Why do some people yell at you because they misunderstood your discussion

@raydene (9871)
United States
March 31, 2007 4:27pm CST
On the most part everyone is really nice here on mylot but a few times I seen some users react adversely toward others.I started a joke about an American woman from NY which is in USA traveling in Texas which is in USA and she gets a ride on a horse with an indian...there lies the problem....I am part native american and we have always called ourselves Indians as well as native americans...but apparently I have offended 2 users from India..How has the whole world gone touchy about the slightest thing....Be careful what/how you say..don't wear that color in that city....Should I have worded the joke differently? http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/939988.aspx
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18 responses
• United States
1 Apr 07
You cannot worry about it honey. No sweat if they have no sense of humor. You didn't mean to hurt anyone. You are doing a great job on MyLot. I love your posts. You get another + for that one. Bye the way, I have a Native American Spirit. What people do you share your heritage with? +++ again. Hugs.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Hunk Papa Souix on my mother's side and some eastern indians on my father's side.His dad was french canadian/indian but because he considered himself white it may be lost forever...I'm still looking....
• United States
1 Apr 07
You have a rich heritage dear. I have studied the People very much. Thanks for getting back to me sweets.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I'm surprised to hear you say the people.I'm proud of all the different blood I have ...It's who I am. Hugs Margie
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
1 Apr 07
You did just fine with it and they need to worry less. It's like when my niece was little and we said sit Indian style (that's what it was called when I was growing up) but she didn't understand it. They call it criss cross apple sauce sitting. Don't ask me on that one. I still call it sitting Indian style, sorry if I offend anyone but it's what I grew up calling it and it at least makes sense to me unlike the other expression. I think in general we are overly PC and need to learn to relax a bit more. I'm American and of Irish descent. I don't get my panties in a bunch every time I see a joke about the irish getting drunk. Of course I'm one of the first to share it with others ;) but the point being we need to not take everything so seriously. They need to realize that Native Americans were called Indians for hundreds of years. It's ingrained in our shows, movies, books, and culture. If they don't like it tell them to sue Columbus but leave us alone. The joke was cute and harmless. They are the ones with the issues.
@BarBaraPrz (48796)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
1 Apr 07
We always called it sitting "cross-legged". I never heard the term "Indian style" until recently, in novels. But even calling it Indian style is not an insult. That's how BOTH Indians from India and Indians from america traditionally sit. So there! :oP
@raydene (9871)
• United States
1 Apr 07
That's very sweet Emerald.Seems like Everybody is spoiling for a fight...You can't get away from it... Thanks
@weemam (13372)
1 Apr 07
I think there will always be someone offended by something , I am Scottish ( as you know pal ) and on almost every TV show there is a drunken Scotsman . I would hope that not all foreigners think that we Scottish people are all drunks .I don't drink nor do my 3 sons . hubby does like a wee pint though , I digress lol , we can't possibly write discussions and try to think how they will harm people , I know you and I know you would never willingly offend anyone , Hugs and xxxxxxx
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Thanks Weemam..You have just the right thing to say..You always make me feel better.xox
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 07
No Ray you should not there is always one about so ignore them and you just carry on how you are going Girl. So both of us have been told this week hey Well we are stronger Sweet and keep up the good work. Love and Hugs
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
31 Mar 07
Thanks Hon..I knew you'd pop by to put your arm around me and make me feel better.I know my angel won't let me down. Hug
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
1 Apr 07
You know anytime you need me I am there Hugs to you
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@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
1 Apr 07
I just went to the original discussion and I thought the joke was pretty funny. And since you talk about NYC I would never have confused the two Indians. But I've just been reading an interesting article on the names in whch the author states that there are in fact no native american indians since each tribe has its own name. So the native population of America consists of a lot of tribes each with their own name. So I guess you could call yourself an original inhabitant of Anerica from the so and so tribe. http://www.umass.edu/legal/derrico/name.html
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Thanks that was interesting
@Karmalina (647)
• Australia
1 Apr 07
I'm part Cherokee and part Creek indian myself and that's how I've always said it. I think it is a little out of whack that people get so easily insulted. Calling Native Americans "Indians" was never meant to be offensive. And even if it was meant to be, there are jokes about just about every culture and nationality. Most people mean no harm by it and if possible the best response would be just to come up with a better joke.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Oh yes that is a good idea...That was yesterday and today is a new day...Thanks Karmalina...I enjoy having you for my friend..Thanks Hon
@budsr03 (2350)
• Canada
1 Apr 07
I am metis' and i didn't find the joke or the use of the word offensive. When i am bad i say it is the white in me, but when i am good i say it is the indian in me. LOL! Good joke! Take care Raydene.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
1 Apr 07
Welcome to the world of Political correctness, If you called Indians in Canada the native Canadians ones they will be offended because the term indian is something they grew up with as in "dirty little Indian" the prefer to be called first nations people, or natives
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
1 Apr 07
When we were young many people said indians and so did we around our friends but at home we referred only to the people or our people...Which is silly as my dad was 1/4 native american and my Ma was less then that but we always had friends from the res that spent time at our house that were like our family.My Da's best friends were a black man,first generation polishman,born in Italy man,and a man from the res...We were taught to value the differences from infancy and now the way the world is I am so thankful for the way I was brought up.
