whose the cutiest of all..

March 30, 2007 7:12am CST
upload image of your cats and i pick the cutiest cat...
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3 responses
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Key-Key - Key-Key & my cousin who changed her name to Keekers
My cat's name is Key-Key but we call her Keekers. My niece named her. She was just over a year old & couldnt say cat. She called her key key so that just became her name. Then my 6 yr old cousin stayed with me that summer & he called her Keekers. Now thats what we all call her. I am not sure of her age. She just came up to our house 1 night when it was storming. She was only a small kitten then. She was soken wet & shaking from the cold. My niece had a fit over her & wanted to pet her. But she was a little scared & didnt want us to get to close. So i got a bowl & heated her up some milk. After a few hours of sitting on the porch watchin her drink then refilling her bowl, it was empty again. She sat beside it purring, lookin at us. Then she just walked over & hopped in our lap. That was almost a year ago. She's been with us ever since. Now she is so spoiled, she drinks about 1 1/2-2 gallons of milk a day & will only eat 1 brand of cat food & no dry food.You cant really tell from the pic, but she is white, had a light brown tail & some light brown on her face with blue eyes. She is also really fussy. I think she is adorable.
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Key-Key - This is Key-Key & my niece that made sure I gave this stray kitten a home.
Okay, another picture. This one is of the cat & my niece. I wish I had a good one were you could see the cats eyes. Now Key Key is really protective of my niece. If anyone does anything to her, she will hiss at them. She is also kind of my gard dog. If anything is out there that shouldn't be, she starts hissing & will come up & scratch my door while meowing & hissing loud. She kind of saved my niece's life ones but that is a long story that you probably dont want to read anyways:)
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
i pick ur cat as the cutiest
@Sengrath (210)
• Romania
30 Mar 07
This is mY pet katy . isn't she adorable??
@Sengrath (210)
• Romania
30 Mar 07
darn ...how can I upload ?? :((
@Sengrath (210)
• Romania
30 Mar 07
well My cat is uploaded in my Photos ... :) who is courious ..you'll find her there. :)
30 Mar 07
Leo our cat - Heres our little kitten
Okay, me first. Leo is only about 4 months old and is absolutely adorable. We got hiom when he was 10 weeks and is our first cat. He is male and very well behaved if not a little bit nosy
• Philippines
31 Mar 07
nice pose