Does Life Scare you?

@fawcey (926)
March 30, 2007 8:50pm CST
I have to admit that life is scarey to me. There is so much killing and hating going on and it just seems to be getting worse. I wish people could all stop and take a good look around and think hey this isn't the right way what were we thinking. Lets not shoot them cos they shot so and so lets stop the killing now. But no it goes on and the ones who kill will always find a reason to go on killing. That is why Life scares me, it can be taken in split second for no reason.
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2 responses
• Australia
31 Mar 07
Hey,I totally agree and what scares me the worst is that every day it gets worse and it will continue to do this until.....I dont know??I mean when will it all stop what stage does this world have to get to before there is some sort of realization?And do you know what scares me more than life itself...its what sort of life my kids are going to have I mean I worry about them so much now and never ever let them out of my site but someday i will have to let them go and it scares me beyond words.
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@fawcey (926)
• Australia
31 Mar 07
I know what you mean. I hate to think about having to let my son out into the world. He is four and I worry so much when I can see him and do all I can for him,I hate to think about him out on his own where I can't protect him in a world that seems to be killing it's own. I don't even want to think about it.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
15 Apr 07
I think part of the reason we are so aware of the scarier side of the human condition is because we are bombarded with it daily by the media. I'm not so scared for myself, but I am scared for what my children will have to deal with because of my generation and the generations before ours actions. I've often wondered exactly what is it going to take to get all this irrational violence and hatred to stop? What kind of catastrophe will there have to be before people really get it? I thought after Katrina maybe we'd see a little more compassion for our fellow man, admittedly it's a small area when you look at the grand scale of the world, but I was disappointed to see all the rioting and looting taking place when people should have been banding together. There are still acts of great compassion taking place everyday, but it's hard not to lose faith when you are deluged by the negative all the time.
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
It is a sad truth. We continually have it on the news in the paper on the radio. It is hard not to be affected by it and wonder what our children will have in their future. I think it is the acts of compassion they we do still see that make it all bearable and give us a little faith to get through each day.
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