i really want to know how the Americans feel about George W. Bush
By ronreyes
@ronreyes (4724)
April 1, 2007 1:37am CST
I'm a Filipino. A curious Filipino who wanted to know how the Americans feel about George Bush. I keep hearing negative things about him through the internet, news, newspapers, etc. Is he really bad or anything like that? That it came to the point where almost all Americans hate him? The band Greenday even composed a song about George Bush which is called "American Idiot". Wow! I just think it's too much! Is he really an idiot? If he is, why is he an idiot?
Sorry for asking too much but I'm just really curious about these things. Hope the American MyLotters will response to this topic. Thanks in advance! :)
- Ron Reyes
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41 responses
@creematee (2810)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I have no love for Mr. Bush. I think that he is an arrogant fool that believes himself to be kind of the US instead of president. I don't think he takes the American people into consideration when he thinks, talks or acts.
He wasn't elected as president in his first term... just got lucky with the electoral votes. I think the ONLY reason he won the second term, is people liked John Kerry even less!!!
I only hope that 2008 will provide America with a strong leader, someone who is willing to listen to the people, and take action--only if necessary.
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I actually saw a program where the man in charge of the voting process in one district in Fl, tested the machines, used by Fl, and Oh, and he was stunned to discover that well, those machines don't work, they can be tampered with. Since there was some controversy over gw the dictor's second election I would not be surprised if it wasn't rigged twice.
Problem is for that election and several others there really haven't been viable candidates, we have had a choice from worse, to god aweful.
Not even a choice between good or bad, or good and not so bad, or even bad to worse. Definitely worse to god aweful.
Hopefully this election will be different. There is always hope.
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Well that is the beauty of life, there is always hope. I do agree with you that hopefully we can get some progress made,
Since GW has been in office so many programs that are needed have been cut, programs for the health, elder, disabled etc, and yet my taxes keep going up. So why are these programs cut where is the money going? For a war that none of the people want?
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@creematee (2810)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I so agree! I think that the candidates running so far have promise. I just hope that they improve on the AMERICAN theme of democracy, and not George W. Bush's. :)
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@healer (1779)
• India
4 Apr 07
I am not an American but this is what my American friends say about him,..
Bush and his cabal of henchmen lied to the American people about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, and they continue to obfuscate the truth while their companies cash in, Iraqis suffer and American soldiers die.
Bush has tried to undermine the United Nations, a democratic institution created in large measure by Presidents Eisenhower and Truman. Without even understanding what the UN does, Bush has called it "irrelevant" when it fails to fall in line with his dictates.
Bush took positive patriotism and global support in the wake of 9/11 and forced it behind his own narrow self-interest in Iraq. He hijacked 9/11 for his own benefit. Bush stands against everything America stands for.
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Well I am a citizen of the us and I am ashamed to admit that George W is our president. It is a fact that the american public in general are not responsible for this terrible injustice. He was not voted into office by a majority...he bought his way in.
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I am an american with an unpopular view. But what is a country when someone declares themselves president with out proper election, or disregarding the election votes and voters? It is a dictator, so on that note, as dictators go he could have been worse, much worse.
On the other hand, the moment I saw him, when they announced who won, I got such a terrible gut wrenching pain in my stomach I was so repelled by him, I just couldn't help but think he is evil, and I couldn't help but remember that the word war is in his name.
I had a friend whose in-laws were friends with the Cheney's so she had to go the one of the inaugral balls, when she was introduced to gw, she was so repelled by him she actually took a step back away from him, she felt so sick just meeting him.
I have had friends and family sent overseas when they shouldn't have been.
I was horrified when I saw him smiling and smirking during a memorial service right after 9/11, and his wife had to nudge him to get a more solomn expression on his face.
I think he is a liar, and a bad one, I think he is criminally neglegent, I have never had faith in him, never voted for him, wouldn't consider voting for him,
Despite his desire to harm the american people, and the american values of freedom, I wish him no ill will, only that he recieve what he gives out.
