christian yet they can come up with arrogant, rude and uncalled for comments like that....Mind boggling..
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@Lavera1 (896)
• United States
31 Mar 07
Yestheypayme, I don't think that it is such a good idea to put the non-believers in a separate state. That reminds me of the era of the natzis when millions of Jews were forced to leave their lands and were put in prisons and executed for no good reason other than hate.
I wouldn't want that done to me to be forced to leave my land and placed in a prison just because of my beliefs.
Also that happened in this nation during WWII to the American Japanese. They were taken from their homes and placed in a dry land just because they were Japanese.
According to the Bible we, the Christians, are to preach the gospel to every tongue, tribe and nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. And we're to live a life of light in front of everyone so that our light will so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our God in heaven. Also if the non-believers had their own state, they could make laws preventing Christians from entering and spreading the gospel so that wouldn't be a good thing would it Yesthey? We were born at this time because God knew that we were able to make it; to be more than conquerors throught Christ Jesus. So don't run and don't force others to run. The righteous are bold as a lion but the wicked run when no one is chasing them.

@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
31 Mar 07
Nobody wants to change you, except the paret that hates people simply because we don't believe in YOUR god. Your god is unforgiving, and you think he wants YOU to tell us what we should be allowed to think. Your god didn't exist 7000 years ago. He was simply created to keep the jewish people in line by Abraham and Moses. If he had existed before that time, don't you think there would be other records of him in other cultures?
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Those who ate with Jesus did so because they wanted to. They did not try to change Jesus. I think since the majority does not want to take God out of everything, things should remain the same. Those who want God out of everything should be happy to have their own land. They would be permitted to go anywhere in the USA, but they would have to be tolerant of those who choose God. Those who do not choose God, would not be forced to go this state, but it would be an option. There is no room for comparison of the era of the nazis. I never said they should be forced. I never said they should be executed. I never said they should be put in prison. You are putting words in my mouth. That is unfair.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
31 Mar 07
You don't understand. They do not want us to preach to them. They want to change us. It is not about them not being able to visit the other states. They can visit, but they must be accept the way we do things. If we visit their state, same thing. That way we have our way and they have their way. If you read the what others have said on here, you will see they do not want Christianity in view. They actually fear it. If you don't stand up for your your rights, they will take them away.
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@c1masters (54)
30 Mar 07
Wow!!!! isn't this what the Confederates tried to do in the 1860s? They were just as forthright and unbending as you seem to be. For them it weas ok to keep their fellow human beings as slaves, for you, expelling anyone who disagrees with you (there are other historic, and tragically not so historic role models for you to aspire to here: Hitler, Stalin, Saddam,Serbian nationalists, Somalian terrorists in Darfur etc) They all go on to lose in the end.
@eventualist (819)
• Canada
30 Mar 07
I'm happy to see that someone else has noticed the historic events that the idea seems to parrallel.
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@pangeacat (619)
• United States
30 Mar 07
Well, I do not believe that it would be beneficial to bring back segregation. That is what you're suggesting, that we segregate those who do not believe in God or a god of some kind.
The minority of people who do not believe in a god of some kind may be a much larger percentage than you think. Buddhists do not believe in a god of any kind, as a general rule. Atheists do not believe in any kind of higher power. Scientologists do not believe in any kind of a god. I personally have run into many people who don't believe in any kind of god.
That said, since our nation is composed of so many people, some of which do not believe in God, it makes sense that we wouldn't have the mention of God on our national symbols or in our pledge. As I said in another thread, I personally don't care much either way. But, it would make sense that our national symbols, items, money, pledge, etc. should be secular in nature.
Even if the mention of God is removed from these things, that doesn't mean that God is taken out of everything. If you believe in a god of any kind, no one (except yourself ofcourse) can take that away from you. You will still be able to attend your church or temple. No one can stop you from praying at your family dinner, or before bedtime. You would still be free to wear religiously inspired clothing, jewelry, etc. Your home can be entirely devoted to whatever deity you believe in, no one can stop you. You are still free to say that you believe in God. And, most importantly, no one can remove God from your heart and soul (again, except for yourself).
@jamaja (51)
• Australia
30 Mar 07
1.-if you are that "majority" why you are so afraid of minority???
2-aren't you the one who need state?we can go along with each other eaven if we don't belive at the same
3-don't you think about that you put God in everything-if you belive he is already there why put him and you can't take him away?!!
4-I am out of my country because people like you who want "us"in another state/country, who can't respect our belive even that we respect theirs.After killing a lot different belivers they ask God for forgivnes?!Is that way to be "majority"???That is the way it works if "minority" don't want to move at "state".
5-you want to play God by make it right at place you belive he created? Aren't you afraid that he won't liked that you messing with his job???
6-I think that you have very bad idea and very good preyer for God to forgive you for that bad idea,and start to be nice person respecting others and exepting them for who they are inside.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
30 Mar 07
We have freedom of religion. However, these things God's name on the dollar, optional school prayer,etc...have been with us a long time. Slowly but surely now it offends the minority and we have to please them? They can visit the other states, they just have to put of with what the majority wants. Oklahoma and Florida were suggested states.
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
30 Mar 07
Seriously Christians need to realize that there is not only one right path to "enlightenment". And having God posted on everything is like forcing everyone to believe in the exact same thing as everyone else. Which that is not what this country is made or founded upon. This country was founded upon the freedom to believe in what we want, when we want.
This country is made up of many religions and many different types of people. So what the ten commandments had to be taken down in certain buildings and certain areas, so a few words had to be changed. Get over it already. There is no need really to have "God" written on everything when he should be carried first in foremost in a person's heart. Words are just simply that "words". We do not worship words.

