Man sentenced to death by his sister
By Riptide
@Riptide (2756)
United States
March 30, 2007 8:46pm CST
A man has leukemia and his life could be saved by his sister with a bone marrow transplant. She refuses to do it even though she is a perfect match/ He will die unless he gets a transplant. He has 3 little children who will be without a father.
I find this woman to be very cold hearted and cruel. How can anybody let their own brother die out of pure selfishness?
Read the story and tell me what you think.
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25 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
31 Mar 07
That this man has gone public with a very private family matter may tell us something about his character. What it tells us may be that which inclines his sister to not help him out.
I would not automatically assume the sister is cold and heartless. Who knows what has gone in that family in the past that she does not want to help him?
It is an interesting story, but I certainly do not respect the man's attempt to publically shame his sister into donating her bone marrow.
Anyway, I read the story and that's what I think.
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
31 Mar 07
My husband and his sister do not get along at all. She's bipolar and pretty much is nasty to everybody so we decided to cut ourselves off from her. But I know if he was able to save her life he would do so, because family is family.
I can understand him going to the press. He is desperate and is fighting for his life.
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@Karmalina (647)
• Australia
31 Mar 07
I would try just about everything if I only had a year to live. It is bad that he went to the media, but I can kinda understand.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
31 Mar 07
How horrible . I can't think of any reason she would not be willing to help as it says there would be no riks to her even though she said that was the reason and she was thinking of herself first .
I would never deny my family the right to live if given the chance . I can understand being scared and nervous but the fact that you would be able to do something for someone that no one else could would also be a nice feeling and might even patch things up and give them the chance to be closer even though they were never close before .
What is she teaching her children as they must know that she is denying thier uncle the chance to live as I am sure that they must have heard something about this by now .
I can't imagine what his wife is going through knowing that she is going to lose her husband because of the selfishness of his own sister . I would have lost my temper too if I had been in her posistion as even reading this made me think what kind of monster would do this and I wracked my brain trying to come up with even one logical answer and haven't as of yet .
I pray this man will find the bone marrow to save his life through someone else . May God Bless this man and his family !!!
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@stball (20)
• China
31 Mar 07
in my opion,not as you said above,maybe his sister be feared to draw marrow from her body. i have the same condition as that woman met,but at last my affection to my relation overcomed my fear.
@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
3 Apr 07
Wow, I am torn...O one hand I see the ster as cold, heartless, and just plain full of crap, bt o theother, his attempt at shaming her into donting is also pretty low. Although it is not mentioned whether there is a previous family history that may be the motivating factor in her decision, it can almost be gathered simply by the writing of this story. I can safely say that there is probably more to this than what you read in the story. I do hope he does find a donor, and can continue to study for hs Phd. As for the sister, what goes around, comes around.
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
31 Mar 07
Oh my God, what a selfish jerk. I can't imagine how mad his wife must have been. I'm sure I would have been arrested too...but probably for murder. That is just completely absurd. It's not like he's asking her to shorten her life to extend his. The risks are so minimal that they may as well not exist for her. I don't get along with my sister that well but when I was in the hospital and dye they used caused me to have kidney sister was ready to fly here and donate if it was needed. I don't know how anyone could do that and live with themselves...I surely couldn't.
@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
3 Apr 07
Unbelievable! I realize the surgery is painful, but wouldn't most people do this for a loved one? If any of my family needed bone marrow I would be scared, but I would still do it. I can't say I think much of this man's sister.
@MarkyB21 (1545)
14 Apr 07
This situation is very sad.
I can't imagine what that man would have to have done to make his sister want to let him die like that.
I am on the bone marrow register and am willing to give my bone marrow to any compatible person who needs it. The operation is not even dangerous.
There is no member of my family that I would refuse to give bone marrow to, or even something more serious like a kidney.
She must really hate her brother.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
1 Apr 07
well that was sad...i really cant comment wisely on the situation coz we have to take the side of the sister first she had agreed then later changed her mind..maybe she have consulted some professionals on side effects if she let her bone marrow transplanted..actually its my first time to hear a bone marrow transplant..i know organs can be transplanted but not bone marrows..her sister have family of their own too..and have to weigh things before arriving a very serious decision that could affect her life and her family too...instead of hatred and appeals to her why not leave her at peace and stop blaming her if she wont donate..she had all the right not to do so if she thinks shes life will be endanger too ..why not put the blame on her if something happens to her brother?..i think that would be unfair think that in the process it resulted to legalities due to the wife of his brother who went to their house ...