I also think he is fool who is lucky enough to have people around him who have excelled enough at manipulation to have given him the postion he now holds.
And while I never thought it was right the that Repulicans put a ban on how many terms of office a president can hold, because they were upset by the number of years the Democrats held office during the FDR/Truman years I am now at this point in time grateful that the idiot, can't get away with claiming a third term for his dictatorship.
And I am hopeful whether it be republican, democrate, Green party, libertarian, no matter who, that whomever holds office will finally be president, rather than dictor we have gone to many years with out a president in the united states.
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@langGa18 (81)
• Philippines
2 May 07
From the political surveys we conduct, because I work for a market research firm, there really are a lot of people who doesn't like Bush most of them are democrats. But there are also a lot of americans who like him and most of them are republicans. But in the long run, as we conduct survey every now and then, republicans are slowly becoming and turning to dislike President Bush. One of the reasons is the war on Iraq. A lot of Americans hate the war because of the life of the soldiers being lost.
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@ydiwan (448)
• India
1 Apr 07
Firstly i am not an american but an indian but i have been to america to study business so i think i have that little bit right to answer this one for you first of all in my books Mr George Bush is completely in the negative and no i am not saying this because of the Iraq war or Iran Condemnation or other issues he has been part off i am saying this cos of so many strains he has put in the life of the american people in his stint as president to name a few the US Stock Market faced his worse ever crisis in his tenure the taxes have increased unneccsary military expenditure,loss of so may american lifes in war so i guess these reasons are more then enuf to implicate that MR Bush RETIRE
@tanniebabe78 (2934)
• United States
11 May 07
Don't forget him taking billions out of MY social security (STEALING MY money) to fund his war in the first place. I can't even retire now if I wanted to!
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@Lifez2short (4962)
• United States
13 May 07
Im with you on that one. I'm sure alot of people will be very happy when his time in office is over for good.
@airnavigator (369)
• United States
6 May 07
I am an American and think that George Bush is basically doing a good job. I noticed in the discussions above that much of the complaints about him have to do with the dispute over the Florida votes in the 2000 election. The fact is that every single re-count Bush won, alibet by a narrow margin. Even the liberal press, after doing their own recount admitted that he won by a few votes. These recounts did not include the disputed votes from Republican areas (such as overseas military ballots that didn't arrive in time and other districts where a lot of ballots for Bush were decalared invalid on various questionable technical grounds). Bush's real "crime" is the fact that, unlike Richard Nixon and previous Republican candidates, he called the Democrats on cheating and refused to let them win with fradulent votes. The Democrats had been winning the cemetery vote for so long that they assumed it was legitimate. If only the votes of live people in Cook County (Chicago) Illinois had been counted in the 1960 election Richard Nixon would have become president that year rather than 8 years later. This, in my opinion, is why Bush is view with such hatred by the very vocal left in the United States.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
3 May 07
Not an American so I won't presume to say what Americans in general think about GWB, but I was interested in your comment about the band Greenday composing a song about him called "American Idiot". The Dixie Chicks criticised him from the stage during there world tour and as a result they where accused of not being patriotic and where banned from Country and Western stations in most of the southern states.
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@DesigningLife (903)
• United States
4 May 07
Yep, that's the way GWB works...it's all about him no matter whose toes he steps on. No one is entitled to an opinion which is different from his goals...from the time of the so-called "elections" til now. He makes up the rules as he goes along to force a following.
Totalitarian Dictatorship in the making...I loathe our American president as a leader of this country and as a human being.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
2 May 07
I think Bush is doing a very good job under the circumstances that he has been presented with.
I see all of this talk about voting machines and fraud, yet can't help but wonder if those same voting machines are still in use.
If they are still being used then something is wrong with the "unbiased" reporting of them.
Not only was Bush elected, but he was elected twice. That should tell people something...like maybe the American people recognized that he was doing a good job.
The nonsense about Bush having raised taxes is a damn lie. Not only did Bush lower taxes but he also brought the economy out of a recession that he inherited from Clinton.
