
March 30, 2007 5:26pm CST
i was so proud of my 3 year old today. we went to the pool. we haven't been in awhile. anyway she swam in the big pool with a pool noodle under her arms by helself from one side to the ohter side and back. it was so cute to see her go with out me holding her. but she still hates putting her head under or getting her face wet at all. how can i help her get over her fear of going under. she panacks and swallows a lot of water if she fall under.
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6 responses
@Joslyn77 (374)
• United States
31 Mar 07
Just keep going swimming. The more you go the more she will get used to it. Also what I used to do with my children when they were that young and youger is to hold them and you both go under at the sametime. Count 1,2,3, and go. Sometimes is also helps to blow right in their face just before you go under because your child's natural reaction is to hold their breathe. My daughter was swimming on her own with no help from adults or floating devices when she was three. That's really cool to see your child go through all the phases of learning to swim. Good Luck!!
@mrsturner (518)
• Canada
30 Mar 07
That's wonderful. I want to take my 2 year old to the pool, but I just can't seem to get things together enough to get there. He loves his bath, but has recently decided he doesn't like to lie back in the water. I'm trying to get him over that by putting less water in the tub. I'd love to see him swimming by 3.
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@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Maybe you could get her do dunk her head in the tub during her bath. If she feels safe in the bath tub she may give it a try. We started my daughter with going underwater and swimming in the tub. Once she was ok with the tub we let her go underwater in the kiddy pool. I am 42 and I don't like going under water because it gets water up my nose. I can understand why she doesn't like it. Give her time and she will be fine.
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
30 Mar 07
That is really good though!! My daughter just learned how to swim last Summer-when she was 5. I would just try to re-assure her and let her know that you are right there for her if anything does happen. My daughter learned to swim because my parents moved into a house with a wonderful inground pool and a diving board =) So last Summer she spens alot of time there and ended up jumping in on her own and learning how to get to the side of the pool!! I am amased at what our kids can do!!
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• Gabon
30 Mar 07
Good for her, congrats. My 5 years old girl just did the same thing a couple of months ago. Actually she did a similar thing when she was just 2, but once her fears grows, she hates swimming. But now she starts to enjoy it again. Kids are amazing...
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• United States
30 Mar 07
Oh how cute that must have been. Hope you are getting pictures of all this.
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