@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I just don't understand why some people start these types of discussions if they aren't gonna listen to everyone's point of view. It is already clear that you are not gonna listen, and are already set in your ways, so what was the point of really starting this discussion if you can't come up with something more valid than flavors of ice cream.
It's been pointed out many times in this forum, that the USA isn't just about Christianity or one single "God". And if one truely believed in "God The Almighty" they wouldn't care about things being switched around, cause no matter what is changed or what words are taken down, "God" still lives on through "his" people. The sad thing is I don't even believe in the Christian ways, and understand this more than some I know.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I am not here to have anyone change my mind and I am not here to change yours. However, I will state what I believe. The ice cream example was a good one because it is a simple one that should easily be understood. That is true. You don't believe...but you don't understand either.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
30 Mar 07
Try to look at it on a lower level. You might like vanilla ice cream, but we are not taking chocolate off the menu!

@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
30 Mar 07
You are a very narrow minded Christian honestly. People may have different religions other then yours and still be following a spiritual path. In my religion, Paganism, we do not judge people for their religion, because we know it doesn't matter what belief you have faith in, just as long as you have faith. And I think you are talking about Athiests, referring to you saying something about taking god out of everything. Well, it is their true belief that there is no heaven or hell, god or goddess. You need to open your mind a little bit and see what else it out there, you may learn a few things.
@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I guess I should say you SOUND like a narrow minded Christian. I don't really know for sure what religion you are, but I do know you think you are right and everyone else is wrong, which is not how you should be thinking.
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@jjones474 (123)
• United States
31 Mar 07
Let's give 'em Montana. The militia up there will shoot their butts off.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
31 Mar 07
And they will not need our prayers because they do not want prayer.
@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
30 Mar 07
In this case it is not because of God for me, but the principle. This is how it all starts, tomorrow it is going to be the color yellow .... you know what I mean. Majority in my eyes rule, not to say trample or ignore the rights of minorities, but there are limits.
People think SA consist of white people and black people, not true there are over 16 different ethnic groups, and some ethnic groups hate other ethnic groups beyond comprehension!
11 years ago South-Africa, wanted to give each and every ethnic group their own state. The whole world crucified us, and they put a label on it "Apartheid" and if you translate that, it means "Separated" but he world saw it as discrimination.
Back to your question, I don't think it will work, they will say it is discrimination.
It's a strange strange world master Jack:)

@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
31 Mar 07
Yes, the US was a way for a long time then 'new people" came and forcedreligion on to the people alongwith disease. Do you forget that your ancestors were also the interlopers on this continent? Do you consider that many people don't want fundamentalist Christians around them becaus eof their attitude and moral stands? Perhaps people like you should move to some place like Utah, where it seems a lot of fundamentalists live now, You'd probably fit right in.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I have been looked at that way for even suggesting it but it would give everyone what they want. The USA had things a certain way. People were happy with it. Then came a "new people" who wanted to change it. Instead of changing us, they should have their own state or be tolerant of the majority. Of course, they would not be happy because they would have no one to change, or put down or fight with.
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@shiningfae (403)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I don't want "God out of everything." What I do want is for my freedom of "non-religion" to be valued as highly as other people's freedom of religion. Tolerance works both ways.
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I think you may find this interesting to know that your Christian holidays are not as old as you think they are. Here is an article you may want to read http://paganwiccan.about.com/library/weekly/aa032503holidays.htm . Before getting all self righteous about things you may want to do a little research and really look into things and just not what you are told by a Christian priest.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
30 Mar 07
We cannot have it both ways. We cannot have In God We Trust on the bill and off the bill. We cannot have school prayer and not have school prayer. We cannot not say Merry Christmas and say it....it is one or the other. Since we have had those things with us a long time..why do we have to change them?
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I don't need a history lesson or anyone of authority to tell me what to believe. You are free to believe what you want and so I am....How long do you think my God has been around? Just take a guess....
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@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
30 Mar 07
Another state? Taking something we don't like and putting it into a closet doesn't make it magically "go away." It still exists, it's merely out of sight.
But since I believe you're being (at least partially) facetious, let me offer an alternative:
Why not just farm out the problem to the BLM (Bureau of Land Management)? Ever look at a map of land ownership in western states? It's like a checkerboard. We could just create a nation filled with little squares for people. There could be squares for "Godless German Immigrants," and other squares for "Baptists who Smoke" and yet other squares for "Single Mothers who Like Anna Nicole Smith." Think about it! Everybody could live in a checkerboard square where they would NEVER be offended by one of their neighbors' points of view.
And that (in the immortal words of Forrest Gump) "is all I have to say about that."
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@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
31 Mar 07
Why is prayer so intimidating?
Because I don't want some moron teacher giving my 6 year old the impression that she has to prayer to some invisible entity or she will go to some place like hell. She is too young to understand any of those things and so I choose not to discuss them or teach her about them.
I don't believe my children should be bombarded with religious nonsense until they are old enough to comprehend any of it (at least 12-13 years old).
And in the end I feel prayer in school will not change a darn thing about our society. I went to a Catholic school from Kindergarten until I graduated high school. We prayed before every class, before lunch, before we left for the day. We went to Mass every week and all that and we had all the same problems in school that public schools have. We had fights, teen pregnancies, gangs and the swearing--gosh you wouldn't believe what comes out of the mouths of the kids at my high school--did I mention I went to school with 2000 GIRLS--all of that stuff happened at my school despite praying 7-8 times a day.
I don't get why Christians are so insecure about their religion that they have to force it onto everyone they see. Just keep it to yourself, please. I already had my 6 year old crying, thinking she was going to burn in hell because we don't go to church or pray. She doesn't need to worry about crap like that.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
31 Mar 07
During a 3 minute prayer some teacher will actually tell your child she is going to hell.....that isn't it and you know it. It is about control.