Something else people don't want to hear is that the reason we are in Iraq is because Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act in 1998 that made regime change in Iraq official US policy, and because of Clinton's foreign policy activities while he was in office, the US was attacked on 9-11.
Clinton’s foreign policy could best be described as “cruise missile imperialism.” He also bombed more countries than any other peacetime president, including Yugoslavia, Sudan, Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan.
In 1998 he bombed alleged terrorist training camps in Afghanistan (which were built by the CIA for Islamic terrorists in the 1980s) supposedly being used by Osama Bin Laden and a factory in Sudan Clinton alleged was producing chemical weapons for Bin Laden.
It was during Clinton's term that Bin Laden decided to target not only the US, but also the "tax payers in the US", meaning the citizens.
We have been involved in Iraq for over 10 years.
Throughout most of Clinton's term, he bombed Iraq in order to prepare Iraq for the coming invasion.
Clinton was waging a low intensity bombing war against Iraq which escalated into an all out invasion after 9-11.
Bush is merely finishing what Clinton started, and it would not have made any difference even if Gore would have won...we would still have went to Iraq even then.
Bush is not an idiot by any means, and the only people that think he is are the democrats that think Gore should have won. With all things considered, in the end Gore lost, and some people have been bashing Bush ever since.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
4 May 07
Disagree all you want-it is still a free country.
So you think it is a good idea to set a firm date for withdrawal so that all the terrorists have to do is set back and wait for us to leave?
That shows that you do not understand the seriousness of this issue, nor the ramifications of such an action.
Iraq has already turned into a gathering place for the terrorist groups, and if we leave then they will be free to reorganize and then attack us again.
Anybody who thinks that won't happen is fooling themselves.
The WMD's were there, hell we even sold Saddam some.
The fact that we couldn't find them means nothing more than Saddam was able to get them out of the country before we invaded.
There is evidence that suggests they most likely went into Syria.
The suggestion that you have to protest Bush from a distance and where he can't see it is preposterous.
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@lpipe0240 (1161)
• United States
4 May 07
I disagree. I am a Republican and I do not support Bush. He is very arrogant and unwilling to compromise with Dem's on setting a date to withdrawal from Iraq. His approval ratings are in the 30% witch is very low. If you oppose the president ideas and want to picket him, you can but it has to be at a distance so far he cannot see. He is a very close-minded, closed-door president who does not care what America wants; only what HE wants. Which is to get rich from Oil. Which could cause a whole other topic on gas price being out of control, yet he does nothing about it!
Oh yea, where are the Weapons Of Mass Destruction?
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@DesigningLife (903)
• United States
4 May 07
I only want to comment on the last sentence and say that having to "hide" to show disapproval of Bush is not so far off base, in my opinion. I've spoken with several soldiers online serving in Iraq who had to converse in "code" because they were being "watched" and would be in serious trouble for blatantly stating their true feelings about Bush and his agendas. Also, just prior to the 2004 election, you might be amazed at how many were urging us still in America to "vote for the opponent and spread the word".
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
6 May 07
I may be in a minority, but I like and respect George W. Bush. I may not always agree with him, like say his policy on immigration, it's too lenient. But he has the heart of someone who cares, and who genuinely does what he thinks is best after reviewing alll the information available. As the years have gone on, it has been harder and harder to be respected in the office of President of the United States. Most Democrats will trash him, so if you have a lot of negative comments, it could be because these are people who voted for the morally corrupt Bill Clinton, when he was in office.
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@skydancer (2101)
• United States
6 May 07
I usually try to avoid these kinds of discussions simply because I am the usually the one and only lonely conservative (I like Bush, and do not regret voting for him in 2004 - and would have in 2000 as well if I was old enough...). I will start off by saying that like almost all of our politicians - people either love him or they loathe him - with no in between. This is especially true for politicians who are either extreme conservative or extreme liberal. Our nation is pretty divided in that sense and I don't think it will ever be possible to elect a president - or any other political leader - that is going to please everyone. No matter who gets elected, there will always be a group of people who are against them to a radical level.
