do you believe?
By bobbyjoe143
@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
March 31, 2007 5:17pm CST
not long ago, i had some jahovas witness' come to my door (they have that annoying habbit of turning up to preach when you really don't want them at your door!), anyway, they tried to engage me in conversation about god, man and the universe...
so, they asked me if i believed in the big bang theory... i replied "i wasn't there, so i wouldn't know", to which i got the reply of if there were a big bang, then god must have created it, otherwise, where did everything come from?
they asked if i believed in dinosaurs, to which i replied yea (as there is evidence that they have existed). i was duely told by the lovely johvas witness' that it was god playing a trick on the human race, he had planted these so called "bones" to see if we would fall for it and stray from his path!
do you believe the amount of rubbish some people can spout?
i am not saying that everyone should believe the same (though if johvas witness' had their way, they would have us all believe what they do) but i think that some religeous people should allow for science to be implimented into their religeon.
and by the way, they did not manage to convert me (once again lol) i am still a non believer!
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17 responses
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
31 Mar 07
You made a very good decision not to join the Jehovah's Witness group. If you believe in God, study His Word - the Holy Bible, and you will find the truth there. I am a member of the Church of Christ, the one which does not use musical instrument during worship services, and if you want to study the Holy Bible with any member of the Church of Christ, please find a congregation near your place and request someone there to study the Holy Bible with you. They would be willing to help you. We do not compel people to believe in God. We are servants of God and very much willing to help people who want to study the Word of God.

@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
31 Mar 07
as i said before, i don't believe in anything, this includes god.
i don't have anything against those who do believe as i think individuals have the right to individual thoughts, feeling and beliefs.
there are churches all over the county where i live, one just 2 minutes walk from my house, and so if i ever came to decide i wanted something like religeon, then i would walk in, i do not need meniacle people stood at my door preaching at me lol
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@Photos4sale (352)
31 Mar 07
I dont believe in them either. They don't celebrate events (birthdays etc), would let their child die rather than give a trasfusion or transplant and thrust their views down your throat door to door like Avon salespeople
@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
31 Mar 07
i had 2 friends that were johvas witness' when i was in school, one rebelled, the other took to it.
the one that rebellled got ill and needed a transfusion, she went for it and told her parents where to go!
i personally don't blame her for doing that, she was 15 and had a whole life in front of her, but her parents went mental, they didn't throw her out, but they pretended like she didn't even exist when she was in the house, which i found disgusting!
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
31 Mar 07
personally I think they should not be allowed to go doot to door, some of them do harrass people and play on the good nature of people, I was looking fter n elderly Aunt of a friend and when they came to the door she asked me to deal with them as she was so lovely she just didn't want to say no to them, they had been coming there for years, she lived on her own and just was too nice to say no, but then I believe no one should be allowed to go around disturbing people in that way...
@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
31 Mar 07
i know exactly what you mean...
i also feel that they should not be allowed to drag their kids along too, when they come to the villiage where i live, they always have kids with them, i think it is in some misguided view that people wont tell them to bog off and slam the door in their faces if there is a child there!
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@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
1 Apr 07
Damn, I was soooo taken in with the 'evidence' that dinosaurs existed! lol...I do believe that people have a right to believe what they want, but it annoys me so much when people just won't leave you to yours and tell you that you are wrong.
They do say that religion and science don't suit each other and we will only really know what the real truth is when we die.
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@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
31 Mar 07
i agree, ignorance does certainly help their attitude in being so closed off to everything else.
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@ehdzzie (331)
• Philippines
1 Apr 07
i have an experience like that...they will just knock on your door and then they will tell you that it will not take too long and then they will ask you some questions about God or religion...i've tried it once but i don't want it so i stopped because i am not a religious person...i is not that i don't believe in God, i do pray everynight....i just don't believe what is written all in the bible, i do believe more in science.
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@radante (365)
• Romania
1 Apr 07
In the world are some religious fanatics. Not all Jehovas witnes think that.Some others believe that dinosaurs lived on the Earth thousands years ago, not millions (some of my friends). I think that science and religion need to co-exist because mankind need to be spiritual and informed at the same time.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
1 Apr 07
My grandfather on my mothers side is a jehovas and he is the most annoying man I have ever met. Sure it has been a few years since i was more or less forced to meet him - but all he talked about was the fact that I was not going to come to paradise if I didn´t convert to what he calles the only true religion. He has finally given up on my whole family and now he doesn´t even call. Noone is sad about that,
However they came to knock on my door ones and startedtalking and i said that well I have been a member before (i haven´t but i knew that it would catch their attenting) and I am not allowed to anymore. I have never seen anyome dissapear any faster - coz you see... they are not even allowed to speak to people who has been forced outside..