@eventualist (819)
• Canada
30 Mar 07
Knowledge is power. We should be spreading knowledge in schools, not forcing one religion on to the masses... isn't that what school is all about? The path to a greater knowledge?
If you want your children to learn about religion, why not give them your bible and enroll them in Sunday school. God doesn't have to be out of everything, but it shouldn't be in places where there are people of all cultures and religions.
Let the Catholics, Prodestants, Jews, Buddists, Wiccans and what have you practice their beliefs in any manner they see fit, off of school grounds.
By the way, you say the minority shouldn't rule... yet Bush is in office with a 30 something percent approval rate. Perhaps you should think about putting the Democrats in power, since they would obviously make up the "majority" in this case.
But then again, Bush is much more in favour of keeping religion and Christian views in America, so for you, I suppose it's better off that you keep him as the man with the minority of people on his side in office for as long as you still can.
And no, I'm not an American. So you don't have to worry about shipping me off to some state on my own where no one will be around to pray for me. Then again, this 'everyone without YOUR God state' might just be the place to be, because I suspect it will be filled with many people that can pray to many 'Gods' on my behalf and I'm thinking that the more the merrier would be the way to go, if I want to feel safe away from the bugs of doom you think would be coming lol...
One more thing... In the big picture of Gods and Spiritual Beings and such, a single God would be in the minority in many religions, seeing as there are plenty of religions that have many more Gods than one. I know you will probably think that all those other Gods are frauds, cause they aren't YOUR God, but it's the truth. So if you think about it from that perspective, you are also in the minority.
That said, I'm sure I can rest assured tonight that you won't be praying for me, so I'll just have to pray myself that I don't get shipped off to some far reaching place in the world for being a part of the "minority" who is happy to have not grown up in a school preaching one religion, but was blessed enough to have gone to a place that taught us about many religions so that we could have a more broad view of the world, and become more accepting of the rest of the world.
Too bad you didn't have the same experiances. But then again, ignorance is bliss, right? And what you don't know, won't kill you?
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I should this and I should that....it sounds like you think I am personally responsible for everything that happens in my country. I love the way people who are not from America have so many things to say that are negative about MY country. Touche....I will not waste another minute on this one.
@eventualist (819)
• Canada
30 Mar 07
Oh, so you aren't personally responsible. I'm terribly sorry for thinking you were the president. I just thought you must have had the authority to take some action, because you seem to be so convincing in your theories about how you need to reserve a state for everyone that doesn't share your point of view. I guess you won't be reserving those plane tickets to the state you decide after all.
I really enjoy conversations that could be decent debates, but it's always hard to have one when the other party is all "I'll never change, so don't bother".
Also, forgive me for not being born in your country, (forgiveness is something that God promotes, right?) but it doesn't mean I'm not knowledgeable enough to have some valid points.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I am not trying to change you...and I do not want to be changed. You don't debate, though. You are just plain bitter. Yes, I think people who have no religion should have their own state. I have no problem with people who are Jews, Muslims,etc...those who think children can say a prayer in school no matter what their religion is. My husband is a Muslim...one of my best friends is Hindu and we have Jewish friends...guess what? We think we can say prayers in the same school.

@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
31 Mar 07
What makes you feel that its a small minority who want to take god out of everything. it seems to me that the ones who insist on putting god into everything are in the minority.Despite the noise you make, you findamentalist christians are a minority ewverywhere, and are despised alnost as much as the fundamentalist Muslims.