It seems that what it comes down to what you believe the government's job really is. For me, the government is not any sort of savior to the people but there to see that our freedom is fought for to ensure the security of the people. The fact that there have been no attacks on our soil since 9/11/01 alone (and there were going to be a lot more had defensive action not been taken immediately) is proof to me that Bush is doing his job as our leader. I think he has been unfairly attacked and criticized for a number of things that are not his fault and the fact that he inherited a bad situation upon coming into office makes him an even easier target. I could go on about all the lies going around about Bush before the truth has a chance to get its pants on, but it is pointless here on this forum - it would take all day, and nobody is going to change their mind because of anything I said... But nobody should teach people to hate Bush - or any president for that matter as has been going on a lot lately. People should be left to internalize the President's governing for him or herself and decide for him or herself.
Everything negative you hear about Bush is from the Democrat side (likewise everything negative you heard about Clinton and would have heard about Kerry had he been elected is probably from the Republican side - each side very passionately defends their candidates). It seems to me most people who gang up in these kind of discussions are democrats. But either way, whether it's positive or negative will depend heavily on the political affiliation of the president and the political affiliation of the person presenting the media.
So to answer the topic starter's question: How do Americans feel about Bush? The simple answer is that they're split... they either love him or they hate him, as some people have already pointed out. And the same is true as to how Americans feel about Clinton or Reagan or Bush Sr. or Carter or FDR or pretty much any other president you can name... (Though usually not quite as opinionated about the earlier presidents that was a completely different era no one was alive to see for ourselves).
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
2 May 07
Ok, I sometimes agree with what President Bush has had to do. I don't always agree but hey he is the president. I feel that if we all thought that he was such an idiot then we shouldn't have voted him back into office. He came into the presidency right before a lot of bad stuff happened in our country and I for one don't really see any other way we could have done things. I think he sometimes gets a bad rap for just being human. No he is not as polished at speaking as some of the other politicians are, but I sometimes find that a little refreshing. At least I can understand what he is saying most of the time. And if he doesn't want to respond to a question he just doesn't. No talking around the bush he just doesn't answer. JMO
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
6 May 07
I honestly don't like George Bush being in office. He is not a good president. I believe he has the lowest popularity rating of any president we have ever had. He has made many mistakes during his time in office. I don't like calling people names or saying they do bad things, but his advisors are terrible decision makers and he is terrible at making decisions.
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@JessyBlue (536)
• United States
6 May 07
George Bush yeah hes an idiot.
He says umm to much its very annoying.
His ego is way to large, hes on a huge ego trip right now..and hopefully wont return next term.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
5 May 07
I don't hate Bush at all and I don't think he's an idiot. I think he made some mistakes but he's not the only one. I do wish the war to be over and our troops to come back home but I understand too that withdrawing too soon can cause a problem. We were all told that from the get go.
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
4 May 07
George W. Bush should have never been elected the first or second time. He hasn't done a thing for us. I cannot say what I really think of him or I will definitely get into trouble for what I would like to say about him. I will say this though; he is not worthy to even be called a president and I cannot wait until we get a new and hopefully better one in 2008. This is my opinion. :)
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@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
4 May 07
i LOVE the song American Idiot. i think it captures George Bush rather well. He IS an American Idiot. He is a self-righteous. war-happy, moronic b@stard. He is NOT my president. i didn't vote for him. i never did, i never would. i knew he was trouble from the get-go.
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@DesigningLife (903)
• United States
4 May 07
I didn't vote for him either time...in fact I don't know anybody personally who did.
War or no war, there is nothing about GW Bush, "The Antichrist" that I can find even remotely worth a single vote from any American. It is embarrassing to have him as our President.
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@hannahjomommy (373)
• United States
6 May 07
I am very happy that its almost election time and time for someone new to take over the office..... Bush has made so many mistakes and made us a target of so much more. We now have a lot more to worry about. And, hopefully IMO the best thing he can do is sit down and shut up and not mess up anything else before he leaves office.