Fears/Phobias.. Can you name them?

@maucute (979)
March 30, 2007 1:32am CST
I believe that all of us have fears, I know I fear many things but I don't actually know the right term of such fear.. I know some of you know some name of the fears we are afraid of.. Please do share what you know so that we would be able to use the right terms when referring to fears.. :) For a start: Astrophobia - fear of space or anything related to it.. Batophobia - fear of heights.. I'm one of those whose afraid to fall off a tall building.. Monophobia - fear of being alone.. I don't like being alone.. That's all I know.. Keep the list going..
1 response
@kastor003 (364)
• India
30 Mar 07
I have fear of blood. I don't know what it is called in short form. I sometimes get unconscious when i see blood especially if it's my own.