I have still not had a visitor from them - and a few years has passed =)
@lossforredwords (3620)
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
lol! I always have that experience but I always told them that I already had a session and If they really want a talk then fine and every time I encounter this Jehovas it turns out I'm the one who interviewed them as to why they become like that and what is the sense of being a jehovas and why they always ask for donation etc etc.. I just gave them a dosage of there own medicine.
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I don't think they should bother people at home.
However the bible says to go out and spread the word of god by 2. They are doing better than the other religions.
I have also had Baptists knock on my door. When was the last time a Catholic knocked on your door? It has never happened to me. Which gives me less faith in Catholicism.
@stravagante (37)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
1 Apr 07
I belive in God and I'm going to church every sunday, but I don't like the "agressive" type of belivers like jahovas witness or mormons. I respect other peoples belives like I like other people to respect mine. Anyway, my friend has a goog tactic to avoid jahovas witness...Once they came to his door with their magazines and everything, (of course, he instantly recognized them) and he said:"Look at the time!!! I got to go!" And slammed the door in front of their faces! :o) He said they never came again!
@Writerbob (572)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Just ask them, "so since you're one of the 144,000 chosen, and there are already alot more Jehovah's Witnesses than that, does that mean I get to take your place?" LOL
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
5 Sep 07
Ridiculous, and as to the first one, they really must not know science very well.
I always tell them that I don't buy anything sold door to door. Sometimes I tell them my husband, Beezelbub wouldn't appreciate me talking to them.
I don't mind religion, I'm an advocate in taught in the right way, I just don't like it shoved down my throat. I wonder how they'd react if I came to their home and talked about pantheism, or druidism.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
26 Aug 07
dont you just love them bless them all. I have all kinds of coments prepared for them. One sunday morning my husband left for work (he starts at 7) 10 min later someone knocked on the door thinking it was him I went and opened the door to see 2 ladies with a baby and 2 other kids 1 was about 2 and the other was about 4-5 and one is like oh did we wake you up and I am like no s#$^ (ups sorry) i go I am not interested. then few weeks later I was cleaning the house with music so loud I could not hear my self thinking and I heard this banging on my door (the whole house was shaking) thinking the house is on fire I ran to the door and its 2 guys there i told them not interested and one said but we are here to spread the word of god and are happy to answer any question I go I have a church and people I could ask thanks for your help. then another time I go oh great I felt like talking to someone today (and you can see the smile) I am like you are from bla bla and they are like yes. I go well let me tell you about my people well it all started in...... 5 min later one of them goes well nice talking to you. that was the last time.
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
1 Apr 07
First of all, I don't think it is fair to judge someone for their beliefs. We are all free to choose what we want to believe in. I find it quite iritating sometimes when the jehovahs and the mormons show up at my door. Sometimes I have fun with them when they start their spiel by taking the exact opposite and driving them up a wall. The more I contradict the more frustrated they get and give it up as a lost cost. I used to have fun watching my grandfather talk to those who came to our door. He had an answer for everything and knew the Bible inside out. Every time they quoted something he had a contradictory quote. He loved to have them come just so he could get into a good debate. They too left somewhat confused. I would like to think that he coverted more of them than they did. However, I feel that the witnesses are more real than the Mormons. When I read the book of Mormons and found exact quotes from Shakespeare and other "modern" philosophers and writers it made me laugh so hard I had to use "depends". How they can believe that the Mormon Church is the only true Church is beyond my imagination...especially since it was "founded" by an illiterate American who claims he saw angels and received the "golden" book of mormons and was able to translate it readily. If one believes that I would like to find them because I have a house in Kansas with a view of the Pacific Ocean that I would like to sell.
But like lawyers, journalists, and the like those who show up at our doors are either just doing their job or merely want to tell others about religion as they see it and as taught by their leaders. We can't fault them because it is something near and dear to their hearts and if trying to convert others makes them happy then so be it. Live and let live. However, when they do show up I try to tell them in a polite way that I am not interested and nothing they can say will change my mind. If they persist then I go on the offensive but still do not slam the door in their face...but will close it and leave them talking to themselves. This world is a melting pot of just about everything imaginable which makes it interesting. If we all believed the same thing it would be a very boring existence.
@msbawangada (710)
• India
1 Apr 07
Yes , I believe on myself and God.
I believe on my parents and my all friends .
I think believe is so important for men otherwise you
will upset and alone as well as doubtful for every one
and for every work . You will lose your confidence if
you not believe than but you believe than you can face
any type of condition.You can fight against danger.
@calderon (40)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I agree, I don't think they should push anything on anyone. To say the least...if what they believe is true and the right way. Then why is it so hard for them to convince others to believe it. I my self believe there's a God! And I like going to churches that are non-denominational or just a christian base. That way nothing is pushed or in some cases forced on you.