Does Age Really Matter In A Relationship?

United States
March 30, 2007 12:41pm CST
I've been asked this question a million times I think and it's only right because I'm currently in a relationship where my girlfriend is actually 7 years younger than me. I'm 28 and she's 21. We've been together since she was 19 so you can see that I had to deal with a lot of questions as to why I did it. Well, the only truthful answer is that I fell in love with her. I believe that age is just a number. We as a society is brought up to believe what is right or wrong. And when we go against the norms, we are labeled as rebels or freaks depending on your situation. Well, I'm not gonna conform to what society says is right or wrong. If I feel that what I'm doing is right and it's not hurting anybody, then I will do it. Besides what really matters is the love you have for each other and the maturity level of both people involved. I found that she was way more mature than people her age and sometimes even older people. Plus, I look way younger than 28 (must be an asian thing), so from the outside, we look like a regular normal couple until you ask for our ages. It's been two years since we've been together and it's finally starting to calm down. Both our families have accepted us and everything is way better than when we first started. We both thank God that we weathered the storm in the beginning and it's finally paying off. Anyone else feel the same way?
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34 responses
• India
31 Mar 07
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@shadyone2 (129)
• Australia
31 Mar 07
when it comes to love it has no boundaries. so no age does not matter as long as both of you are of age it shouldn't matter to anyone else but you. my partner is 8 years my senior. if you love each other i say to hell with age.
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@shadyone2 (129)
• Australia
31 Mar 07
when it comes to love it has no boundaries. so no age does not matter as long as both of you are of age it shouldn't matter to anyone else but you. my partner is 8 years my senior. if you love each other i say to hell with age.
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@roque20 (518)
• Philippines
31 Mar 07
I havent experience yet that the guy is younger than me. And i think it doesn't matter at all if we do love each other and he is mature enough to handle a relationship. There are many guys out there that are older than me but they are not mature enough to handle a relationship.They just play.
• Malaysia
31 Mar 07
i do not think age really i know love is blond.even old people fell in love.i do have a cousin who is only 22 years old.she get married to a guy which is 29 years old.n they are quite nothing wrong with that
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@dora81 (285)
• China
31 Mar 07
So long as two people fall in love with and persevere the love,any common custom and the prejudice all may break through.The rather that,the parents forever all cannot defeat the children which doted on . Finally prays for heavenly blessing you forever to be happy!
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• Philippines
31 Mar 07
For me, it doesnt matter..The only important and trust to each other..Me and my husband have 10 years gap..but its okay..As far as we are together we dont have any problems about our age matter.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
12 Apr 07
when everything is going ok, why are you thinkg in this way? when both yours parents have accepted your match and you both love each other, then don't think. when both the partners love each other then i think there can be no problems.So enjoy.. don't bother so much.
• United States
31 Mar 07
I always say age is mind over matter !If you dont mind it dont matter !If the two of you are content with the situation then actualy it is no one elses business !
• United States
2 Apr 07
Hey, I like that "mind over matter" example. I truly don't mind what other people say, so it don't matter what other people say right? I like it, I like it!
• United States
31 Mar 07
Age really does not matter in a relationship provided the relationship is between two matured people. People at 20s can have a healthy relationship with people at 50s or 60s. Important factor that need to be observed how compatible the partners are. Age might be an issue in a later part of the relationship if the partners are not compatible. Compatibility is a subjective word on a variable factor. At times though we feel that we have understood the other person as the expectations do not meet then everything else erupts. Then age becomes an issue and the relationship breaks.
@ramfir (32)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 07
Does age really matter if you love some one? I don't think your the only person in this world with a difference in age numbers. Have you ever heard a guy get married to a girl who is much older than him? If it's already meant for each other, why care about age?
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@evelynlyp (788)
• Japan
31 Mar 07
7 yrs difference, there's nothing wrong with that. I once dated a guy 11 yrs older than I when I was 18. I dont' think that age matters. What matters is the level of maturity. If both couple's thinking are about the same level, the relationship can work out very well. I think people are concerned about age because its from age, that we can assume a certain level of maturity. Age is the first thing we look at to determine maturity on first impression. Confirmation about our first impression comes later after we've gotten to know the person a bit better.
• United States
31 Mar 07
My DH is 33. I will be 46 next month. We have been together for 8 years. We share love, friendship, respect, trust, consideration, dedication, and support. The only thing we don't share is the decade in which we were born. Age matters not.
31 Mar 07
i agree with what you said about age being just a number if your in love who cares what people think thats my opinion
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@jc_star10 (953)
• Indonesia
12 Apr 07
Age is just a number. I agree with that. First of all, maybe because i do too did not like i am 28 years. I looked like i am 20 years old and they who met me at first, will always asked me where did you go to college ? LOL. But in love relationship, I think it's depend on people themselves. Some people seeks for older people because they are mature, some people seeks for equal age because they will have same common possibilities.
@inovator (603)
• Philippines
31 Mar 07
well for me it doesn't long as you love each other,,,and you dont hurt anybody,,,just go!
@Erinlpx (179)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I completely agree with you. I just married a man ten years my senior. I'm 28, he'll be 38 in August. I don't think age has any bearing in a relationship where there is love and commitment, and willingness to make it work. That said, I think there's a time in your life where major age differences ARE an issue. (20 and 30 is much more acceptable than 15 and 25, for example). Good for you two for finding each other, and I wish you many, many years of happiness together! :)
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I have to agree with you on this. Age does not matter if you really love each other. It is a big difference, but when my mother and my stepfather got married she was 39 and he was 59. I was her only child and he had four grown children and grandchildren too.
@Bell88 (370)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 07
Huge age gap in a relationship is very common.
31 Mar 07
When the woman is older as in my case, (I am 43 and my husband is 35!) then that can get some people talking, as you said about looking younger because you are Asian, I am White and my husband is Chinese, ( he also looks much younger) We have been married for 5 wonderful years and I Wouldn't swap him for anything!!!!
• China
31 Mar 07
My answer to your question is no. And I agree on what you said that age is just a number. So don't care about what people say. The most important thing is you love each other. By the way, my mom is 6 years younger than my dad. But they still love each other and have a happy life now.