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
31 Mar 07
You don't know what went on behind closed doors. She may very well have valid reasons for changing her mind. She has a young family as well. Does a bone marrow transplant affect her immune system? He should never have brought this to the public eye the way that he did. He is shaming his sister in public. This is something very private and it should have been kept that way. We don't know what is going on between these 2 people. It is not for us to judge. What if she were to have a reaction to the anaesthia, would it be bad enough to kill her? Bet no one asked that question.
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I have to agree with you. After reading the article I think she is being unreasonable and cold hearted also. Saying she wants to put her family first, I understand that, but to have this done will not hurt her family in any way. I hope she will change her mind so her brother can live or prayerfully they will find another donor in time if she doesn't.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I dont know it defies logic thats for sure. I know it was pretty bad for him to talk to the press but I wonder if maybe they hadnt already got ahold of it when his wife got arrested for confronting his sister. I am sure she has some reason I just hope its a damn good one. I know sometimes its harder to love people you know and do anything for them that you would do for a stranger. But still this would be a hard thing for most normal people to live with knowing you could have helped and didnt.
• Philippines
31 Mar 07
What kind of sister is that? Maybe she was just an adopted daughter or something!
@asherah (104)
• Philippines
1 Apr 07
Oh! The story is very cruel. How can she do it to her brother. If I were on her place, I would do anything to save my brother. Why not sacrifice a little. Good karma is always present, the same as bad karma. For me, it is better to see my brother dying, with me knowing that I have done everything. Than doing nothing while seeing my brother slowly dying because of his illness. I am such a family person, I can't do the same thing. Besides, If I would be on the same situation, when I am the one who's sick. I know that my brother will do everything to save me. Knowing for example that I have a husband and kids. I wish she would change her mind. You see, before helping someone else. You should help your family first. Yes, "family first" because you're with them ever since you're a child. A little sacrifice won't hurt. I am very disappointed with the story. Very very disappointed.
@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I just don't understand what is wrong with people today, sisters and brothers just don't care about each other anymore. Its just sad in our day and age, that people are like this. Maybe he'll get lucky and they will find another doner for him, I hope soo. Good luck and God bless to this poor man.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I think it's selfish of her. I don't understand what reason she would have not to help her brother out, but whatever it is, I still think she is selfish.
If I had the chance to save one of my sisters, I would. I'm not even close to my older sister and we don't ever talk and we have had some bad times, but if I had to I would do the transplant.
I just don't understand why this mans sister wont help out. I feel for the family and I pray that his sister either changes her mind or they find another donor fast!
@Eiloin (327)
31 Mar 07
It is really horrible, I would donor organs for my family without second thought. I hope this man will soon find another compatible donour and will be able to go back to his children soon.
However, I would like to be able to copy-paste one of the comments in the original article. It is the comment of "Cwm, Manchester", who says: "Donating organs or bonemarrow is and must be completely voluntary, and should also be private". No matter how cruel sounds to us this man's sister, she doesn't have any obligation to do this. She might be afraid, or she might have whatever reasons. Anyway, her privacy should be respected, I think, as well as her decision.
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
31 Mar 07
I promise not to be judgmental but I really find her HORRIBLE! I for one could not stand by and see any person die. If there are any chance that I could save a person's life then I would do it. Let's just pray that somehow God would touch her heart and help her BROTHER. Wow! I just cant get over her decision. This will really bother me a time. I just hope there are no other people like her or else this world would become a heartless and worse place to live. One of her is enough.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
31 Mar 07
I have no words to describe how I feel at this shocking heartbreaking news.
I would be furious, distraught, and in a state of total disbelief. I understand that people sometimes aren't aware that there's no risk, but this woman KNOWS that and chose not to donate her bone marrow anyway.
How can she live knowing that her brother is going to die without her help? This woman does not have a heart, nor a conscience. It's cold hearted, it's selfish and it's madness!
@Karmalina (647)
• Australia
31 Mar 07
How can anybody deny life even to someone they hate? I find it hard to believe she's willing to watch her brother wither away and die. And I think someone with 2 masters degrees ought to be informed enough to know about the risks involved. Sounds like that's the only thing on her mind when she refuses. I imagine his own little children would do it for him if they could. I think his sister is a cow. (sorry got a bit opinionated there.)