do you read your local daily newspaper

March 31, 2007 6:43pm CST
I know I'm a creature of habit, I get up each morning reach for my glasses slip my feet into my slippers head for the mailbox and grab the local paper hit the on button on the coffee machine and wait for my coffee to brew..I love reading my local paper..I start of course with front page see what happened the day before that was big news..I always read the obituaries to see if any i know has past in case i need to send mass cards or visit anyone..i read the funnies my horoscope, the provincial pages, the all over the country page...the of course we have a swap page now its not what you may think lol its a free cycle people trade sell or barter just never know what you may find..I take my time and read it front to back and start my day..because you just know somewhere you will be today someone will say oh did you see that in the paper lol and i can say oh i keeps me in the loop and i think its important to stay current..I love my papergirl she is cute as a button always on time and always takes the cats a just seems like a great tradition I'm not ready to you read the paper each day? Cheryl
6 responses
@sparling (178)
• Canada
1 Apr 07
you knew i was gonna respond to this. well as you know i use to get the daily paper, but as crazy as it sounds i didnt have time to read it sometimes so i canceled it. I really enjoyed it but it seemed like a waste. someday when the kids are older and i have more time for me i will subscribe again but for now its just pointless. oh but i do still get one on saturday and hope for some time over the week end to relax mandy
1 person likes this
• Canada
1 Apr 07
well hon if you don't have the time to read it i'm sure that money can be spent treasure hunting at the second hand stores lol..i know your very busy with the boys and there are not many free hours in the day but one question how is it your always online lol gotcha!!!! love ya Cheryl
@sparling (178)
• Canada
4 Apr 07
you're a bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! luv ya
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
4 Apr 07
Unfortunately we don't get one delivered any more, we used to get a free paper once a week always on a Thursday but they stopped it and now you have to go down to the shop to buy it. It's good in a way because they save paper. I do however need the paper because I look at the jobs vacant listings which is the main reason I read the locals.
• Canada
5 Apr 07
oh well thats a shame so you have to go to town to buy one i would miss that convience,,that cat is adorable had to be said!!! and about the job listings i hope you find a great job if your looking for one Cheryl
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
3 Apr 07
I read the State newspaper online almost every day. For years I had it delivered, but it became a pain searching for it under the car, or smashed in a bush. Even worse, asoaking wet. I like to keep up with the latest news. Mty favourite used to be sitting in bed on a Sunday moiring & reading the Sunday Mail with a cup of coffeee and a cooked breakfast.
• Canada
3 Apr 07
yeah i love that too hon i know my father in law reads all his newspapers online with his morning coffee and loves it that way so its to eahc his own..but the way thing is we all stay in touch withe our world thanks for responding dollface have a great day Cheryl
• Singapore
1 Apr 07
Definitely! In case I would feel a bit uncomfortable if I don't read the papers. I just feel as if I am missing something and not connected enough to the world haha. I subscribe to the papers so they get delivered to my house each day. Not such a problem for me - I just need to read it. :P
1 person likes this
• Canada
1 Apr 07
now why doesn't that surprise me?? i'm surprised you don't get the papwer from my city The Cape Breton Post know i'm teasing but you base of knowledge does show you access a large amount of information..i think reading newpapers is a great way to stay in the loop thanks for responding Cheryl
@VotreAmie (3028)
• United States
1 Apr 07
No I don't read the local daily newspaper. My husband does but I do most of my reading on the internet. When I lived in France I used to read newspapers regularly and now since I can't have those here in the US I just go on the internet and read them online.
• Canada
1 Apr 07
yeah if it isn't from home it\s not quite the same I'm sure but the Internet does supply you with the news that keeps you in touch with all the news you need thanks hon for responding hugs Cheryl
@rabi9634 (419)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Absolutely! I actually have to admit to reading more than one local newspaper. We get the city's paper, the county's paper, and from time to time the bigger paper for the multi-county coverage. I'll usually hit the headlines and the sports section to see how things are going. Also always on the lookout for events to check out and photograph.
1 person likes this
• Canada
1 Apr 07
yep that's me i feel you need to be informed lol!! how else can you be part of society..I have a friend that honestly she has no clue what goes on in our city let alone our country or amazes me she can you not know who your prime minister is?? who your mayor is?? where your tourism bureau is?? all things she is oblivious baffles me lol thanks for responding and happy reading Cheryl