What is your sweet rabbit's name?

@ackars (1942)
March 30, 2007 4:32am CST
What is the name you have given to your sweet rabbit?You have more than one at home?What do you call them?Why didi you select such a name?
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14 responses
@gizmo528 (731)
• United States
2 May 07
I've had several rabbits before in the past but I only have one right now. The one I have right now is called Snoopy. Not really sure where I came up with that name other than the fact that I had a rabbit named Snoopy before. I've had a rabbit named Thumper from the movie Bambi and that fact that she constantly was banging her hind legs. Then there was the original Snoopy who was a black and white rabbit that I named from the Peanuts.
@gwendovere (1279)
• United States
1 Apr 07
My baby is Cuddles. We just got him a couple of months ago ~ trouble is, he's not much of a cuddler! But he is very interested in our guinea pig! I have also had Ronnie, Jessica (Rabbit, get it ~ like from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?), and Shadow.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Most rabbits aren't as cuddly as people think they would be. Be very careful with a rabbit near the guinea pig, as rabbits can kick and injure/kill a guinea pig without intending any harm.
• United States
20 May 07
I have 2 bunnies 1 name is Hazel cause her eyes are a hazel color and her coat is a chocolate color(shes a dwarf rabbit) and the other one her name is Thumper cause when she first got her all she did thump at everyone and everything. She's white w/gray spots and gray ears. I'm not sure of what kind of rabbit she is because her face is shape different from Hazel. But that is it in a nutshell.
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
20 May 07
it's onyak.my kid chose that name.it's a female.i'm planning to buy a male one and we will call him onyok.
@jemkay (19)
• Canada
3 May 07
We have two rabbits and their names are razz and doc. razz is black and white dwarf rabbit and we kept the name given to him when we adopted him. doc was rescued by a shelter and didnt have a name and so we gave him doc, as in "whats up doc" from bugs bunny.
@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
27 Apr 07
sugar my bunny - my bunny and my cat on the chair
I have a bunny rabit named Sugar. She is all white, and she is sweet. I thought sugar would be a perfect name for her. She is 3 years old.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
4 Apr 07
We used to have two rabbits, one a beautiful polish white who was my baby, she was lovely and I adored her, sadly she escaped her cage and was never to be seen again. She was called Schmeta a Buddhist name, we put up signs everywhere but we never found her, animals become part of the family and when you lose them or they die it is heartbreaking.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
30 Mar 07
Sunny Bunny Near His Pen - Sunny near his pen, in his younger days
My 11 year old rabbit is named Sunny. His past owners had named him Sunflower, because they thought he was a she. Well, he was a very well endowed rabbit and quite obviously a he. So Sunflower just wasn't a manly enough name. Therefore, he came to be known as Sunny. The younger rabbit, probably around 2 years old, is named Floppy. She got her name because she flops over all the time and is the most relaxed rabbit ever (well, when left on her own and not asked to interact with people). She's a sweetie. I actually found her running free outside, caught her, and now she's potty trained and living in my room.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
31 Mar 07
Well our rabbit's name is Mr. Bobber. He's very cute and affectionate. The reason he got his name was when we first got him he liked to stand or walk around bobbing his head up and down like one of those toys in a car. He also loved to sit on my shoulder and bob his head like a parrot. So Mr. Bobber seemed to fit. Most times I just call him bobbers but he doesn't seem to mind. He still bobs his head up and down and is very curious about everything in the house.
• India
8 Apr 07
i don't have a rabbit at my home, but 14 years ago we have them at our farmhouse. now i don't remember there names.
@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Three years ago, we found a tiny black and white bunny hopping around in our backyard. It was four days after Easter so I assume someone got it as an Easter present and then let it loose or it got loose and ran away, I don't know why it ended up in OUR fenced yard but we took it in and kept it for a couple of years. I wanted to name it either Max or Ruby like the cartoon? but my daughter said no, that was stupid so I just called it Mr. Bunny, even though I am nearly positive that Mr. Bunny was really Miss Bunny. After having her for a couple of years, my daughter was sick of her living in the house and we had to find her a new home. And we did search and question people too before we found a couple that seemed to genuinely like rabbits as pets and who actually had other rabbits too. So I like to think that Mr. Bunny is happy in her new home.
7 Apr 07
I have had rabbits one at a time since I was about 8 years old but because they never actually respond to their name I have decided not to name our latest. I say good girl to her. She is a lovely tan brown colour and so docile. She is very patient when we pick her up. We just had a wonderful family day (with my two teenagers) making a run so that she can go out on the grass in the nice weather. I am so glad we chose her.
@sarapooht (271)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
Hi Ackars! First of all I would like to thank you for adding me as a friend. If I had a rabbit I would name it Puffy because it has a puffy fur and the rabbits fur is very soft indeed. I hope my mother buys a clean and white rabbit for me, it would be very lovely if she buys one.
• Singapore
7 Apr 07
My sweet rabbit's name is snowball. Actually this name was given by my younger sister. She told me that because its pure white in color and when it first came, it rolled up like a ball. So that's why we named him snowball.