@gemini1960 (1161)
• Philippines
1 Apr 07
you really cant please everbody even in jokes..some are sensitive in nature and some misinterpreted it jsut what happen to you funny jokes..actually its funny...
@raydene (9871)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Thanks so much for your response
@lols189 (4742)
1 Apr 07
no its ok ray dont be angry. you will get people who jump at you for the slightest reason to make you look bad but if i were you i would just ignore them. obviously they cant take a joke and dont have a sense of homour. what i would say is f**k them. keep smiling and posting your good jokes friend. lols
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Thanks so much...I appreciate you honesty.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
1 Apr 07
lol. i have just read it. it is a good one and my answer is: no. i do not think so. maybe other people should try an solve their problem with their issue.. there is nothing there that is more thanthe usual joke.. i really do not see why people reacted the way you said. i just advice you to go on, knowing that everywhere there are different people that will get hurt or will not agree on things you are doing..
• United States
1 Apr 07
I think this whole world has become way too "politically correct". Don't say this, you might offend someone...don't say that, you might hurt someones feelings. Should we all just sit in silence so as to not offend others. Anytime you open your mouth, someone is going to have a different opinion and/or believe you are wrong to have said what you said. That is what's great with this world...you can think what you want. If they have a problem with something you say, then they should do one of the following...come to you nicely to find out the exact meaning of what you said, ignore your post and read others, or just suck it up and move on. Life is to short to always be complaining and worrying about what others are doing.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I guess you are so right...I grew up in the hippy era...be and let be...what ever happened to that
@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
2 Apr 07
Well, let's see. I guess you could have said..."she got a ride on a horse with a person of aboriginal persuasion." Or perhaps..."she got on a horse with a guy with brown skin and a feather on his head that sure looked like an I----n." Or maybe..."she got on a horse with an Indian who was American and not one of those Indians from India." hahahahaha Can you believe those people. They can't have much of a life if that is all they have time for. What the Hell DO they call themselves anyway?
@BarBaraPrz (48796)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
31 Mar 07
I think people have gotten too touchy in this day and age. I thought your joke was hilarious but harmless. You could have used the word 'Amerind' or the phrase 'native american' but it would have made the joke sound pretentious, not funny. And if "black" americans can use the N word why can't "native" americans use the I word?
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
31 Mar 07
Thanks Sweetie That makes me feel better.Sometimes I just need to know it's not just me!lol
@emarie (5441)
• United States
1 Apr 07
everybody is always WAY to sensitive, i always tell people that. i grew up where we called eachother names out of fun. there were really bad asian comment which are more funny then offensive, and no one really cared. you go someplace else and use the same frame of thinking and people get all huffy. i just think people are all into being too PC these days that they just think everyone is out to offend them or everything is a stike against them. lighten up people...
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
1 Apr 07
that was a nice and cool joke..nothings wrong with it actually its funny and wholesome...actually some people especially the ones youve mentioned maybe put some malice on it and think its degrading on their part ..indians are so conservative i guess just cant take a joke when they think its them who are being the center of the situation...
• Canada
1 Apr 07
Try not to worry about the individuals who take offense at what you say .You can almost be guraranteed that what you say today that someone will take offense to it . We can't please everyone and this is just another example of what some people will get all up in arms about before even finding out more about it . They would rather critize then take it the way you meant it . I would just ignore people who make remarks as they are only trying to make you upset anyway . By not saying anything to them and ignoring them , they will usually go away . Best of luck :)
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@ozzei69 (24)
• United States
1 Apr 07
i thought the joke was funny and that you shouldn't really worry about what the other people think of you as long as you have fun typing the joke... you can't please everyone so why not please yourself as long as there is nothing wrong with the joke to the point where you would get into trouble... but why not...live a little and have fun while your doing it
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